
Sunday 16 June 2013

Sunday Sundries: Not Much To Report This Week

I was just about to say that nothing much happened this week, but that is a LIE because I totally went to see Kings of Leon on Thursday, and beforehand I was slightly... not OVERLY enthusiastic about it (a bit enthusiastic. But not OVERLY so) because I used to be like KOL FOREVERRRR but now I'm more like 'yeah... I haven't listened to you for a while...' BUT the point is that it was awesome and reminded me how much their music just SOUNDS like America (to me) and that is very much a good thing and also now I want to go to Arizona or somewhere and just SOAK UP it's America-ness.

Glad I got THAT off my chest!

Other than that... I don't know guys, nothing much really happened this week, and even if it did, I'm REALLY tired today and can't seem to remember things. But I'm sure it was fine! I have vaguely warm feelings towards the week that's just been, even if I can't really remember anything about it. I blame my Saturday of shameful shameful sloth- LITERALLY the only thing I achieved yesterday was making vegan doughnuts (thanks to the book the lovely Ellie bought me!) but then maybe that was the kind of weekend I needed after last week's AWESOME but also terribly tiring one.

Actually, you know what's just occurred to me? This week has been a lot about blogging because I wrote two HUGE posts about basically my favourite things (Les Miserables and Harry Potter) and they took up two evenings after work just by themselves. I actually can't tell you how good it feels to have FINALLY said words about Les Miserables (even if there were waaay too many of them) OR how sad it feels to have finished Harry Potter. I mean, I'm going to talk about it more on Friday which is the last official post of a SIX MONTH LONG READALONG (amazing!) but yeah, I'm a little bit... adrift and sad and, yeah, let's go with BEREFT. But I'll be ok. I'm assuming another WILKIE readalong is coming soon, so yeah. All will be well.

On a less pleasant blogging note, I woke up this morning to a mean comment on a REALLY old post (it's this one if you want to see it. But why would you? OH YEAH, my awesome response) but HERE'S a lovely little excerpt from it: "I hope that you don't speak this way, 1992 wants it's [sic] "Valley Girl" act back." I mean, OUCH RIGHT?! I'd just like to assure everyone here and now that I speak WAY WORSE than I write here. I mean, I use 'like' SO much that practically everyone comments on it, and still I can't actually stop it. IT'S MY FILLER WORD OK?! But yeah- don't write the way you want to on the internet, people, because random strangers might not like it!

And I'd just like to add: the extremely gallant Kayleigh had already jumped to my defence BEFORE I EVEN WOKE UP this morning and I was all like
(It's fine, I'm not calling her a bitch! Just... Watch Breaking Bad, people. ALSO Kayleigh doesn't just sit around reading comments on my posts, I ASSUME, but this guy replied directly to her comment, for some stupid reason of stupidness cause he's stupid.)

Not that I'm dwelling on it or anything, but I had to fill this post with SOMETHING. Also, be nice to people on the internet, guys. It's not cool to be anything but. And also do this


  1. WOOT! I totally commented on your Stephen King review. AND I THREW CONFETTI. Because that guy is clearly some sad case trawling old King reviews and getting arsy when he doesn't like them. *smushes Laura and arranges the last handful of confetti artfully in her hair*

    How did the Race for Life go - did you ever tell us about that? Or did I totally miss it? YAY VEGAN DONUTS! And all donuts, really. Okay now I'm hungry. I should probably actually eat some food now, right? Right...

  2. I saw! Confetti with Stephen King's face on it?! I love you. Also I WANT SOME OF THAT if I ever get married! And, I mean, I know right? And I FUCKING LOVE Stephen King! It's just really irritating.

    I... Don't think I did ever tell you about that! But it went well! I did it in just over an hour (like, a minute over) but I assume they started the clock when the runners went through which was first so I'm thinking it actually took less than that, so I was pleased! Yeah, it was way fun. AND THE VEGAN DOUGHNUTS WERE REALLY GOOD! Like, not quite as good as non-vegan doughnuts (as is to be expected, I think) but still really tasty! Also my whole house smells like doughnut now, so that's awesome. I HOPE YOU HAVE EATEN NOW!!

    1. Yay doughnuts! And yay fresh doughnut smell! It always reminds me of being on holiday in Llandudno when we were little, because we used to get hot doughnuts off the stand on the pier and then wander about in the sea breeze getting sugar everywhere... And YES, I did eat. I had crispy breaded chicken and broccoli and coffee, as usual, and watched an ACTUAL MOVIE before bed instead of sitcoms. I'm still not very hungry most of the time, but breakfast and dinner I can usually do... I'm trying to make an effort to eat more today so it's not such a shock to my system when Charlotte and Hanna force-feed me cake tomorrow! :)

      GO YOU for the Race for Life! I'm so glad you enjoyed it! *waves flag and blows vuvuzela and generally hams it up a bit*

    2. AUGH, doughnuts at the seaside are the best kind of doughnuts. There really isn't any point in having them anywhere else! And also, mmmm broccoli. And ALSO yay preparing your tummy for yummy foooods! Good plan, batman!

      Wow, that's the best support ever! Hehehe. It was extraly good because we were behind some REALLY slow walkers and so did a lot of overtaking and, I think, generally felt smug about being able to walk fast! Some people walk SO SLOWLY OMG.

  3. Um, so, a Wilkie readathon? Is that a thing? Because you know I will be all over that like a bad rash. Ahhhh, Wilkie.

    People on the internet can be so nasty. He might not like how you write but you never know, you might really hate his face but it's not like you're going to go and TELL him that. What a muppet, pfft.

    1. A Wilkie readathon is SO a thing. We've done The Woman in White and The Moonstone so far, and last I heard, we're doing No Name next. YOU SHOULD TOTALLY JOIN AND WE WILL HAVE THE MOST FUN! (We always do.)

      I just... I really have no time for people like that, but I have ENOUGH time to not just ignore them and to actually call people out on their bullshit and stuff. Because REALLY! (I'm sure I do hate his face. His stupid stupid face. Shit, what if he's really attractive? NOPE it makes no difference because he's PURE EVIL)

  4. Yeah the jerkface's comment triggered an email to say someone had replied, and I couldn't *not* reply, especially since it was below my comment. I'm like Batman, and the Northern Hemisphere is my Gotham City.

    1. That... Is exactly how I would describe you! Well done ;)

  5. "But yeah- don't write the way you want to on the internet, people, because random strangers might not like it!" No kidding right? Well, that guy is a total tool.

    Breaking Bad! Hooray! Can't wait til it's back on later this summer :)

    Have a great week, don't let dink faces like you-know-who get ya down!

    1. CLEARLY a total tooool. MORE IMPORTANTLY, HELLS YEAH Breaking Bad! I can't wait for it to be back but also I can wait because I don't want it to be OVER and omg I'm going to have such FEELINGS about it! Ugh, it's the best.

      You have a great week toooooo!

  6. Boo, stupid rude person. I never get why people do that. It's so easy to just not read stuff that you don't like. It's not like the internet is lacking content.

    Unproductive weekends are the kind that I have pretty much every week. I like them!

    1. Exactly!! It's like, if you read something you don't like, it's not LAW to comment on it and tell the person that! ESPECIALLY when it's clearly just someone's hobby blog as opposed to some big blog that people are being paid money for. But anyway. He's an idiot.

      I don't hate unproductive weekends at all! It's just that I basically spent 80% of it on my bed, and that's not really a good thing! I should have at least gone for a walk or something, dammit! But anyway, it's fine- I got a lot of TV watched!

    2. Yes. I wonder if he's one of those people who thinks that they have to speak their mind, as if they have some sort of authority to tell everyone else what, in his opinion, is wrong with them. I hate it when people say that they have to say what they think, because you REALLY REALLY don't! If everyone went around saying what they think of everything all of the time, the world would be screwed.

      Ahhh, 80% of a weekend lying around sounds good to me! Hehe.

  7. I saw your vegan donuts on Instagram and they looked yummy!! I have a vegan friend that would just completely fall in love with you if you made him vegan donuts.

    Also, people are stupid. And I use "like" allllll the time.

    I would LOVE a Wilkie readalong next! But... maybe in the fall. I could use a readalong break.

    1. Duuuuude, you have a vegan friend? I obviously think he's extremely awesome! I would toootally make your friend doughnuts but I'm assuming he lives all across and ocean and stuff and doughnuts are NO GOOD if they're not fresh! But anyway.

      'Like' is pretty much just a filler word like 'um' or 'eurgh' and it just happens to have a bad rep! Whatever man, just... yeah. I don't know what to say!

      WILKIEEEEEEEEEEE! Obvs you have to take part!! I don't know when it will be because I leave such things to Alice.

  8. Are you sure you want to go to AZ? Because that just makes me think of the Arrested Development quote "I'd rather be dead in California than alive in Arizona" (I should point out I've only been there once and have good memories of the place, or at least of my friend's wedding. But overall, HOT)


    1. I mean... I'm kind of thinking of the great American West and the desert and like Monument Valley and the Grand Canyon and stuff when I *say* Arizona, but I think I actually chose THAT state because there is a KoL song called Arizona. WOW how strange of me. Hahaha (but I WOULD rather be dead in California than alive in Arizona if I was going to be in one of those places forever because even though I've never been there, I'm pretty sure CA is my favourite state. But anyway!)

      I DON'T EVEN KNOW BUT HE MUST BE STOPPED!! I'm so glad everyone has replied to him with comments he will never see because it makes ME feel better about how awesome everyone I know is :)

  9. I love the Kings of Leon! But I loved them best when they looked all unwashed and hobo-like, not all groomed like they are now. I know I am weird! And I loved being in the Southern states of America and soaking up the American-ness in Mississippi & Alabama, I'm sure you would love it too :)

    1. Oh no, I LOVED them as hobos. Their new cleanness is part of why I was only like yay instead of YAY about seeing them (also because I'd only listened to their recentest album about twice because *whispers* it's not the best). But yeah! They were really good!

      I'm sure I would LOVE being in the Southern States too! And all the states. Shit, I love America.
