
Tuesday 26 February 2013

Top Ten Tuesday

I haven't done a Top Ten Tuesday for SO long, mainly due to, you know, laziness and also, meh-ness, and ALSO I have a long standing blogging job to do every week now, and THAT involves Harry Potter, so... Yeah, obviously I'm going to do that instead of this. But anyway- I'm off work today because I'm trying really hard to recover from THE PLAGUE (so weak and tired guys. So much.) AND I really like this week's topic, because I'm really an author oriented book buyer, which is why I pretty much have to read ALL the Stephen King, because, y'know, I bought them all first.

So anyway. The list!

Top Ten Auto-Buy Authors

1. Stephen King-
I mean, obviously. Since I am reading all his books in order, I'm pretty lucky that I am physically able to wait for his books to come out in paperback/be in charity shops, otherwise I'd basically just spend all my money on Stephen King books. Which... would not at all be a bad way to spend all my money.

2. Haruki Murakami- I love Murakami so much that, when it was announced that his new book is coming out in Japan in April, I instantly wanted to start learning Japanese so I could start reading it. Instead, I've decided to actually read the books of his that I own and haven't read yet (which is a surprising number, but I've been trying to save them!) but still.

3. Emma Donoghue- Donoghue always manages to write in a way that, for me, is exactly how I want a book to sound. She's kind of my jam, and I haven't yet been really disappointed by one of her books (The Sealed Letter was only ok. But still not terrible.)

4. Margaret Atwood- I'm basically genetically modified to hunt out Atwood books in charity shops and then, you know, buy them. Actually reading them is another story, but that's true of basically all these authors. I am lazy.

5. Bill Bryson- Even before I'd read any Bill Bryson, I had about 6 of his books, don't ask me why. Now that I have, ALL THE BRYSON MUST BE MINE. Because he's awesome.

6. Paul Auster- Auster is an author that you hardly ever find in charity shops, so I mostly just have to wait for birthdays and things to acquire his books. Which are awesome and mind bendy and I love them. Just so you know.

7. Joyce Carol Oates- I don't actually have as many Oates books as I think I do, and I actually need more because I've read all the ones I do have. But I'd still read basically anything she writes, because she is SO GOOD.

8. Jeffrey Eugenides- The Marriage Plot was one of the few books (ever!) that I HAD to read as soon as it came out. Because, you know, MIDDLESEX. That book is freaking amazing. I'm pretty sure I'll just keep on wanting to read Eugenides for always.

9. Annie Proulx- Annie Proulx is such a weird thing for me, because on the one hand, I'm never exactly sure how much I like her books (I think her short stories are amazing, her novels less so, but I don't know how much I actually enjoy them) but she describes a landscape pretty spectacularly and I just keep buying her books! Maybe I just go on auto-pilot (see what I did there?) when I buy them.

10. Penguin Clothbound Classics- If you're thinking that's not the name of an author, then congratulations- I guess you really are a reader! But the point is that I buy the CRAP out of these books, and we should all be thankful that there are only about 30 because otherwise... I would be in trouble, both financially and space-wise.

Quick confession- I don't actually know what an auto-buy list is. So I've just taken it as 'the authors you seek out when you go into a charity shop like I DON'T DO ANYMORE (at the moment).' Like, I'm not desperate to read all their new releases immediately, but that's only because they have a lot of books out that I haven't even read. Except Eugenides, of course, whose new books I would eat up with a spoon.


  1. I'm so with you on Jeffrey Eugenides and Bill Bryson, but you've really got my number with the Penguin Clothbound Classics. Oh my gosh, I must own all of them!!!!

    1. I KNOW RIGHT?! They're just so pretty I can't stand it!

  2. I figured auto-buy meant "I will buy books by them, even if I don't know much about it based solely on how awesome that author is". And I ALMOST put King on here but there are some King books I think I will let sit on the shelf so...yeah...

    1. Yes, this makes sense. This is pretty true for all of these, then. Even though for some of them I just did it before I even understood that they were awesome... I have issues.

      Letting some King books sit on the shelf is definitely a good move *grumbles at The Tommyknockers and also Dreamcatcher*

  3. I admire your dedication to Stephen King - that's a lot of books to read! I read the one about the haunted car once and must confess that I'm no longer interested in reading ALL of them.

    1. It is a lot of books, and I hear there are TWO more out this year... The man is a MACHINE!

      Ah, but wait, WHICH one about the haunted car? There are two (maybe more... but as far as I know there are two.) But Christine... Yeah, I liked it when I first read it, but then when I re-read it I was like 'mehhhhhhh' because feelings about stuff change.

  4. So agreeing with you on Murakami and Margaret Atwood! Penguin Clothbound Classics are the best! So, so pretty.

    1. They're amazing, aren't they? :) Yaaaaay Murakami and Margaret :)

  5. I adore Joyce Carol Oates. Great list!
    New follower.
    MY TTT

    1. Woohoo! I feel like hardly anyone knows her! So yay!

  6. I love your list! It's so YOU! King and Murakami and Bryson, oh my!

    Also, yay for the clothbound classics, which sadly I don't own ANY of yet but I like them and think they look really all sorts of pretty.

    1. Hahaha, I KNOW right?! It feels very me. :)

      Awwww, you NEEDS a clothbound classic (or, like, 30!) I have about... Half of them, I think? Which is cool :)
