
Tuesday 1 October 2013

General Life Update

Guys! It's me! I'm here!
Packing all my things and moving to (technically) London has not killed me like I know we all feared it would. The move itself was something I was dreading (I have a lot of books, guys. A loooooot of books.) but it actually turned out to be a lot more straightforward and less terrifying than I'd thought. This is mainly because my sister's boyfriend is secretly Superman or something and carried ALL THE THINGS, so that was cool. Also I need to know more boys, apparently, cause then I wouldn't have had to carry ANYTHING.

Anyway... Usual feminist activity resumed, now. So I moved on Sunday, after taking an ill advised  but awesome trip to Ikea on Thursday (ill advised because MORE things to carry? Really?) and packing everything I own in the world pretty much just on Friday, and since then I've been trying to unpack things. It is REALLY hard to unpack things when you're waiting for bookshelves to be delivered, especially when most of your things are books. It's crazy. In fact, you're only getting this post now because I AM waiting for said bookshelves (also for my housemate's new phone- I am awesome to live with, btdubs) and the deal is that there's no doorbell and I live in the attic and I'm concerned that I might not hear knocking when I'm all the way upstairs, so I have decamped to the living room with naught but a book and a macbook. So I'll be kept occupied FOREVER.
While I haven't been unpacking (which is a tiny portion of time, really) and, in fact, even while I have been, I've been watching US Netfliiiiiiiix and I am so happy about it. This is the real bonus of living with new people- they know how to do things that you might not know how to do, and then all of a sudden you're watching United States of Tara and Futurama like there's no tomorrow. It's awesome, basically. On UK Netflix, of course, there was the final Breaking Bad and don't even talk to me about how it's over because I don't know how to cope with that. At the moment, I honestly feel like I'd give up almost all over tv series just to get one more episode of Breaking Bad. Yep, that's how much I love it.

So anyway. That is my life. Blog wise, I'm going to try and get a couple of posts written today during my self-imposed exile to the living room, but it's no biggie if I don't (well, no biggie to me. You might live for my blog posts, how would I know?) And I'm not stressing about this, but I am REALLY sad that I haven't gotten much reading done for RIP this year because it is my FAVOURITE blogging thing ever. But, you know, big life changes must take precedence over, like, reading scary shit, at least for a couple of weeks or whatever. Normal business will be resumed soon, I'm sure.


  1. Yay for living in technically London :-p Nobody will believe it's London though, when you explain where you live. Nobody up here believes I'm from London... But on the plus side, now you will be nearby when I come to visit my friends in Teddington/Twickenham so we can have cake and such :-D

    1. IT'S ZONE 6, BEX! It's definitely London. Don't take it away from meeeeee!

      You should definitely come and see meeeee! I am your friend in Twickenham! I can offer you cake but not tea... (I could probably buy milk and teabags. Probably.)

    2. That's what I've been telling people for years! Zone 6 counts,dammit! I will come to visit you! I can even bring tea :-) how's the attic aside from lack of bookshelves?is it awesome?

    3. Zone 6 is real London! It just is! Hehehe hells yeahhh you can bring your own tea! And bring the baby and I will snuggle him because yay babies! Hehehe.

      The attic is soooo awesome. But I'm proper like 'I just want everything to have a hooooome now' cause I feel like I can't do anything if I'm not unpacking, but unpacking is tiring and arrrrgh. I probably shouldn't have had this week off work because I don't have a thing to make me escape from the packinggggg!

      But it's really good and I can already tell I'm going to like living here? :)

    4. Haha, I'm in Zone 6 too and NO ONE has a clue where I live when I explain it to them. :D

  2. Good job with the camping out! Moving is super-stressful. I assume. Aside from the ins and outs at college, I've pretty much moved once, and it was five years ago when I came to Chicago. BUT IT SOUNDS HARD.

    1. It is SO HARD. Or... just kind of tiring and then annoying and also building bookshelves from not-ikea is really hard? (this is a... present concern of mine hahaha). But it's all worth it. I'm just never moving again, obvs.

  3. MOST AWESOME GIRAFFE GIF EVER. Also, you still have another MONTH to do R.I.P. reading, dude. Congratulations on the move, and HELL YEAH to the not unpacking books thing. No chance of that in my room yet, there's piles and boxes everywhere! Spiiiiiiider heaaaaaaaven. :(

    I'll be back to a-stalking the blog after the holiday, wheeeee! Worryingly, it's already 3:30pm and I still haven't: had a shower, with all the attendant pre-holiday shizzle like Moisturising and Exfoliating and Shit Like That; packed whimsical things like shorts and T-shirts; narrowed my book choices down to a reasonable number that isn't 39; hoovered the spare room and my bedroom like I promised to; made my bedroom look less like the packing fairy threw a tantrum in it. THIS COULD BE A LONG EVENING. :)

    1. Isn't is SO COOL?! I actually stole it from Alice's tumblr, so that is the tumblr to get gifs from, just so you know! But I waaaaant to unpack everything, Ellie! I want it all to be in its place so I can liiiiiiive properly lol.

      EEEEEEEEEEEE holidayness! So exciting, you have the best time poppet, you hear? :)

  4. Yay that the moving part is over and it wasn't that bad. Hopefully all of the unpacking goes smoothly, even if it's slow and hooray you have US Netflix cos there is SO MUCH bad reality TV on there (Extreme Couponers? Yes!)

    1. ALLEY you have totally made my day and omfg I am so watching Extreme Couponers while I try to build fucking bookshelves tomorrow! It is the best best BEST!!

      I've kind of only got little bits of unpacking to do now (sort of...) plus bookshelves to build, yet it all feels weirdly more tiring than when I had ALL THE THINGS to unpack. Hmph.

  5. Are Zones in London like the arrondisements in Paris? Because I do not understand what you're saying about Zone 6, other than it sounds vaguely post-apocalyptic.

    but YAY for the move and for Superman helping with the books and BOO for the end of Breaking Bad (which I just started and now I want to mainline it)

    1. I do not know what the arrondisements are! But zones in london basically go in concentric circles around it, with zone one being central London, zone two being in a ring around it and so on until zone six, which is the furthest one out from London. Did that make sense? It's basically the furthest you can be from central London, whilst still being in London.

      YAY for those things indeed, and BOOOOO But also YAY for you watching it! It's pretty hilarious that a show about drugs is as addictive as Breaking Bad is, but maybe that's intentional!

  6. So wonderful that you're all moved in now! Packing always feel like a rush, but unpacking you can be totally lazy about. Not that you have been, though. I think you're better at moving than I am.


    1. I think the thing is that I want to unpack all the things so that I feel all settled and homely as soon as possible? It's not really a non-lazy thing so much as a thing that I feel like I neeeed to do (as opposed to should do, which is the WORST.)

      I HATE BOOKS THEY ARE EVIL. And bookcases. Which are apparently impossible to build unless they're from Ikea. I'm having issues.

  7. Congrats on mooooooving!!! See, I was on to something with the "have the boys carry all the things". They're handy that way.

    So, I could potentially find a way to get UK Netflix?? Because I haven't seen ANY of part 2 of season 5 and it's killing me. I want to know how things end. And I'm terrified of accidentally seeing spoilers on da internetz...

    And I'm adding z's instead of s's now, so clearly it's past time for me to be in bed. I look forward to bookshelf pictures!!!

    1. You were so right, Sarah. If I'd just had a few more boys, I wouldn't have had to carry ANYTHING. Which would have been awesome, obviously.

      Have emailed youuuuu re: netflix! I'm assuming it totally works the other way round too.

      I look forward to not killing myself with a screwdriver because I can't build my new bookcases... but we can't have everything! (I am only half kidding, I am in a WORLD of pain.)

  8. Glad your move went well :)
    And US netflix is sooooo much better than ours, I basically have no free time since learning how to access it.

  9. Hi Laura!
    My name is Becky and I received your Ninja Book Swap parcel. I just wanted to say thank you very much for such a wonderful package of goodies!
    I literally squealed when I saw the necklace. It is the most awesome present ever!!! And I love the book.
    I can tell you really put thought into the gift and I want to say Thank You and you really made my day.
    Looking forward to seeing you more on the blog world. :D
