
Sunday 8 September 2013

Sunday Sundries: ACTUAL NEWS

Guys, it's Sunday and I am SO TIRED.
Just look at me wrong right now and I WILL BE.

This is really a compound tiredness- Friday I worked all day which meant getting up early which meant less sleep than usual, then on Saturday morning at 5am my nan phoned and we kind of freaked out and I went over there with my mum (she was alright- it wasn't reaaaally enough of an emergency to warrant WAKING ME UP) so that was broken sleep, and then last night I didn't go to bed until like 1am because I forgot how to move off the sofa because, you know, tired.
So very tired.

Anyway... Quick blast through the week- I feel like I did a lot this week but I don't actually think that's true because I can't remember doing much stuff. I'm going to say that it was just so hot (yay!) that everything felt like more of an effort and so it seemed longer. Or something. I'm really tired and can't remember things so well, did I mention that? Oh yeah, I did. Anyway, Friday was my sister's birthday so we went out to dinner, then on Saturday I made her a cake and went to her birthday gathering (ice cream and crazy golf, which at first I thought was lame but then I thought YAY because CRAZY GOLF) and then today we had a whole-family thing and some Indian food. I've eaten too much this weekend, is what I'm saying. 

 Anyway, NEWS is what you were promised in this post, and news is what you're going to get. After about a year and a half of Sunday posts about my relatively uneventful life, here is some actual news- I AM MOVING OUT OF MY PARENTS' HOUSE! Yep, in just three weeks (GAH) I'll be moving out, and about... 5 miles away to this house my friend lives in with these two other guys and I shall literally be the madwoman in the attic and I am SO EXCITED and a little bit nervous but mostly the excited thing and YAY.

So YEAH, that's a thing that's happening soon! I've known about it for a while, but today I told my family (because my dad has a big fat mouth- not that I was hiding it from them but I don't know how to bring up such things, except in writing, clearly) and so now you guys get to hear it. AND here's the slightly embarrassing part- EVERY time someone on the internet has moved and complained about it, I've been like 'I love packing! And unpacking! It's so fun!' and have sort of offered to go and help because I really do like it. BUT- now that I have to do it myself, it has so far involved going 'Ugh! I have so much stuff! Where did all this STUFF come from? Do I really have to move it all? UGH.' So while I still am kind of excited about packing all my stuff, I'm less excited about the carrying of it up and down stairs (did I mention the part where I'm going to live in an attic?)

But still- It will really all be worth it because MY GOD do I need this. I do love my family, but I think they sometimes don't get that that doesn't mean I want to see them all the time and, you know, talk to them and stuff because, like, how can I miss you if you WON'T GO AWAY? Exactly. It sounds harsh but I've kind of wanted to move out ever since I moved back (Three. Years. Ago.) and this opportunity has come up and the time is now, apparently! I am going to be so poor, but, I hope, so happy. I'm at least really happy about it right now, so.

Blog wise- Nothing should really change! I'm lucky in that I'm going to be moving somewhere that already has internet so I can still annoy you all with my chatter, and apart from unpacking and stuff I need to do something with the time I won't be arguing with my family... So I will still be here. Of course. Where else would I be. I can't promise another week where I post FIVE REVIEWS. That is DAILY REVIEWS, people (did that really annoy anyone or was it like a big treat? Be honest...) because that was mostly just clearing out the draft folder to make way for RIP reviews. But blogging there will still be plenty of. 
Two Breaking Bad gifs, one post. I could also tell you about the TWO Breaking Bad dreams I've had in the past two nights, but then it might sound like I was obsessed or something.

So, to sum up- soon I will be writing these posts on a Sunday from an entirely different location, and I still won't have anything that exciting to tell you. But everything will be awesome just because of that fact and yeah. It's all just very very exciting.


  1. Congratulations on your upcoming move! I have not done very well with the moving to places, but I too am always like, "Yeah, moving!" when people move because while I am not always into the whole packing/unpacking thing, I am very weirdly in love with the whole "now's your chance to really figure out what stuff is important to you and what crap you can throw away because carrying junk up lots of stairs gives you a new perspective on your more hoarder-ish tendencies," if you follow. But yeah, if it was me, I'd probably just really hate it anyhow.

    But I digress. Happy moving!

    1. Oh my gosh, that is almost entirely my view on things at the moment! Like I'm going to be like 'do I really love this enough to carry it down and then up all those stairs?' because yeah, priorities. I am also quite into the general packing and unpacking thing though, just the 'ooh, what box should this go in' whole sort of thing. It's pretty fun :).

      Thank you for the congrats! I am really so excited!

  2. Yayyyyyy CONGRATS on your move coming up! When I was 20 I moved back into my mom's house for about a year (it was the early days of dating the honeyman) and it was soooooo rough. It didn't help that my brother was also there, and my mom is just loud and gets in bad moods and it's just so much easier to deal with family in small doses! I totes agree with you. And so excited for you!!! You'll take some pics of bookshelves and stuff once you've moved, yes? Like I did, so I don't feel like the only crazy person who does such things?

    Get some sleep girl!

    1. Aw, thanks love! It is such such such a pain living at home, I can't even describe. And have I mentioned I have to share a room with my sister because we are poor? Because I do and it is the WORST (not that she does anything particularly disruptive, it's just that I neeeeeed my own space!) and this is why I NEED to do this! Honestly, if I had my own room I could probably have stayed at home forever, but NOPE. Can't.

      But anyway, EXCITEMENT! I will, OF COURSE take photos of my bookshelves. I'm going to ikea in a couple of weeks to buy more (and some other bits) and it's all going to be so fun! I LOVE IKEA! :)

      Soooo getting an early night tonight. After I'm done reading the internet, obvs.

  3. Oooh - GOOD NEWS!! You'll have a super wonderful time in your new home and it's all very exciting!!

    I may also be moving in a couple of weeks time (as soon as our solicitors stop writing letters to each other and start DOING something!) and I am afraid I am a Packing Hater. I *love* unpacking because you get to put all of your things just where you want them and everything gets to look perfect until it gets messy again. Packing though? I just don't understand why things that look very much as though they'll fit in the box that you have for them then just EXPAND and will not fit in the box. And there are never enough carrier bags and/or boxes! BUT I am excited for the end result and so should you be :)

    Yey for new homes!! We can be moving buddies!!

    Also, your reviews have very much been treats and I am in awe of your mad reviewing skills. Awe!


      Hahaha, I love how you're like 'God, lawyers' because it means I can go 'BUT YOU'RE A LAWYER' at you! But yeah, LOL. I totally see your point about packing (and unpacking is def better) but in this case at least it's going to be all like, I don't know, cathartic or something. OR it'll be horrible and I'll cry a lot. We'll see! ALSO I think packing and its awesomeness depends on whether you want to go or not! Like packing when I left uni was horrid because I didn't want to leave (AND I packed all in one day and was up until like 4am which was not fun) whereas packing to go back to uni each summer was awesome!

      We CAN be moving buddies! That's now my most exciting thing!

      Aw, thanks for your awe! I wrote almost all of them over last weekend because I was like 'RIGHT. I am tired of these drafts and it's time to read scary books now, so.' I... did not spend the most time on them. Bad Blogger.

  4. WOOOOO! Congrats! Super exciting!

    Good luck with that packing/unpacking process. I moved into my little home about 3 weeks ago, and the "office" (glorified closet) has still not been unpacked, and I don't have any good reason as to why not.


    1. I AM SO EXCITED! :D

      Hehehehe, oh Mandy, you're allowed to not unpack things in your own space! If I know me (and I like to think I do!) I'll be living out of boxes until Christmas. OR BEYOND. (This probably isn't even true cause I only work half days so what else am I going to do? But still...)

  5. Excellent, now I have an honest to goodness place to crash at when I finally make the trip to England!

    1. Truuuuuuuuuth! (I mean, my parents PROBABLY would have let you stay here, but I guarantee that I will let you stay in my bed... Ahem. That wasn't supposed to be that creepy...)

    2. Oh man, can you imagine how awesome it would be if I stayed at your place in England? We could just veg out eating tasty desserts watching Breaking Bad and discussing books. I'm going to start looking for conferences in and around England so I can make a pit stop at your house!

    3. Do iiiiiiit! If you find a conference in London, then my house is an ACTUAL good place to stay to get there! Good transport links, yo! (WE WOULD WATCH BREAKING BAD SO HARD)

  6. Congrats to moving out! That's so exciting. And good luck with the packing and unpacking which UGH WHERE DOES THIS STUFF EVEN COME FROM? HOW IS THERE SO MUCH OF IT? but at least when you do it, it's done. You know, until you decide you need to move again. (We still haven't totally finished unpacking one of our rooms. It's been 2 years...)

    1. Thank youuuu I am the MOST excited! And now when I go 'ARGH FUCK THIS PACKING' you can be like 'Mwahahaahaahaha, you love packing do you, Laura? Idiot!' I am looking forward to getting rid of things because, apart from buying things, getting rid of them is my favourite thing!

      Don't even TALK of moving again, I'm obviously going to share a house with three other adults for all of my life. Because moving is HARD and I haven't even done it yet. But it feels difficult in my brain.

    2. Oh yeah, I hope you're expecting me to send you emails/Tweets/whatever if you complain about packing. "I thought you LOOOOVED packing and organizing." Because I'm a jerk.

      You should watch Hoarders while packing. That helps motivate you to get rid of things, or else you picture yourself dying under a pile of garbage and dead cats.

    3. Ugh, you are SUCH a jerk. But I do sort of deserve it for being all perky about packing when you were the one who had to actually do it!

      Oooooh, you are very right about Hoarders! I was just going to watch ALL OF THE HILLS (again) because it's like the ultimate show to do other stuff during, but Hoarders could be even better!

  7. YAY! That'll be really fun. Except for the moving part. BUT STILL FUN. And then you'll be like "HOW DID I LIVE WITH MY PARENTS FOR SO LONG" when you come back and visit them. Because parents, man.

    1. Is there any way I can make the moving part fun? I think the packing part will be fun, and the UNpacking part will be fun, but the actual carrying of things is going to suck. But IT WILL BE WORTH IT!

      I'm sort of already like 'HOW AM I EVEN LIVING HERE' even at this precise moment because UGH people. But yeah, I'm definitely going to be like that, even more so.

  8. WOOHOO! Congratulations chuck! You're right though - the packing (and unpacking) part I hated most was finding all these finicky little things that somehow added up to GREAT BIG BOXES OF FINICKY LITTLE THINGS! Like a junk drawer, only ENORMOUS. Odd jars of supplements, excess prescription tablets, torches, packs of cards, gloves, little notebooks... I'm like, WHERE THE HELL DID ALL THIS COME FROM?! And now I've moved, I'm like, WHERE THE HELL IS ALL THIS GOING TO GO?! WHAT CAN I GET RID OF?! Because I don't want my new room to be a giant junk drawer. :(

    Awww dude, you'll have so much fun living with friends, like being at uni or something! I feel a titchy bit like that in le new house, because my sister and I have the upstairs to ourselves unless there's a guest staying, so we pop in and out of each other's rooms occasionally (at opposite ends of the corridor) but also keep to ourselves a lot, so it feels JUST LIKE HAVING A UNI MATE. We get on loads better already! And reading and blogging in a new place will feel all fresh and virtuous and it'll be so awesome!

    Ahh, madwoman in the attic. I love it. Also, GET SOME SLEEP WOMAN. Sounds like you'll need it, get your strength up for all that stair-climbing! :)

    1. Thanks love! I very much want to get rid of ALL THE THINGS *before* I move so there are less things to carry up all the stairs and whatnot. But this means critically assessing all my books and noooooooo I can't get rid of any they are my children!

      I figure that this will be very much like uni, especially since I lived with 3 other people in third year! I love that thing where everyone has their own room and space and everything, and it's like you *can* watch TV together or whatever, but you don't *have* to, and it's not weird if you're in your room all evening. Because you are a GROWN UP. (I'm going to be a grown up! It's exciting!)

      I didn't get enough sleep again last night, Ellie. I am practically falling asleep again now.

  9. Congrats on your move! I remember that feeling, and it is so exciting but also so, so overwhelming.

    I don't know if the attic you're moving into is furnished or not, but if it isn't my advice would be to go there and measure everything before you decide what furniture to buy/bring (in order to avoid the whole I-carried-this-couch-up-to-the-attic-and-it-doesn't-even-fit situation... trust me, this is not a fun situation).

    I think maybe "I am literally the madwoman in the attic" should be your blog's motto from now on, because it is superb.

    1. Riiiiight?! I'm like 'YESSSSS!' but then also I'm like 'I want to BE there now and not have to do the things that I have to do to GET there.' So actually, just super lazy rather than overwhelmed haha!

      My attic is sort of not-furnished, BUT the guy who's leaving is going to sell me his bed, I think, so I know that will fit at least! But yes, this is good advice and I shall take my tape measure when I go round there at the weekend :)

      I am definitely considering it as the new subtitle for my blog. It has a certain... something (insanity would be that thing.)

  10. Yay, great news! Aside from the packing karma coming back to get you that is.....

    I love my parents to bits but there is no way I could live with them now. Plus my dad converted my room to his den pretty much the day after I moved out.

    1. Hahaha, packing karma, I love it! Might have to steal that...

      I've been saying this all week, but I think that the thing is, once you've moved out of home and had that independence, moving BACK is the hardest. I feel like, if I'd never moved out I'd be fine to stay here indefinitely, but because I did I'm like 'arrrrrrgh, I hate everything' (because I'm dramatic).

  11. Congrats on the new place!! It will be really good. I hope all your new housemates help you carry all your stuff!

    1. Yessssss, I hope they do too! And if they don't then I shall NOT be baking them things! (that's a lie. I will totally bake them things because that's my favourite thing to do.)

  12. YAYYYY moving out! I feel the same about my family. I love them, but living with them drives me insane. That's why I moved to Japan!!! (not really)

    I expect that if my husband (boyfriend at the time) hadn't been Japanese and living in Japan, I might have ended up living with my parents for years after graduating from university. And I think I would have been a ball of frustration by the end of it!!!

    Just make sure that you have a good cleaning rota and all expect the same levels of cleanliness in communal areas. As these are the root of almost all arguments with housemates (and spouses, in my (admitedly limited) experience).

    ...I've had this post marked as unread in my RSS reader all week, to remind me to comment on it. And I only just got round to it. Haha. Yay me!

    1. Hahaha, your family is SO annoying they drove you to the other side of the world! That's cold, dude.

      I am this ball of frustration you describe! ACTUALLY- Right now, when I've only got two weeks of living here, I'm like 'Omg home is soooo lovely why am I leaving omg' but that's just because I'm bad at handling change and because I know what this is like and don't fully know what the alternative is like, I'm like 'AGHHHHHHHH'. But I know I'm going to be fine!

      Cleaning? ... I don't know about that shit. (in my last uni home, we had a crazy cleaning person who used to hoover at EIGHT AM so this is a bit of a sore subject for me!)

  13. Wait--does that last GIF mean that Jesse shaves his head? SAD!!!! (I just started talk about a bit obsessed...). Congrats on moving!! I agree that sometimes a bit of distance makes the heart fonder--though I'm only a mile from my mom and sometimes I love it (yes mom--please bring me a cookie!) and sometimes it's not so great (you can see the baby but I really just want a nap).

    So good luck you madwoman!! (In the attic).

    1. Ohhhhh yeah, sorry for ruining that one for you! He totally shaves his head and continues not to have hair until, well, the present episode at least. IT IS VERY SAD (although it makes me want to do things to him less, which means I can focus on BB more, so that's good?!)

      I'm only moving maybe... 5 miles or so away? Because this isn't so much about distance from my parents (because hey, they can bring me things!) as like having my own space and independence and things which are waaaay important to me.

      Thank youuuuuu! And for such a compliment ;p
