
Sunday 21 July 2013


Happy Sunday greetings girls and... well, it's mostly girls who come here, I guess. But greetings to ALL anyway! I am full of the joys of all the seasons at the moment because, yes, it's true, I got an iPhone this week (an iPhone 5, no less!) and now everything in the world is better.

I feel sort of gross being SO excited by a product which is 1) crazy expensive (or... free with the right contract, WINK) 2) rife with issues surrounding its manufacture (but then, what products AREN'T rife with issues? Not many, I'd say) and 3) that EVERYONE (in grossly rich countries, like, ooh, the UK) already has. 

But, the thing is, this grossness is completely counteracted by the facts that 1) I have wanted one for SO LONG. Longer than I've maybe waited for any one item of awesomeness. I've been trying to work out just how long that is, and I think essentially I've wanted one since they came out but I've never been able to afford it. NEVER. Delayed gratification= the best. 2) It is SO. GOOD. I am DYING about how good the camera is, especially since all I've had recently is an iPod touch camera (it's a... three years old iPod touch and the camera is not good) and I may or may not have wandered around on Wednesday night comparing the two cameras. There is no comparison.
I mean, just look at this flower, omfg.

Let's just say I heartily recommend it as a phone and leave it there because how long can one person talk about one electronic device? (A long time. The answer is a loooooong time.)

OTHER THINGS ARE ALSO IMPORTANT. Ummmm... It has carried on being really hot this week, and my workplace has continued not to buy any fans or install any air conditioning. So, after a Wednesday where I worked all day and nearly expired, I took matters into my own hands and took in a fan from home. YEAH I know how to fight the system (I did suggest a strike, but no one seemed keen... Losers.) The one benefit of the good weather was spending the majority of my mornings reading Gone With The Wind, which I FINALLY FINISHED (oh yeahhhhhh) and that was verrrry nice.

Also I did things outdoors with friends both last weekend and this weekend and look at me doing stuff! Must be the weather... Speaking of which (again) there were a few mornings this past week where I woke up reaaaaally early for no reason (other than, I think, pollen) and THOSE are the mornings where I wrote some blog posts long hand, so if the next few don't make any sense, then that'll be why... 

This week! Stuff. I'm working two full days and going to pick up my new glasses AND sunglasses which will hopefully prevent any more walking-into-lamppost issues that may or may not have happened the other week. It's pretty important that people who can't see don't wear non-prescription sunglasses. THAT'S the kind of advice that saves lives, people. Basically what I'm saying here is that I don't have anything spectacular planned for this week, but I hope that you do and that it's awesome.


  1. You walked into a lamppost? Hehe... sorry, sorry, not funny (but it totally is).

    I've enjoyed exactly none of this super-lovely weather, barring a few hours on Tuesday, but YES fans are a must-have. I've had unlimited use of a good one at home this last couple of days, but now my sister's home from her weekend thing it'll go back in the hall again and I WILL PROBABLY EXPIRE IN THE NIGHT. I can't leave my bedroom door open for Air Circulation because it also encourages Cat Circulation and OH MY GOD she is so awake on hot nights. If she's not got her nose in my face she's eating my hair bobbles right off my wrist, and if she's not doing THAT she's pulling things out the bin, and if she's not doing THAT she's wandering about on the windowsill getting her head stuck in my glass of water. In the 'hot but no cat' or 'cat but not hot' stakes I generally prefer the former. :(

    Congratulations on the iPhone! I have trouble even with a regular boring phone so I just use... y'know... normal internet to do stuff... but that photo IS pretty and you've wanted one ALL THAT TIME so yay! Going off to try to read now. I had two amitriptyline last night to try to dull my sciatica pain and now I'm a total zombie, I can hardly keep my eyes focussed and open let alone read things. On the plus side, hey, at least I can walk today, right?! *life fail*

    1. I totally did walk into a lamppost! I was wearing normal people sunglasses AND texting and the lamppost came out of nowhere! Since I was texting, I only hit it with my hands, but STILL...

      Ohhhhhh lordy. I have no cat so I can't compare, but hot is SO BAD. (Well, mostly its awesome, but also, baaaaaaad.)

      But an iphone is like a teeny awesome computer and eeeeeeeee I love it so much :). Also, dude, if it's a choice between reading and walking, I thiiiink I'd have to choose reading! (I am kidding. Mostly. And I think I'd choose NO PAIN over reading, tbf!)

    2. I walked into a lamppost once, but to be fair, it WAS when I was a child and my sister was merrily walking out into the road to get round some dustbins on the pavement and I was like ZOMG SHE'S GOING TO DIE SPLAT. Full on, face first lamppost moment. :(

      I'm quite looking forward to the next day or so because 1) I'm not at work tomorrow and 2) it's given THUNDERSTORMS. Which for me means "Prepare thyself Ellie. There shalt be much time for reading and tea, even at 3am, because it is duly permitted when the lightning flashes and the thunder crashes and wakefulness reigns Thou shalt also buy Revels, just in case."

      Today I am not a zombie, but am in SMALL amounts of walking pain, but that's okay. It's also Monday, so it's quieter anyway. Sitting and reading is my Monday activity of choice at the shop, and sod the rest. *pats self on back for excellent work ethic*

    3. Awwwwwww, it's sweet that you smacked your face trying to save your sister! You get a good big sister award!

      1) YEAH! 2) Yessssss reading is the only appropriate response to thunderstorms. Obviously I will be picking up glasses and then working because my life sucks, but yeah. (Revels are always appropriate)

  2. I have such a battle with sunglasses. I am out of contact lenses and without glasses I am BLIND AS A BAT. So I've been wearing normal glasses and squinting like crazy. I may have put sunglasses on over normal glasses whilst driving, I hope no one noticed because it didn't look good...

    1. I AM ALSO BLIND AS THIS BAT! Aw, I feel like we're bonding ;). And yeah, I don't know what I'd do if I could drive, because I've basically never had prescription sunglasses in my life and I hate contact lenses, so I'd be FUCKED. Actually, now I'm quite pleased I don't drive...

  3. My love for my iPhone knows no bounds so you will hear no complaints from me if you want to extol its MANY virues all over the internet! I use mine almost constantly and have to charge it every night because IT IS MY WORLD. Almost literally, to be honest. I use it for everything - travel arrangements, emails, reading blogs, updating Goodreads, eBaying, Pinteresting and sometimes I use it as a phone.

    I am so much in love with the sunshine it is unreal. Fortunately, our office has aircon on at maximum pretty much all the time and it is finally necessary. The rest of the year, we just have to wear jackets and live with it. But now? For this very short spell, we are an acceptable temperature.

    Have a super week! :)

    1. I'm trying really really hard not to overuse it because I fear being one of those people who can't put their phone down (my sister cannot put her phone down) but that doesn't mean I love it any less! I love it sooooooooo much. And also "sometimes I use it as a phone' hahahahahaha I have made like one call on it so far? And that was about 30 seconds long. THAT IS NOT THE POINT OF PHONES ANYMORE!

      Ughhhhhhhhhhhhhh you are so lucky to have aircon. Seriously- I'm absolutely one of those people who doesn't mind layering in the winter but HATES being too hot. I just hate it. But I love love love the sun! So... I'm a whiny bitch, basically! Hahahaha

    2. Haha, hey Charlotte, remember when we were at Starbucks and you wandered off to find the loo and left your phone on the table and were all, "If Hanna rings answer it and tell her where we are" and I was like, "WHAT IS IT DOING WHERE DO I TAP OH MY GOD COME BACK I CAN'T DO THIS I THINK IT MADE A NOISE." And you were like, "Jeez Ellie, it's just a phone."

      And that is why I don't have an iPhone. *bows and exits stage right*

  4. Congrats on the new phone, yahoo! I need a new one SO BAD. I have an iPhone, but it's the first one so I call it my retro phone. The pics it takes are awful, etc. So yay for you! :D

    1. Hahahaha, awww that totally is retro in the phone world! Although, if you got it when it first came out, I would have been SO JEALOUS of you. Seriously. Sometimes it's hard to remember I don't have to be jealous of people with iPhones now!

  5. Yay for the new phone!!! I kind of hate iPhones (I don't like the whole syncing-to-your-computer nonsense) but I am DYING for one of those new Samsung Galaxy phones. I haven't had a new phone in about 4 years and my camera is SO BAD now, so I totally get your excitement :)

    Also, YES for new sunglasses. I really need to invest in some prescription sunglasses... or LASIK. That would be amazing.

    1. Booooooo Sarah, iPhones are the best! My friend is quite windows-y, so he hates iPhones, but ALL MY THINGS are Mac and so I feel like it's the perfect phone for me! I do like Samsungs though- I think if I hadn't been able to afford an iPhone THIS time, I probably would have settled for one of them.

      I'm kind of scared of laser eye surgery! Just because I feel like it's too new and we don't know the long term results and WHAT IF YOU GO BLIND LIKE 20 YEARS LATER? (I'm sort of pathologically scared of being blind. Which I think is fair!)

  6. YAY iPhone! I do not have one but they look like fun

    OMG they didn't have AC or fans for you at work? I Unacceptable (we're just getting through a stupid heatwave in the Northeast and yeah. AC/fans are NECESSARY)

    Good job walking into a lamp post before. Hopefully the new glasses help with that.

  7. Congrats on getting the iPhone 5! And don't worry, I can definitely understand where the excitement is from, especially if your old phone is considered prehistoric in comparison. Speaking of which, what did you do to the old phone? Did you sell, trade or just junked it? -Joanna Daniels@TechPayout
