
Wednesday 8 May 2013

Top 5 TV

I recently finished watching The Wire (which... I should probably write a post about. But how do you sum up 5 seasons of TV that were pretty awesome, but that EVERYONE has pretty much praised to death already? Exactly) and ever since then, I've been slightly... adrift in my TV show viewing. I've watched some Arrested Development (which, by the way, is exactly as funny as everyone says it is) and Parks and Rec has finally made its way over here, which means I get two episodes of it a week, but as of now, I don't have anything to obsess over at all times.

This is mostly my own fault, I have to admit, because there are just SO many TV shows I want to watch that I don't even know how to settle on one. Probably I should just finish Arrested Development and then settle on the next one, but... I sort of don't want to finish Arrested Development. Because, in case I haven't made this clear yet, it's actually the best. But anyway! These are the top 5 shows in the running to be the object of my affections for a month or so:

 Top 5 Shows I want to watch

1. Six Feet Under- This is the show I really want to watch the most most most, only it involves buying the boxset and I'm not sure I'm ready to part with that much money right now. But... Alan Ball!! I know it's going to be so awesome, so all this delayed gratification is going to be fine, right?

2. Pushing Daisies- This is mostly just because Kayleigh and Alley have both said how awesome it is, but I hear it involves pie so I. Am. Sold. (I have seen Waitress SO many times, mostly just for the pie porn. Actually, that movie is just generally pretty awesome...)

3. Firefly- Joss. Freaking. Whedon. That is enough to make me ashamed I haven't watched it yet. It's on Netflix so it will definitely be watched. Maybe next. Maybe.

4. Dexter- I don't know if I WANT to watch this so much as it's so so easy to watch because it's also on Netflix that it seems like it'd be a crime NOT to. All I know for sure is that 8 seasons (or whatever it is) is a hella big commitment, so... It'll have to be really really good.

5. A Gifted Man- There is absolutely no mystery to why I want to watch this- Patrick Wilson. Patrick Wilson. Oh yeah, and Patrick Wilson is in it? This may not seem like a good enough reason to watch a TV show that, even I'll admit looks kind of ridiculous but... It's Patrick Wilson. I'd watch him doing anything. Also,
(ok, Patrick Wilson is married. But his character isn't...)

That was actually a really difficult list to make because SERIOUSLY, guys- there are SO MANY TV shows I want to watch! I have to give honourable mentions to My So-Called Life and Freaks and Geeks (both of which I want to watch quite badly, but I've also had a hard time finding them anywhere) and also to It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia and The Killing which I do have access to, and so will probably watch sooner than I watch, say, Six Feet Under or A Gifted Man.

SO TELL ME, friends! What should I watch first? What else should I WANT to watch? Tell me all your TV secrets (and by secrets, I really just mean TV shows that everyone is able to watch. So not secrets at all, then).


  1. OOOOH okay. I haven't seen Dexter yet but my sister has season 1 and I'm totally hitting that once I've started reading the books. Pushing Daisies is so frickin' gorgeous it hurts, only Ned's such a lonely lovely person it makes my heart ache too much sometimes. But hey, pies! I've started watching Mike and Molly online somewhere and that's quite funny if you're a Melissa McCarthy fan. Plus all the other half-watched series and box sets I haven't finished, which include True Blood, Brothers and Sisters, Gossip Girl (shut up there are beautiful people in it), The Mighty Boosh, The IT Crowd, Lost and all manner of other stuff. GLEE! The Hollow Crown! What else have I forgotten? Oh man I need to sort my DVDs out.

    I have no book post for today either. Over and out. *cuddles*

    1. There are BOOKS of Dexter?! Well. I know nothing, obviously. Pushing Daisieeeees! The lovely Kayleigh of the internets is sending it to me (!!!) so I shall be marvelling in its glories soon!

      I've seen adverts of Mike and Molly and always feel a bit 'meh' about it, although I DO like Melissa McCarthy (BRIDESMAIDS!!) Also I watched a few episodes of The IT Crowd and I actually didn't like it! I am appalled at myself, but there you go.

      Annnnd (and now I want to recommend things to YOU) True Blood is my FAVOURITE, I loooove Brothers and Sisters up until the end of s4 and then I'm like ugh (my first blog post was about this exact subject!) And heeeey, I actually like Gossip Girl for TV I don't have to think about AT ALL. Also the beautiful people. The only problem I have with it is that I once watched about 6 episodes of it when I was up all night and felt REALLY sick (not, because of GG, just because, y'know, I was sick!) and I felt a bit eurgh about it because of that! BUT it's on Netflix now, so I'm totally watching it again haha.

      Book posts are overrated, obviously. We're SHAKING THINGS UP, man!

  2. Do you mean the PROPER Killing? As in Forbrydelson? If so, YOU MUST WATCH IT. But don't bother with the second series.
    Hmmm I think I want to watch alll of these. I saw some Six Feet Under somehow but I want to see it alllll. I really like Dexter but I have run out of episodes to watch on BTvision.
    This is mad rambling.


    p.s. you KNOW you want to watch Game of Thrones.

    1. I don't understand that word you said, but I mean the one with subtitles, basically! And only the first series is on Netflix, so... Yeah. I won't be watching the second series anyway!

      I have basically seen NO Six Feet Under, but I already KNOW I'm going to be in love with it. I waaaaaant it! DEXTER IS ON NETFLIX! YOU NEED NETFLIX!

      I wrote this post on, like, Sunday, and having watched the American TV thing, I'm going to have to say alll of my choices are completely different now. Apart from Six Feet Under, which I want to watch like CRAZY.

      p.s. I really don't like fantasy things though, I'm finding out more and more! But I guess there is a whole load of sex... Hmmm. I'll watch it when it's all finished and the box sets are really cheap haha

  3. Seriously, you need to get all over Firefly and Dexter. Both have amazing story lines and a jam-packed with hot boys (which is mostly the reason I watch TV in all honestly, I love me some man-candy). Criminal Minds is also pretty awesome. I can't remember what else I watch now but it generally consists of Joss Whedon and forensic/crimey things. All of which is generally slammin'.

    1. I knoooooow I do! And luckily both of them are on Netflix!! I feel like I want to watch Six Feet Under before Dexter though, just because that guy is in both and I don't want to always think of him as Dexter?

      I feel like I've heard of Criminal Minds but I didn't know it had anything to do with Joss Whedon! Now I'm all like... Oooooh!

  4. I'd agree that Firefly and Dexter should absolutely be watched. Pushing Daisies is fine. It mainly just made me want to eat pie. So I found a pieshop. And pie was eaten.

    1. I will, I will. See above re: Dexter and Six Feet Under.

      I have this insanity problem where I don't really like pie, BUT I absolutely fetishise pie so that watching things with pie is actually a better experience for me than eating actual pie. I realise this makes no sense, BUT it is the reason that I will like Pushing Daisies, I think.

      I'm so happy you got your pie. That was a good story with a happy ending!

    2. Pushing Daisies is MORE THAN JUST FINE. It has Lee Pace. And ridiculous sexual tension. And a dog.

    3. A REAL LIFE DOG?! Well, now I have to watch it!

    4., not a real LIFE dog. But...oh just watch it.


  5. This is unfair because I've only seen Pushing Daisies on your list but WATCH PUSHING DAISIES. Of course out of your other not-on-the-numbered-list list of shows, I also highly recommend Always Sunny (obviously) and Freaks & Geeks.

    I really want to watch Dexter. I've heard just all kinds of good things about it.

    1. Yeah, but at least you were one of the originators of my Pushing Daisies desires (ok, that doesn't make me sound suicidal at all...) AND the sole originator of my Always Sunny desires! You win everything. I want to watch Freaks and Geeks SO badly, but it's IMPOSSIBLE to find over here. I'm not sure if it's ever even been broadcast over here, either!

      I've mostly heard good things about Dexter from these comments today! I didn't realise that everyone loved it, but ok then! Serial killer that kills serial killers? What's not to like?!

    2. Always Sunny is bonkers good. I am actually watching it as I type.

    3. Always Sunny will happen soon. But I need to finish Arrested Development firrrrst! *brain explodes from too much to watch*

      I'm starting to feel like asking for advice/extra recommendations was a mistake...

  6. I have seen all of the above except for A Gifted (Single) Man, but yes...Patrick Wilson is a fine reason to watch anything at all.

    You will love Six Feet Under's FACE off. You will love it so much.

    1. Oh, Patrick Wilson... *sighs x inifinity* The first episode was OK, and I doubt it's that good, but omg I love him so much. *tries not to slobber all over self*.

      Well, that was gross. ANYWAY- Seriously, I can just TELL how much I'm going to love Six Feet Under, Megs! I need it! Neeeeeeeeed!

  7. might like Veronica Mars. Have you SEEN Veronica Mars? I think you would like it.

    1. I've seen a teeeeny bit of Veronica Mars, but not even enough to form any opinion of it at all. So, ooh, interesting!

    2. It's very much like "I'm a teen drama!" But then the dialogue is so gooood and the characters and the DRAMA. So much drama. It's only three seasons, so definitely worth a go.

    3. OK! It's not on Netflix though *weeps* *puts it on the back burner*

  8. Watch Firefly first! Then Pushing Daisies, then Freaks and Geeks, oh my gosh, watch all of them immediately!

    1. Melissa! It's like you're living in my brain because THAT IS EXACTLY WHAT I WANT TO DO! Alas, I can only deal with one series at a time. Otherwise, my brain can't cope. Sad but true.

  9. OMG SO MANY GOOD SHOWS. You HAVE to watch Firefly Laura, it's the best!!!! Super awesome. And then you have to watch Pushing Daisies, because it's also awesome AND adorable.

    Also, I loooooove Dexter and it's SO good - but I don't know if you'd like it or not. Somehow I can't picture you cheering for a serial killer, even if he is lovable and only usually kills bad guys.

    1. Also, just want to point out that Firefly is only 1 season and a movie (Serenity) soooo it would be the shortest time investment! Best to get it out of the way first ;-)

    2. I am totally going to watch both those things! I'm going to watch all these things, actually! Just... Not just yet!

      I... Don't know how I feel about cheering for a serial killer, but I'm pretty persuadable and have at this point cheered for the Mafia (The Sopranos) and also drug cooks (Breaking Bad) so... I'm sure I will like him if I'm supposed to, basically!

      Hahahaha, niiice persuading! I am totally working on a 'what will take up the least time' basis for tv shows, because The Wire (cheering for drug dealers, Sarah!) toootally drained me, just in all the ways. Not that it's not worth it! But still. BUT- Netflix doesn't have Serenity, so what if I finish the TV show and never see the movie and aaargh?!

  10. Ahhh I always say to my husband that we could retire now and never run out of TV to watch and books to read. I haven't actually watched any of the ones you've listed, but we did receive the box set of Six Feet Under for Christmas that we still have to watch! Must get on that soon.

    I don't know if it's on Netflix anymore, but United States of Tara is AWESOME (especially if you love Toni Collette). And they only did 3 seasons so it's not a huge time commitment. And Community is one of my favourite comedies right now. It's seriously brilliant.

    1. Hahaha, that is soooo true. And also, presumably people will make more tv shows in the future! So ARGH! BRIE I AM SO JEALOUS YOU HAVE SIX FEET UNDER CAN I COME ROUND AND WATCH? (Might be cheaper to just buy the boxset... But this way is obviously funner!)

      OMGGGGGGGGG, United States of Tara is my ACTUAL favourite! I wrote a really sad and bitter post about all the shit they allow to stay on TV when Tara got cancelled! But I could totally watch it again haha. I feel like Community is another one of those things that I've heard about but is totally not on TV here. Which is really annoying. But yes. Noted!

    2. Isn't it the biggest piss-off?! The dumbest shows stay on forevvvvvveeeer, yet they can good shows all the time! :( Oh! So happy you LOVED USoT! (I guess I missed that post...or it was before my time on here haha).

  11. Six Feet Under is on Netflix! Disc only, though... my husband and I were able to find episodes online at some p2p sites, too. We just finished season three and LOVE it. I'm dying to get back to Mad Men (I'm one season behind the current one). You've got great taste in TV shows! :)

  12. Firefly Firefly Firefly Firefly Firefly Firefly Firefly Firefly Firefly Firefly.

    That is all.
