
Wednesday 15 May 2013

Bout of Books: DAY THREE

Bout of Books
Day Three of Bout of Books, and I am STILL DOING IT! That's... pretty weird. But good. Deeefinitely good. I was just about to say that it's probably because the weather is so gross, and I can't be bothered to do anything else, but really I'd MUCH prefer it if the weather was nice and I could read outside alllll morning. Stupid England.

Anyway. READING UPDATE! I... Really didn't read anything last night. Well, I think I read 2 chapters of Harry Potter 7, but then I went to watch TV which was really stupid because I ACTUALLY wanted to go to sleep. Stupid TV. (I watched Mary, Queen of the High Street, if anyone's interested. It was actually pretty good, which is why I stayed up. Stupid everything.)

But this morning, I've been allll over Harry Potter. I've nearly finished this week's chapters, which is awesome, and once I'm done with them I can read something else, and just do ALL THE READING EVER. Which, I believe, is the point of this thing? The drawback to all this reading is that it's nearly 1pm and I'm not dressed yet, BUT don't let that sentence fool you because this is basically ALWAYS the time I get dressed. I'm an absolute slob, you guys. But I really had better get dressed now.

Pages Read: 353
Books Read From: 3
Books Finished: 1
Snacks: I just had some diet coke? Seriously, I don't really snack...
Blogs visited: I did just go around my friends blogs, AND I commented on a new-to-me one (HA!) Go me!


  1. Yay you! And hey, I totally don't get dressed that early either. Except on workdays, obviously, because that's generally frowned upon even in your own shop. But on OTHER days I may get up at, like, 6am every morning, but I rarely get dressed until more like 11am. Even then it's mostly because I'd only get harangued if I didn't!

    Go you and your Harry reading, and GO YOU and your 'read all the things' mentality, and DAMN THIS STUPID WEATHER for not letting you sit outside and bask in the gloriousness that is Reading In The Sunshine. I did NOT watch Mary Queen of Shops last night, but I'm quite tempted to watch it just because I might get some handy hints. Or just get annoyed because she's so bossy. It could go either way. :)

    1. Yeah, I basically get dressed about half an hour before I leave the house? On Monday, I genuinely made my lunch IN my pjs, and then got dressed and basically just left. It was really ridiculous. Clothes suuuuuck, man!

      ALL THE THINGS! I have not read them. But I sense I'm reading more than in a normal week, so YAY for that. I'm planning on reaaaaally reading all the things this weekend though. Oh yes. And WEATHER WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?! (also, unrelated, I forgot that Derbyshire has the Peak District today at work and felt suuuper stupid. How could I not remember such things? THAT IS WHERE YOU LIVE!!) Anyway. Mary Queen of whathaveyou was good, but it was more about rebranding a whole town as opposed to just one shop like she used to do. But it was still fun to watch, and hey, there might still be some handy hints :)

    2. Scarily enough, I think Bakewell applied to be one of her play-towns. I would be shit scared that she'd swoop in, big up all the boutiques and stuff and then say we were too shabby. :(

      I hope you read well loads at the weekend then. I've not read much either - I doubt I'll hit my goals, let's put it that way - but like you say, I HAVE read more than I usually would because I've been making a Proper Effort to keep reading in between other things. And that's what counts. So all is okay. YAY BOUT OF BOOKS!

    3. She's not like that though! That's like, her reputation, but she's actually really nice and just wants to help!!

      Exactly, I feel like it's all about the Making An Effort. Which I have sooort of failed at today, but still. Efforts have been made this week.

  2. Ooh, weird. It's finally nice in Chicago. Like 75 degree weather. Mmm.

    Harry Potter is making me cry all the cries.

    1. Harry Potter is quite literally making me ANGRY-sad. I hate Rowling and all her associations.

    2. Whaaaaaat Alice? This is clearly unfair. I note that Megs didn't even mention the weather in LA, which is apparently because she still wants me to like her...

      Harry Potter! Yes. I thought about a Thing near the end just walking along today, and I really nearly started crying. This needs to stop. And Megs- just let the sadness into your soul. It will eat away at you like it has all of us. *weeps forever*

  3. I don't really snack either, especially not when I'm reading. Somehow snacks and books don't go together for me... I imagine if I was snacking away, happily, and then there was a huge tragick moment in the book that would feel... like... odd. Then again no problems when snacking while watching TV or series or smt - that is a bit weird, since plenty of tragick scenes there too. Mystery!

    I need to read Harry Potters too, eventually. Like, ideally by the end of this summer.

    O, big congratulations on finishing that fatso Les Miserables, I dream about that day, still!

    1. I just genuinely don't really snack that much, really! Which is definitely a good thing because I absolutely have a lack of self-control thing that's definitely come into play at the cinema a few times before! But yeah, I don't know what that's about, really.

      Have you not read Harry Potter?! You should have joined our readalonnng! But yes, you definitely have to read them!

      YOU CAN DO IIIIIIT! Seriously, you can. I mean, it'll take AGES, but you can definitely do it.

  4. I much prefer reading outside. The sun puts me in the mood for books. Basically, when the sun is out, all I want to do is read so actually it's kinda good I live in England because otherwise I would get nothing done.

    You don't snack?! I'm definitely a snacker. I think it's my downfall. I've opened many old books and crumbs have fallen out...not the best sign.

    Go you with all your reading and your powering through HP. I hope today is a good for you :)

    1. Hahahahaha, that is so true for me toooo! If it's sunny I want to get up and put some flip flops on and sit in my chair in the garden and reeeeead. But it's usually too cold if it is sunny, anyway! Hahaha.

      I really don't snack! I think my main out-of-meals eating time is after dinner, when I have 'pudding' which sometimes has more than one component, but I kind of still count that as part of dinner? I don't know! But yeah, I don't really snack while I'm reading- I just read!

  5. The weather is better today, yes?
    And your post has made me want to curl up and read Harry Potter all night!

    1. It was pretty nice! A bit cold, but at least it was sunny :)
      Yaaaaaay, do iiiiiiit! That is basically what I always want to do :)
