
Monday 8 July 2013

Monday Mundries: A Quick Update

Why does this update have to be quick, I hear you cry? Well, technically it doesn't, but it's Monday morning and that means it's TRUE BLOOD TIME and please, I'm going to let this keep me from Skarsgard? I think not.
I'm pretty sure the most important things from my life can be summed up in bullet point form this week, so that's what we're going with right now:

  • I HAD MARSHMALLOWS FOR THE FIRST TIME IN ABOUT TWO YEARS: Seriously- I didn't know how much I missed them until I had them again, and it felt goooood. It's important to me not to read the ingredients, because WOAH so much junk instead of gelatine, but whatever, I don't care because MARSHMALLOWS! (If you're a non-meat-eater too, you can buy them here. They're genuinely really good)
  • I ALSO HAD RIBS FOR THE FIRST TIME IN YEARS: I mean, yeah they were vegan ribz, and they didn't exactly taste like meat, BUT they were excellent and I made my own barbecue sauce and basically everything about them was amazing. And they looked so pretty too!
  • PROBABLY OTHER THINGS HAPPENED THAT WEREN'T FOOD RELATED: But I can't remember them... I did get to work a morning and so spent the afternoon with my friend Justine, but a lot of that day really did involve food... (I bought dulce de leche for the first time EVER and I'm so excited to use it on things. Also I rediscovered Swedish Fish which are so yummy)
  • GENUINELY NOT ABOUT FOOD: I've realised that I need to reinstate the book buying ban because I've got a stack of books next to my bed that I don't even have room for and they're going to topple at any minute. Not. Cool. I also need to write some blog post type things because I have a backlog of about six reviews and that's just stupid. BUT it has been sunny and I have been outside for the majority of days so... that's way better than even the internet. I KNOW.
  • TENNIS: I genuinely don't really care about Andy Murray winning Wimbledon (my patriotism only applies to countries I don't live in, apparently) BUT I'm also not irritated that he did, which would have been my reaction a few years ago. I like to think this means I'm growing as a human being, but mostly I think it just means he didn't beat Nadal or Federer, because in that case I'd be PISSED.
  • SUNSHINE: It is here. I am content. All is well.
I don't even know.


  1. How the hell did Skarsgard On A Fairground become a GIF? Do I care? NO I DON'T IT'S COOL. I was quite pleased that Andy Murray won Wimbledon, mostly because he's a nice person now and I like that he's not a vile teenager any more. My stepdad cried and got all emotional, it was very sweet. And it was an AMAZING match, so... yeah, it was good.

    You can't do blog posts when the sun's out and shining and beautiful. I excuse you until further notice.

    1. Ughhhhhhhhhh, I just replied to this comment and then somehow clicked on another tab while I was waiting for it to load and now everything sucks!

      Ok, what was I saying? Oh, yeah, so that Skarsgard gif is so awesome that when I found it I genuinely watched it for 15 minutes. I can't even.

      Yay tennis, I think was the next part? It WAS a good match and I'm fine to have Andy win it, basically.

      Oh yeah, AND thank you for your permission, but I'm getting all twitchy about the books I AM reading as a result of not having reviewed many many other books and so I need to do it just to make reading other stuff feel ok! But I'm not going to stress about it or anything *twitches*

  2. I baked a pie with dulce de leche once it was basically the best thing I ever had. Why I haven't made it since I cannot explain. Probably because I want to fit in my clothes... and through doorways.
    Anyway, yay for sunshine and warmth finally!

    1. I am SO excited to try the dulce de leche (I have a recipe for cupcakes) because it seems exactly like the kind of thing I'd love! I'm a big fan of caramel. I'm actually surprised the jar it's in is still sealed and stuff because OMG I want to eat it.

      Yay for sunshine indeed! Even if I did nearly die walking to work today because of it! (I am of course exaggerating. But it possibly was too hot to walk in!)

  3. Now I love Hoffman and Ruffalo more than I did before. Awesome!

    Mmmm Swedish Fish! I haven't had those in eons. It's time.

    1. I KNOW RIGHT?! I love that Hoffman thing especially (I already knew Ruffalo was all excellent like that).

      I seriously had only had Swedish Fish once before in my life and I couldn't even remember what they tasted like, so I was like 'OMG DELISH!' They were really good, you should definitely get some (and I'm assuming they will cost waaaaay less for you than they did for me!)

  4. I wanted to read The Southern Vampire Mysteries before I watched the show, then gah they pulled it from terrestrial, so I can't even watch it on 4OD meh.

    (same happened with Dexter btw)

    1. Oh no! I watched the TV show before I even realised there were books (I've read... like 10 of the books? Most of them anyway) so obviously the books are basically cast with the people from the TV show now, but since they're all the GORGEOUSEST that's really ok. (pssst... I totally just watch it online, like, not hugely legally. Shhhhhh.)

      (Dexter is on Netflix! If that helps. I'm a big advocate of getting people to get Netflix.)

  5. Yum, marshmallows! Somebody on the HP readalong had a great marshmallow recipe a while back. Maybe Kayleigh/Nylon Admiral? I cannot remember but they looked amazing.

    1. Oooh, yeah, I think that was Kayleigh! They were way not vegetarian marshmallows, but they did look almost criminally good :) God, I love marshmallows.

    2. That was me! And Laura, all you do is swap the gelatine for agar agar and they're vegetarian.. Too easy.

    3. That was me! And Laura, all you do is swap the gelatine for agar agar and they're vegetarian.. Too easy.

    4. Innnnnnnnnteresting.......

  6. I love all of the food based updates. Even if it was discussing vegan ribs. Now I would like to eat some marshmallows.

    1. I think it's important for everyone to know what I've been eating. I'm providing a public service, really. And DON'T YOU MOCK MY VEGAN RIBS! They were honestly and truly really good!

  7. Mmmmmm all that food! Although the vegan ribs sound a little... interesting? Yes that. Even though I don't eat regular ribs, because I don't eat pork or beef.

    YOU ARE HOGGING ALL THE SUNSHINE LAURA! Seriously, it's been nothing but clouds and rain for weeeeeeks now here. Maybe an afternoon of semi-sun once in a while. Ugh.

    And LOL that Buzzfeed list. Poor Sam... no one cares if he gets naked.

    1. Duuuude, ribs are so good. Ribs basically used to be my favourite, and I never thought I'd eat them again, but the vegan kind were preeeeeetty good. Like, they were so good that I wasn't sad there wasn't meat in them because they were still so tasty? They were good, is what I'm saying.

      Aw, I'm sorry about your weather! To be fair, we have basically had one weekend like this, and then it's only been nice this week, so WE HAVE WAITED LONG ENOUGH! But I hope your weather gets nicer toooo because that sounds like our weather over the last ALWAYS and it sucks.

      Hahahahaha, poor Sam indeeeeed. There was maybe one Sam gif? Whatever man, I could do without the shifter/werewolf stuff ENTIRELY, tbh.

  8. Hooray for rediscovering great food! I have never had vegan ribs before - what's the consistency like? What is it made of? So curious! <-- meatitarian, this one

    1. The ribs were SO GOOD. I would say that consistency wise they were pretty close to meat, although probably a liiittle bit tougher than actual rib meat, and they're made of vital wheat gluten, which basically just looks like flour but does waaaay different things when you add liquid to it. It's the first time I've ever made fake meat from scratch and it was really exciting! (and also, so tasty. Mmmm, now I want to make more!)
