
Sunday 20 October 2013

Sunday Sundries: The Glorious Return

Guys! It's Sunday and I'm doing blogging!
I know, I know, the three Sundays that have passed without my presence on the internet have been almost unbearable, but it's all ok now because Sunday Sundries are BACK and I must have a lot to tell you because 4 weeks in a person's life is like an eternity, right?

Well. Yeah, not really. Let's see. I've been:
Moving all of the things I own from one house to another. It only took 3 car loads...
Building bookcases that nearly destroyed me. Top tip- always just buy the IKEA ones.
Hanging out in London. Always the best. I LIVE THERE NOW (again, sort of...)
Discovering new bookshops. This one honestly made me a little bit high.

And... That's kind of it? I don't know, it seems like getting used to cooking for myself and doing my own washing and just generally taking care of myself completely takes more time than I remember, and all of a sudden it's like 10pm and I haven't done anything useful with myself. EVERY. NIGHT. Which is fine, and this is a whole adjustment time, AND most of that time is basically spent watching TV and being awesome with my housemates, which is never a waste of time, but still. I miss blogging! I need to make more of an effort to write things and to always write my Sunday Sundries because, yeah, it takes more effort than shooting the shit with ze housemates, but also I love it. So Imma make more of an effort.
Plus, I have every morning free which I could probably NOT spend watching Extreme Couponing. Even though it's AWESOME and also I'm going to write a post about it because I have feelings about it that the world needs to know.

Hmmm, what else..? Well, I can definitively tell you that it's awesome to live not-that-far-away from your mother but totally in-a-different-house, because INDEPENDENCE is awesome, BUT also she can come and pick me up and take me places and I don't have to pay for the train or bus. I should add that this isn't something I take advantage of to a huge extent, but it is fab having her pick me up to go food shopping or to go to my nan's on a Sunday (like she's about to in about 15 minutes... I'm still in my pjs, natch) and just to be able to see my whole family more often than I did when, say, I was at Uni. It's alllllll good.

Moving out: I recommend it.

So. I'm definitely going to go and get dressed now, but tell me things: What have you done in a month (I know we've almost definitely talked in the past month. But play along)? What would you like to know about my new house? Should I just go away and leave you alone on Sundays? You know where to tell me things.


  1. It's really sad, but I LOVE doing my own washing. I don't like cooking, cleaning, ironing, etc. but since moving back home I really, really miss it. Just the freedom of sorting out which clothes need to be washed and then hanging them out and checking if they're dry yet... Mmm :)

    My life has so much excitement I can barely cope.

    Actually I miss not living at home full stop. Even when I could afford to move out, I decided to stay at home so I could save up for a house deposit. Then I lost my job and I'm back at Square One! So jealous :)

    Ohhh Extreme Couponing. I swear that show makes me so angry I could kill people. If those people spent as much time WORKING as they did adding up coupons with a calculator, they could earn more money so it wouldn't matter how much they spent on food. They must spend HOURS adding that stuff up.

    And yes, I appreciate that isn't the point. Sorry. I'm ranty today, aren't I?

    *shuffles away and leaves Laura in peace*

    1. That isn't at all sad because I actually really like doing my washing too! I hate cleaning of most kinds, but I love cooking for myself, and yeah, washing is sort of, um, fun? For a chore, anyway! Clearly I know all about life excitement too...

      Awwww, you'll move back out soooon I'm sure. And it seems you'll own a house and stuff so THAT'S awesome! It's very possible I will never own a house, sooooo yeah. Fun.

      I actually kiiiind of have an opposite opinion of Extreme couponers- in that, if you MAKE that your job and it's saving your household money then I kind of fully support it? But, I mean, that's only because CAPITALISM IS EVIL (imho). I have more of a problem with the ones who do have jobs AND spend like 30 hours a week sorting through coupons because what about having LIVES?! What about that? I have definitely thought too much about it, is what I'm saying.

    2. Don't worry Laura, I'm never going to own a house either. I have to keep spending my deposit money on silly things like car insurance and the electricity bill :-p and I've never seen Extreme Couponing....

    3. God Bex, how frivolous of you! Driving AND having electricity? Indulge yourself, why don't ya?

  2. I need to see your room. Have you finished it? AS SOON as it it ready for photographing you need to show pictures. x

    1. I've sort of finished it, except I've also sort of made it a mess again? So it's not really photo ready lol. But I will do iiiiit to please you! Perhaps next weeks Sunday Sundries will be an attic tour :)

  3. You know you can't leave us alone on Sundays. We neeeeed your Sunday Sundries! Even if it's just an update about getting used to living not at home and how much Extreme Couponing you're watching. Blogging has been requiring more effort from my lately too, and I don't even know why. I'm feeling so laaaaazy.

    1. Hehehehe, awwwww I didn't even know they meant that much to you, Sarah! I don't know that actual blogging takes more effort for me, it's more that finding the time to do it is not working out and I'm like 'oh Netflix, I love you' and so it's bad. But also awesome. But when I get down to it and write posts I'm like 'yaaaaaaaay!' so I'm liking that I still, you know, enjoy it and all.

      We are both laaazy, clearly. Must be an autumn thing.

  4. Moving out definitely is awesome. Independent women, holla. Also, LONDON. I need to get some bookshelves like that, my books are already slowly spreading around the flat. I can't help it, London has far too many bookish temptations. I love it, obviously. Although I think my flat mates may start having a problem with it when I spread into their rooms.

    I hope you continue to thoroughly enjoy your independence :D

    1. I just did a little dance to 'Independent women, holla.' so, be proud that you made me do that. My bookshelves aren't even enough for all my books! They're full already and I have more at my parents' and my nans houses. It's pretty bad, and by bad I mean AWESOME. And ah, London. I found this suuuuuper posh bookshop by accident the other weekend (Hatchards?) and obvs had to buy something from there. God, I'm so poor...

      Thank youuuu! And to you, madam!

  5. Is that bookshop in RIchmond? There's a bookshop in Richmond which looks loads like that and I LOVE IT. Also The Lion and the Unicorn in Richmond is AMAZING - my favourite bookshop as a kid and I've never grown out of it! You and I should do some Richmond/Twickenham book shopping next time I'm in the area :-) Cos we won't have done enough of that in Leeds, clearly....

    I have missed Sunday Sundries, I'm glad they're back :-)

    1. THAT BOOKSHOP IS IN RICHMOND! The Open Book. It's quite teeny and FULL of books so it seems like it should be claustrophobic, but it isn't because it's AWESOME! But, bad news dude- The Lion and Unicorn has closed down :( :( :( I was absolutely going to go there too, but it was all empty and I googled it and they left because the rent for the shop was too high :(.

      But anyway- yes let's do this book shopping of which you speak!!!

    2. I WAS JUST GOING TO ASK THAT QUESTION! I recognised the shelving. How sad is that? That is a lovely shop. Went in there last year when I visited some old uni friends and we were talking about Weird Things Customers Say In Bookshops with the bookseller for ages. Both of my friends walked away with copies.

    3. I can't believe The Lion and the Unicorn has gone. I may actually cry :-( That bookshop was my childhood *sobs*

  6. London. Yes, please. I want your life. :) I mean that in a totally NON-creepy way!

    1. Hahahaha, OMGGGGGGG you're going to steal my faaaaaaace... Hehehehe. But yeah, no, London is pretty great :)

  7. Yayyy moving out! And yayyy housemates! I miss having housemates. I mean, I have my husband, but it's not really the same.

    Also, I want to live in London! So much prettier than Tokyo or Yokohama. Or Fukuoka (where I used to live). Although I think there's better cheap food over here than there is in England. So there! Or something. Hehe.

    1. I don't want to explain to you the reasons it's better to have a husband than housemates, but there's one that naturally springs to mind... Hahahahaha. But housemates are preeeeeeetty cool, it has to be said!

      STOP BEING MEAN ABOUT JAPAN YOU ARE RUINING EVERYTHING! Or... Something less shouty lol! London is great but Tokyoooooo, man! Not that I've ever been there, obviously. But one day I will and it will be magnificent. What I'm saying is, you live in a better place than me lol.

  8. Yay for the new place but also still being near family. Independence but also "mooooom, can I come over for dinner?"

    I so can't wait for your Extreme Couponing post. I will try to catch up to the Couponing battles
