
Friday 17 May 2013

Bout of Books: DAY FIVE

Bout of Books
Well, hello everyone! How is everyone on this soon-to-rain Friday? Good I hope! This is just going to be a really quick update because I have to go to work imminently and I haven't even made my sandwich yet, BUT it's very important for me that you know that I finished my second book of the week today and I'm very pleased about that! Admittedly, it was only 150 pages long, but STILL. It's something. 

So. I WILL be back. I actually really want to watch Les Miserables tonight, so I might actually do that instead of reading, but hey- I finished a book today! That's all that matters.

Pages Read: 553
Books Read From:
Books Finished: 2!
Snacks: I don't even know why I bother with this... But I did have some crisps this morning? But that was while watching Arrested Development, so... Whatever.
Blogs Visited: Um. Yeah. No. Bad Laura. 


  1. I'm wanting to watch Les Mis tonight too - my DVD arrived from amazon & I can't wait to stick it on :)

    1. I watched ittttt! It was STILL awesome :D :D :D

  2. Yayyy 2 books! What was the 2nd book?

    1. Haha, it would have been smart to say, huh? It was Kitchen by Banana Yoshimoto- I really really REALLY liked it :)

  3. I was well crap at visiting blogs yesterday too. It's almost like I was too busy emailing people or summat... *whistles and looks fixedly in the other direction* On the plus side, I DID read a tiny bit more than usual, which is good. And I watched a ton of Boosh stuff which always makes me happy, and not just because they're well sexy. I AM GOING TO GO AND COMMENT ON YOUR SATURDAY POST NOW. Then maybe actually read instead of just blog hopping... :)

    1. DON'T BE ALL EMAIL EMBARRASSED! (I think I'm not helping by not replying! But seriously, my head huuuuurts. But I'm not, like, thinking you're weird or crazy or anything, except in the truly awesome way that I like people to be ;) )

      Reading is good though! Reading is the point, I assume!! So yeah. I haven't done much internet OR reading stuff really, but OH WELL. Might read Harry Potter before the end of this just to bring my page count up hahahaha.
