
Sunday 22 September 2013

Sunday Sundries: Bits and Bobs

Guys, it's Sunday and I move in a week and I should probably be packing and so I'm giving you bullet points today. It's fine, you'll love it.

  • Apart from packing/pretending to pack/looking at all my books, sighing and then laying down again, my life has become consumed by Breaking Bad. Ridiculously so, since it takes up 46 minutes of my week (75 minutes starting tomorrow) but for all of Monday I was in the worst mood because of it, and any time I've thought about it this week, I could honestly cry. If this seems like a ridiculous response to a TV programme then shut up, I don't need you in my life.
  • I've started using Bloglovin to read ze blogs so that *whispers* I can read some posts at work, and also because it's just generally more convenient to read them on my phone than my computer, most of the time. BUT- I am having issues commenting on blogs that use disqus or just general blogger commenting (wordpress and intense debate are fine) on my phone, and I don't know whyyyy. Technical help would be appreciated here, guys!

  • I went to see Priscilla, Queen of the Desert yesterday and it was HIlarious and also I need all the costumes, but then there was a really racist bit that made me feel kind of uncomfortable... If you've seen the movie, you'll probably know which bit I mean, but I was like... Really? It felt like a very outdated version of humour to me, but there you go. Other than that though? It really was a lot of fun.
  • Alley is hosting a readalong of The Corrections in October (so, like, in a week) and you should all read it with us whilst we mock Franzen but also hopefully enjoy his words..? We shall see!
Either way, there'll be gifs like these, so it'll be all good.
  • In other blog goodness, there's still time to sign up for the Halloween Ninja Book Swap hosted by Bex and Hanna- send a book, get a book. It's alllllll good!
  • Speaking of moving (like I did, like, 50 bullet points ago. Try to keep up.) I'm actually fairly pleased with myself for posting two reviews this week because WHUT I have spent basically no time blogging (I just turned my computer on Thursday night and spouted shit about Fangirl, basically). I can't promise I will keep this up because obviously I have to pack all my things, and less obviously, I'm reading The Girl Who Had Things And Did Things Trilogy by Steig Larsson and have decided to review them all in one post, so... This could take some time. Also this feels like a stupid move when there are like 2000 pages or something to review. Oh well.
Phew, that was a lot of bullet points! Did everyone make it out to the other side ok? Good. I am unsure about whether I'm going to do a Sunday Sundries next week because Sunday is ACTUAL MOVING DAY (OMG) but it would just basically go 'packed all week. Took days off work to pack. Moving today' and oh look I just wrote that so no need for another post next week! Or... we'll see.


  1. Ok so I didn't read all your links, but I DID read the Eleanor & Park one. I can't even begin to fathom why anyone would want to ban such awesomeness, but as is repeatedly proven, people are assholes. (See my post about them trying ban Persepolis, The Perks of Being a Wallflower, Looking for Alaska AND Atwood herself!). Thanks for the book swap mention also :-)

    Eek moving day is so close! So I guess if I do actually get around to sending you that graphic novel this week I should send it to your new address rather than your current one? :-D I wrote you a letter to go with it and now it's just sitting on the side waiting for me to stop feeling like crap and actually find an envelope for it.... Good luck with the packing!

    1. Of course you didn't, because no one ever reads all the links! I'm impressed you read one, tbh! I literally can't understand the banning E&P thing. I just... No. It's awesome. And it's clearly distressing, but it's not at all in a gratuitous way! FFS, people.

      It's up to you, honeypie! I will be moving there on Sunday, so I'll definitely get it, either way! And a letter, how exciting! :) Thank you for the good luck- my shoulder hurts SO BAD today, so I'm going to need it!

  2. Random fact - I used to work with a teacher whose husband played in the orchestra for Priscilla when it was at the West End.

    And my husband loves Breaking Bad, he is borderline obsessed with it. You aren't alone!

    1. That is a random yet definitely interesting fact! He might well still be in the orchestra, cause as I understand it, it's all the same cast and everything as in the West End.

      I am SOOOOOOOO obsessed with it. It's basically the first thing I do on a Monday morning, watching Breaking Bad. And the only thing I think about. God. So amazing.

  3. Wait, you're moving? I think I missed that bit of info if you mentioned it before. Goodibus luckibus. (It's luckier when you say it in Latin). I'm the same way when it comes to packing up my books--I inevitably spend more time looking through them than actually packing them.

    1. I think I announced it like a couple of weeks ago? It was in another Sunday post and I know people don't always see those, so yes, yes I am moving! Thanks for the extra lucky luck :)

      I'm doing ok at the not physically reading all my books thing, BUT I haven't got to my recipe books or crafty books yet, which I might take some tearing away from. Sigh.

  4. MOVING DAAAAAAAAY! I still haven't finished Ratty Trilogy Book The Third, but when I have I will SEND THAT SHIT and also THE LITTLE EXTRA THING I mentioned in my last email, and you will have MOVING HOUSE PRESENTS. Which is awesome.

    I still haven't watched Breaking Bad, but I might, one day. At the moment I already have THREE loads of US stuff to catch up on. Two where people murder people - that'd be Bates Motel and Dexter) and one where people FIX people (HOOOOOUSE). Either way, I have PLENTY of telly to be going at to fill up my evenings when I'm not reading the HELL out of a load of R.I.P. books. :D

    P.S. Is that a Dan Humphreys GIF, or a That Guy Who Plays Dan Humphreys But In Easy A GIF? He's cute, anyway. :)

    1. Lordy, I really need to proofread my comments better. IS IT A DASH SITUATION? IS IT A BRACKETS SITUATION? BUGGER IT, LET'S USE BOTH.

    2. PRESENTSSSSSSSSSSSS! Yay! (And thank youuuu in advance hehe).

      I hate to say it, but I feel like I'm always going to be a tiny bit snobby at people who haven't had to wait A WHOLE WEEK between episodes in this second half of season 5. Just a tiny bit, but there's definitely going to be a bit of 'you don't even KNOW what it was like waiting to see what was going to happen, my GOD.' So amazing (not that this should stop you from watching it, obviously.) Is Dexter good? I know for a fact that I'm going to need something to fill the gaping wound left in my life when Breaking Bad is over, (and until I get Six Feet Under for Christmas, which I am totally going to make happen) and Dexter is on Netflix, so. Could be my new thing :)

      p.s. that is a Dan Humphrey gif! I used it because it makes him look like an idiot who doesn't know how to use a computer, but if you want a 'hey, it's cute Dan Humphrey!' moment, then I'll let you have it! I fancy the faces of everyone in Gossip Girl, but the personalities of none.

      P.P.S Definitely wouldn't have noticed the awkward dash/brackets situation if you hadn't said anything. But now that you have LOL!

  5. Maaaan I want to know what's happening in Breaking Bad! DAMN Netflix for not showing the newest episodes in the US. And damn AMC for not making a deal with Hulu. Damn damn damn.

    But yay, packing and moving! I hope it goes smoothly!

    1. Ahem... I don't want to advocate illegal activity, but... you can always find things on the internet, JUST SAYING! But, I mean, you can wait for the TRAUMAEST TRAUMA EVER! It's getting kind of painful, dude!

      Thank youuuuuu! I'm so over it right now hahaha.

  6. This is why I am afraid to watch Breaking Bad. I do not do well with TV hangovers (see Sopranos and SO MUCH STRESS)

    I haven't been able to get any comments to show up when I use my iPad to comment on Blogger posts. I think there is some browser that works but Chrome and Safari on the iOS (both 6 and 7) fail.

    Yay thank ya for the Franzen link. This is going to be a mess


    1. I can honestly say that I'm finding Breaking Bad about 1,000,000x more stressful than I ever found The Sopranos with the possible exception of THAT Adriana episode. So... I don't know how well you'd do with this. I'll let you know after it's all over next week.

      Hmmmmm... This is annoying. Well, it's fine cause I just save posts that I can't comment on for when I'm on my computer, but still. It's annoying.

      Noooooo, it's not going to be a mess! It'll be fine! It's just reading! :)

      THANK YOU! I am completely rueing the day(s) I've said 'I love packing!' I do not love packing, Alley.

  7. Only one more episode of Breaking Bad. I'm FREAKING OUT. I'm going to miss it so much. But it's good that it's ending when it is right? We don't want it to jump the shark. Still...SAD.

    Good luck moving!
