
Tuesday 21 May 2013

No one really likes CS Lewis, right? Right.

Hey internet folks and folkettes! It occurs to me that I have neither 1) done a Sunday Sundries post, or 2) wrapped up Bout of Books (spoiler: my Saturday stats are pretty much it. I'm fine with it.) but THIS IS REALLY IMPORTANT.

So basically, Alice of the Reading Rambo has written an awesome thing about George Eliot and the-order-in-which-you-should-read-her-stuff, and it is awesome (I mentioned that, right?) and it is a finalist in A Thing on Book Riot and it is not winning.
I know. It's just ridiculous. Instead some lady who wrote about CS Lewis in a much less entertaining (and actually, much less EVERYTHING) is winning, and THIS CANNOT STAND. Not only because George Eliot is clearly better than CS Lewis (She's a lady! And... didn't basically just steal The Bible to write books, as far as I'm aware, I AM LOOKING AT YOU, ASLAN!) but also, ALICE is clearly better than CS Lewis lady (who I'm sure is fine, but, you know, she's not my internet friend.)

So basically, this is me canvassing for votes. PLEASE GO AND DO IT. All you have to do is go here, and click on the little facebook 'like' at the top of the post and then Alice will win and BRING PRIDE to the group of awesome people (within which, of course, I include all of you.) Also, for the sake of... Something, I will link you to the CS Lewis post (DO NOT LIKE IT) just so you can see that it's clearly not as good. It just isn't guys, I'm completely serious about that.

So yeah. Go! Support good writing, and also the kind of person who would lovingly host a Harry Potter Readalong for 6 months. Oh yes.


  1. I find it a little strange that the chick who is winning is a senior editor for Book Riot and writes all the 'Start Here' posts. Who chose the finalists?

  2. Good Lord, this is nice. Like...really, really nice.

    And Kayleigh -- that's the lady who posted it. Gina runs some Christian blog or something.

    1. Well that'll teach me to skim over the post! Suspicions retracted!

    2. Awww, I did like your righteous indignation though Kayleigh! Good stuff :)

      And Alice, I am a very nice person! Also I WANT YOU TO WIN. Obvs.

  3. Who likes C. S. Lewis? Um, I do. 'Cause I wrote that post. :-) Sorry you don't like it, but I did my best with it.

    1. Did you find this from that sharing tool? 'Cause I can't figure out how to make it reveal its links unto me.

    2. No, just messing around on Google. I see we're both Sayers and Dickens fans, btw.

    3. Hi Gina! You know what? It's not even that I dislike your post (although I really don't like CS Lewis that much, clearly!) but just that I loves my Alice! But sorry if you were insulted or hurt or whatever, cause that was not at all my intention.

      Hey, at least I said you were fine, right?! ;)

  4. For the record, I thought Alice did a really nice job on hers too.

  5. Way to start a fight, Laura. (and OF COURSE I voted for Alice)

    1. OF COURSE I did. When the post first came out. Though I appreciate the Hermione side-eye

    2. TELL me about it, Alley! I'm not cut out for this politics business. OR AM I? (Nah, I'm almost definitely not).

  6. Why not just ask for votes? Why insult the competition? I know this isn't sports, but...that just isn't very sportsmanlike.

    (And I do like C.S. Lewis. Lots.)

    1. I mean... I feel like I insulted CS Lewis in favour of George Eliot, and I actually feel super entitled to do that because I've read both of them and I comparatively like Eliot better? And yeah, I said that Alice is better than the other lady (Gina! She's up there! She's alright!) but not that Gina, like, smells or whatever. Plus I linked to both posts so people could actually make up their minds about it by reading them both.

      (And the title is a joke. I understand that there are people who actually like CS Lewis.)

  7. Laura's being all controversial!:-p I totally voted for Alice because hers was awesome and also because Harry Potter Fridays are awesome.

    For the record though, I really like CS Lewis. I hope that doesn't affect our friendship :-p

  8. DONE. You are so nice for posting this, and Alice is so awesome for, well, being awesome.

  9. You are handling the naysayer comments so well! I would crumple and whimper and probably delete my whole post if it was me. You are awesome. STICK TO YOUR GUNS, LAURA. YOUR PRO-ELIOT-ALICE GUNS! I voted for Alice a while ago, and I want her to win SO BADLY. You deserve it, Alice!
