
Sunday 10 March 2013

Sunday Sundries: I love my mummy, and also THE BOOK JAR

This Sunday Sundries, I was mainly just going to go on about the book jar I made (and I still will, don't worry!) but then I 'remembered' (i.e. it is happening today and I know it is and therefore I am writing about it) that it's Mother's Day today and so I just have to make it clear, for the record, that I really super love my mum, which I have proved with chocolate and Lush goodies and daffodils and also I made a cake, so... If she didn't already know I loved her, then hopefully that should do it.
I love her so much, I smooshed her face with my face. Also this is a really old picture.

If you're American and this whole thing just freaked you out, then DON'T WORRY! It's totally not the American Mother's Day (aka the incorrect mother's day. Just so you know.) You can fully show your love for your mums on... Whatever day that is, I don't know guys.

Now, I just spent a really long time going through photos on facebook to find one of me and my mum (there are disturbingly few. I should have gone into the archives, ie the cupboard where there are some photo albums, to find some from when I was teeny, but I didn't, so... Never mind!) and I'm tired and need a nap, so to summarise my week: Work, a teeny bit of shopping, falling in love with Arrested Development, breaking my heart over the end of Harry Potter 4 (WEEP), and celebrating my friend's birthday last night.

But more important than ANY OF THAT, I made a Book Jar. And what exactly is a book jar, I hear you cry? Well, I was inspired by Alex (inspired is a coy way of saying, 'it was totally her idea and I did the same thing') who made a book jar that seems far more organised than mine (different colours for different categories and whatnot) and basically it's just a jar filled with the books I own and need to read and is also a way of avoiding the tricky decision making process that comes with picking the next book. I probably won't use it for EVERY new book choice, but I'm definitely going to use it for it will make me read the books I have and that is exactly what I need.

What's that? You want to SEE The Book Jar? Well, here it is!
(Aren't there a lot of photos of me in this post?! DEAL WITH IT). As you can see, I am simply amazed with how wonderful The Book Jar is, and frankly, I think we all should be. Look, even GOD turned up because he wanted to have his picture taken with The Book Jar (see: the blinding light) and I hear that dude hardly ever turns up for anything. Magical.

I don't really know how to top that last picture/paragraph, so... Have a nice week, everyone!


  1. What an amazing idea! Definitely going to have to make myself a book jar. It would certainly help with the decision making. I usually stand in front of my shelves for a good half an hour, uming and ahing until I give up and go and buy an eBook for my kindle. And then I wonder why I have so many unread books. So, long story short, I will now make a book jar. Also, hello god. Happy Sunday.

    1. Isn't it amazing?! Someone tweeted it on Monday, and I literally started making it ON Monday, is how much I loved the idea. I feel like now I've done it, I'm going to be like 'Oh, I really want to read this now! And this!' but I'm sure I'll get some use out of it eventually :)

  2. Yay for making cakes on Mother's Day! I helped my husband make a lemon drizzle cake for his mum, so there was a lot of lemon cake around today! :P

    I love the book jar. I don't think it would work for me, my personality is far too controlling!

    1. Mmmmm! I was like 'it's March, that means it's time for lemon cake!' and then it FREAKING SNOWED and I was sad. But the cake still made it better :)

      Hehehehe, its success with me has yet to be seen, but I really enjoyed making it and I reckon I will use it at least sometimes, so yeah. Also it's nice to look at on top of my bookcase :)

  3. Yay for days celebrating Mums, and for cakes, and for book jars!


  4. A book jay you say, interesting idea, but I don't know how well it'd work for me. I mean, I have enough trouble when I know I have to read a particular style of book for a challenge, although this might be handy for those moments where I just stare at my bookshelf like a zombie for 20 minutes before making up my mind...

    Hope it works for you, report the progress!

    1. I seriously have no idea how well it's going to work, but my main feeling is, well, I BOUGHT all the books, which must mean I want to read them all, so it shouldn't really matter that much? I mean, obvs it's going to be hit and miss depending on how I feel that day, but I think it'll be ok!

      I have now reached my limit of putting-thought-into-this. Because it's just TOO MUCH!

  5. This book jar business is a great idea! Though I'd probably draw one and decide that wasn't the book I wanted to read and keep drawing until I felt good about my choice. Still though, good stuff!

  6. I'm clearly way behind on blogging stuff cos I'm just getting to this but your Mother's Day thing still freaked me out at first. I thought I reallllly forgot Mother's Day. Whooops

    YAY to falling in love with AD cos it is THE BEST!!!

    Book jar is genius. I may copy you.

  7. Yay for Mother's Day and showing appreciation to moms and stuff. I'm glad the US Mother's Day is in May, because it was just my mom's birthday AND she just got home from like a 2-month long trip, so I need time to get her stuff...

    The Book Jar idea is AWESOME. Why have I never thought of this? Picking something out of a hat is my favorite way to avoid making actual decisions! You've inspired me, I'm so making one soon.
