
Monday 10 June 2013

Monday Mundries: Well, that was a weekend!

So, there was no Sunday Sundries yesterday, basically because I was watching tennis and then having my heart ripped out of my chest by reading the last quarter of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows and I sort of lost all motivation to do stuff after that and just sat staring at the internet all evening... But I feel better now! Sleep is magical.

SO my weekend was kind of awesome (sobbing alone to Harry Potter aside. But that IS kind of awesome in a special kind of way...) but totally tiring and it is just a GOOD JOB I got a new mattress on Saturday that meant I could sleep my little heart out in complete comfort on Saturday night. But anyway- so on FRIDAY, straight from work I went to see Paloma Faith at the O2 with my lovely friend Justine. If you want to be all technical about stuff, I only went initially because she had a spare ticket and I wasn't exactly sure how I felt about Paloma Faith, but it turned out to be really good, and, as a person, Paloma Faith seems like someone I'd like to hang out with. (Apparently that's an important thing to know about a musician...)

SO THEN I stayed over at Justine's and we went and got some lunch and went to a few shops and stuff, then I went home, sorted out my new bed (i.e. put the mattress on the bedframe) and laid down for about 3 seconds before I had to go back to London with my sister to go and watch To Kill A Mockingbird at the Regents Park Open Air Theatre. And OH MY GOD you guys, it was SO GOOD. So good that I didn't even care that they missed out SO much stuff, and so good that I kind of wanted to cry before anything had happened because I was just so happy to be watching it? You know, all that good stuff!
And and it was awesome because it was kind of narrated by all the actors in the play (except for Scout, Jem, Dill and Atticus- all of whom were great, by the way) and they each had a different copy of the book and at the interval they put the books down on the stage at the place we were up to (you can juuuust about see it in my picture) and I thought that was the COOLEST EVER. And also I want all the editions of To Kill A Mockingbird, just so you know. Also, this was my first time at an open air theatre and it was so cool (and then COLD) because, for example, when they were talking about Boo Radley when he's all creepy and terrifying, it got all windy and cold and really added to the atmosphere! Mostly, though, I just forgot I was outside and was pretty much transported to 1930s Maycomb, which seems like the exact thing that theatre should be doing.

And then I went home and slept for a million days and did those things on Sunday that I mentioned above. I can't lie, it was awesome, and so FULL of stuff- so much so that on Saturday evening I kept forgetting that it was still Saturday because it didn't seem possible! This is what happens when you suddenly do stuff where you normally do not-very-much, people!

I did have a week but can I tell you much about it? Not really! I had a second literary experience when I went to see The Great Gatsby (which I really liked, for reasons I'll write about in another post, when I've finished re-reading the book) and erm... Sat in the garden a lot? LOVED the sun (which has now apparently gone away FOREVER)? Yeah, all that and more, I'm sure. A good time was had by all!

Et toi?


  1. Laura, you get to go do the COOLEST things! It makes me feel like such a bum. And annoyed, b/c it seems like there's never anything fun happening in my city. But anyways, TKAM in an open air theater sounds spectacular!!

    And YAY for a new bed! And reading in the sun, and The Great Gatsby, and all that fun stuff. It's been cloudy and rainy here too though, where has the sun disappeared to??

    1. Awwww, you're not a bum! I'm just lucky that I live so close to London, really! And yeah, it was SO GOOD. Like, I don't even have words to describe how good it was *flaps hands with excitement and incoherence*

      Yeah, all of those things were so awesome toooo. I don't understand where the sun is, but if it's not in Europe or America then I guess a whole other continent? Wherever it's gone, it ISN'T FAIR that it's not here. :(

    2. Well it's not in Australia because it has rained for like 12 years now. Or at least that's how it feels. I miss the sun :-(

  2. That theater sounds so fantastic. And what a production to see! I have to say that I'm a wee bit jealous ;) I'm like Sarah, living in a town where it seems that not much happens.

    Can't wait to hear your thoughts on Gatsby!

    1. Aww, bless you guys! I totally don't know what that's like, properly, cause England is so teeny that even if I lived in, like, The North, London would only be a few hours away! So yeah, dayyyymn America is huge :). But anyway, it was so fabulous I could watch it every night and not get bored!

      Hahahaha, I'm sure they're not good enough to get excited about, but hear them you shall, eventually! :)

  3. Go Laura! Your weekend sounds amazing. What a great way to see TKAM, too.

    1. It so was, Kayleigh, I can't lie! And ohhhh, TKAM was so so good. I was just in love with it! (Well, still am, really!)

  4. Your weekend sounds awesome. New mattress, production of TKAM, seeing Gatsby. Nice. I'm not going to list the HP sobbing because I am AFRAID of when that happens to me and ugh, please don't make me cry on the train, JK. That would not be cool.

    1. All of those things were truly excellent, EVEN the crying at HP because how AMAZING is it that we care so much about fictional characters? It is very amazing. If, however, I had cried about it in public then I would feel completely completely different about it because NO. No. But I think you need to read/listen to it at home, for reals.

  5. I love that open air theatre, I saw The Crucible there once and it was AWESOME.
    And I was watching the tennis yesterday too, brilliant match.

    1. Oooooh, I love The Crucible!! Oh, I'll bet that was creepy if there was a breeze at certain points, amiright?! And yesssssss the tennis! I love Nadal so I was a happy viewer :)

  6. Until you've seen A Midsummer Night's Dream at dusk in the Cairns botanical garden and seen Puck descend down a tree you've not seen real open air theatre....

    But in all seriousness, TKAM sounded awesome and I will make a mental note to buy all the TKAM editions for your next birthday.

    1. WHY DID YOU HAVE TO RAIN ON MY PARADE, KAYLEIGH?! WHY? (That does sound magical though, obvs.)

      I appreciate this mental note! I so far have one edition so yeah, I'm sucking at this collection thing- I think the deal is that NO ONE gives away TKAM to charity shops or anything because it's SO GOOD. Which makes me happy in its own way :)

  7. I've seen To Kill a Mockingbird on stage and it really it wonderful! I loved seeing such a powerful story being told through a different medium.

  8. Open air theatre is literally the bees knees. I've been umming and ahhing about whether to go see To Kill a Mockingbird but now, should the chance arise, I'll be jumping at it.

    You liked Gatsby?! Yeh so, I need to read your thoughts on that because I am still obsessing over it. If I don't listen to at least part of the soundtrack in a day I start rocking and mumbling to myself. Yeh, I got it bad.
