
Sunday 14 July 2013

Sunday Sundries: Who even knows..?

I feel like I had SUCH an interesting and awesome topic for my Sunday Sundries post this week (something... Feminism? Or... about body image or something? I GENUINELY DON'T KNOW) but I've forgotten what it was because it has been SO HOT here. And I don't like to complain about it because I'm fully aware that I complained when it was all cold and cloudy all June, but the deal is: It's very hot. And I can't actually function with my brain and stuff, so there.

And that's how the week was! Lots of heat and my brain not functioning and really stupidly deciding to walk to work (I KNOW) and then yesterday I spent a glorious day in the garden reading Gone With The Wind (it was just as I always dreamed it would be!), with a break only to watch a load of 8-11 year olds do A Midsummer Night's Dream (if this doesn't make sense to you, my sister's a teacher. And was like a director or whatever of the play. Also I'm an awesome person). How was it? Well, 8-11 year olds fairly universally cannot act, and they should probably not be entrusted with Shakespeare, but I'm sure their parents are really proud of them and they are proud of themselves which is really all that matters. Also I nearly died because we were in a hall with about 2 windows open, many warm bodies and not a fan in sight. Damn summer.

Aaaaaand apparently I'm crabby now! So that's fun. Anyway, let's sweep the whole week aside and talk about something that happened on the back end of last week, because the Ninja Book Swap reached its glorious culmination, and LOOK! I got stuff!
The extremely lovely and generous Bex was my secret... ninja? and she really, really outdid herself with this package. Like... I just felt like she GOT me with this parcel, you know? There's the Moomin postcard (I feel like I don't talk about Moomins enough here, but they are my favourites and everyone should know it!) the Murakami book (I definitely talk about Murakami TOO much) and The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy- which I've never read, and my secret shame about it is HUGE. HUGE. Which Bex clearly knows because I maaay have mentioned it that time we met in London and it was the best day ever. So, nice listening skills Bex!

And then, BEST OF ALL, Harry Potter jewellery!
(My hand looks really weird in this picture, but ignore that, please!) So yeah, I get to wear a Dumbledore quote on me wherever I go and that is basically the best thing EVER. I don't think I even have another piece of bookish jewellery (I KNOW) but this is especially special because come on. HARRY POTTER. Also this is the thoughtfullest and shows that Bex has been paying attention over the past FOREVER (ok, 6 months) and she even added a little note to say that this is to commemorate the end of the HP Readalong and awwwww, she knows how I miss it!

So yes. The Summer Ninja Book Swap was a huge success (from my point of view, anyway!) and whispers on the internet are that it could be an annual thing, so yesssssssssss. Honestly, I'd rather do that than a Secret Santa, really.

Yeah, that was cool. Now I simply must go and stick my head in the freezer. Catch ya on the other side of the heatwave where the weather will once again be unsatisfactory to me. SIGH.


  1. What a great swap package! That bracelet is perfection :)

    Gah, I hope you're able to cool down. I hate HEAT. I double hate HUMIDITY. It makes me crabby too. Blech.

    1. Isn't it though?! I love it :)

      I've been trying to cool down man, and the best thing I've found is sitting in a pub garden and drinking! Or maybe I just didn't notice the heat... Anyway, whatever, it was gooood :)

  2. This heat is killing me. I'm literally melting. I'm kinda just splayed out on my sofa with a fan on my face and my feet in a bowl of water. Yeh, that's how I roll.

    Awesome package! Particularly the running book. And that bracelet! And the moomins! Basically, the whole thing really. I hope you enjoy the Murakami, it will make you want to run :)

    1. That is the hottest image (pun... sort of intended?) ever so thanks for that. I'm fine with sitting outside, I just can't... move too much if I do. So yeah.

      The whole thing really was awesome! It made me so happy! And yaaaay to the Murakami- but I can't figure out if I should become an awesome runner (LOL) and then read it, or to read it first for inspiration? First... seems to be your suggestion. Hmm. Hm.

  3. I was complaining about how hot it was yesterday (humid, really) and then I woke up to rain this morning. Glorious.

    Great package (why can't I say that with a straigh face anymore?)! I haven't read the Murakami yet, but I do love me some Ford Prefect and should re-read the Hitchhiker's Guide... Aside, I'm thinking of writing an essay about it for uni - me being obsessed with metafiction and all.

    Also, Moomin yes - Lilla My eff yeah!

    1. See, yeah, that's what I don't want to do! I don't want it to go away I just want it to be a tiny bit cooler, if only at night? *whispers* I hope you're listening to this, weather.

      Murakamiiiiiiii is the best. He's kind of my favourite. You should definitely check him out, only I don't want to know if you don't like him because I HEAR THAT ENOUGH. Also I LOVE METAFICTION! As long as it's done well. Yes indeedy.

      Little My (or Lilla My, whatevs) freaks me out though! Like, with her little face and her littleness. I am a big fan of both Moomintroll and Snufkin though :)

    2. Hahaha at your Little My - we had this conversation before with me having read/watched The Moomins (Mumintrollen) in Swedish and always using the Swedish names. I had to google Snufkin (Snusmumriken) and he was meh to my childhood. Annoying Lilla My, ftw!

      I've read one Murakami - After Dark, I think - and was underwhelmed because of the hype. I keep saying I'll read more, but... you know how it goes. I had no idea people didn't like him cos all I hear is how masterful he is.

      Must. Form. Opinion. Soon.

    3. We did! We did have this conversation before! I remember going 'I don't think of Little My as annoying so much as creepy...' And, dude, I mean, fair enough using their Swedish names because that's clearly, you know, correct. (Oh wait, OR IS IT? Cause they're different in Finnish, right? Hmmmm... But anyway, I'm sure it's MORE correct than the English way) it just takes me a minute to know who these people are!

      Also I feel like my Snufkin love is definitely a new thing and not so much a childhood thing. But he is SO WISE!

      I haven't read After Dark! I'm way behind on his shorter fiction (I think I've read... one of them?) Only because I think his particular brand of weirdness works better in long form, but then I feel like one who didn't like him would be like 'ok, the shorter books are QUITE enough, thank you.' But The Wind Up Bird Chronicle is probably my favourite at the moment, if that's any help at all!

  4. I look forward to your eventual topic of feminism! :) Honestly, you know I love our chats.

    It's been super hot here too, which has been extra sucky b/c of the humidity and rain. It looks like today might be a dry one, so maybe I'll finally get to enjoy it a little bit!

    And awwwww, that package from Bex is the nicest!

    1. Do you know, I've been thinking about it and I feel like what I was going to write about was something about disagreeing with someone nicely on the internet or something... Added to something about how having an internet bubble where you only see your own views reflected back to you isn't necessarily the best thing. Or something. Ahhhh, maybe next week *sits back and sweats a lot*

      Oh man, I hope so. Humidity is the actual worst, and we don't have it here at the moment which is a bit of a win (two summers ago it was SO humid that I couldn't actually breathe) but still. Hot.


  5. Oh man, it is so hot. I teach in a classroom upstairs and health & safety deems that the windows can only open two inches in case....I don't know....the kids get suicidal and decide to jump out or something? Combine this with sweaty eleven year old boys and it's super unpleasant in there!

    1. WHAT?! Damn schools with their damn health and safety and ARGH flashback to sitting in the sweltering school hall yesterday. But ugh, I feel for you! At work, we have no windows (just these little flap things above the door) no air con and NO FANS. It is the hottest and I hate it and don't make me go there tomorrow Sam, pleaaaase!

  6. Woooooow, that's a good package. (NO I AM NOT PERVING OVER SOMEONE WHILE WRITING THIS COMMENT). And awwwww, Dumbledore. And NOOOOO heat. Because in the shop it's cold and people keep coming and saying things like "Aaaah, what a shame you're stuck inside!" and then I'm like "YEAH THANKS FOR RUBBING IT IN MY FACE WE'RE ONLY HERE BECAUSE OF YOUR TERMINAL NEED TO SHOP", and then when I get home I'm all like "lalala outside we go UGH IT'S TOO HOT I CAN'T STOP SNEEZING AAAARGH A WASP". I am so British.

    Next time there's a NBS I'm totally doing it. Because we'll have moved by then and because all the books will probably still be in boxes no one will notice a few more sneaking in, right? RIGHT? God I want to go book shopping right now. *twitches slightly* But I can't. And it's too hot. TOO. HOT.

    1. OH GOD, why would people do that?! But honestly and truly I would have KILLED to be in your cold shop today rather than my boiling office where they're too stingy to even buy a few FUCKING FANS. God, I nearly died. But apart from that, yay summer? (British to the core. Unfortunately.)

      Aw, I didn't know you weren't taking part, my little munchkin! But I feel like it was sensible of you not to because of the moving thing, so WELL DONE for that :). Although now I feel like I should send you a book..? NO. But give me your new address when you moooove because you should have post because it's awesome!

  7. Hooray for getting stuff in the mail! You had a very awesome ninja indeed! Looking forward to hearing about the Murakami one (and yes, I share your deep, deep shame for not having read 'Hitchhikers').

    1. I did, I did have an awesome ninja! And THANK YOU for admitting your lack of Hitchhiker reading- I'm so happy there'll be someone standing next to me when they BURN US at the stake (too much?)

    2. Save yourself! At least you *intend* to read it, hahaha! But yes, if all else fails, I'll be standing next to you... with marshmallows on a stick.

  8. Dude, since you always do the "but Australians don't know cold" thing to me, I am trying really hard to avoid saying "you think that's hot? You don't know heat!" - and I know I technically I just said it, but it wasn't in a smug way so it doesn't count. But seriously, come to Australia in winter because I'm not sure you'll survive otherwise.

    I am so excited to receive my ninja package! I keep running to my letterbox like a little kid and getting sad when there's nothing there. I hope I get something as nifty as that bracelet! I want HP jewelry!

    1. But but but it is super hot here though! I'm sure you're right about the Australia in winter thing, cause I am such a complainer about heat (CLEARLY) ALTHOUGH I am more of a complainer about humidity, is that a thing in Aus too? If it is I will probably die there.

      Awwwww, that is because you live all far away from everyone! But it will arrive and THINK OF HOW EXCITED YOU WILL BE!! Ahhh, delayed gratification is the BEST.

    2. I live in the tropics, it's always humid! Humidity isn't so bad further south, but it's pretty much 24/7 in Queensland.

      I guess delayed gratification is ok, it'd still be better if I could have all the things NOW! Stupid distance. Why haven't we worked out how to instantly beam things from one location to another?

  9. Apparently I can't leave comments on blogger posts via my iPad. Or else my comment is floating somewhere in space.

    ANYWAY, I love that bracelet!!!! And you are a good sister to watch young children perform, well basically anything but especially Shakespeare

    1. Oh noooo! I'm sure it was the best ever comment, obviously.

      I LOVE MY BRACELET!! And yep, it was torturous but I am an awesome person, obviously. Just waiting to get my wings annnny day now.
