
Friday 4 October 2013

The Corrections won't even need correcting... Or something.

Guys! WHAT, it's time for another readalong?
This is clearly very exciting, and the fact that I'm writing this at 10pm on Friday night should not be taken as any kind of indication about how excited I am or am not about it. I just... Moving and unpacking is really tiring and I have forgotten more than just writing this blog post this week, let me tell you. But the point is, READALOOOOOONG!
So, Franzen. HE'S kind of a douche, huh? I think that's something we can all agree on, and I have been leaving appropriately DOOOM-y comments on everyone's blogs, but the thing is, I have read Freedom, and... I kind of liked it? It probably wasn't as good as everyone says it was, and it definitely wasn't as good as Franzen thinks it is, BUT it was still perfectly enjoyable, and interesting, and made me think some thoughts. I also zoomed through it, which gives me high hopes for The Corrections, so we'll see.

Of course, this could just be one of those things where I'm like 'ZOMG, this is the best!' and everyone else is like 'UGH I hate this so much' (DON'T PRETEND YOU DON'T REMEMBER NORWEGIAN WOOD) but I'm ready for that eventuality and also YOU ALL SUCK.

I'm just kidding. I love you.
Anyway. Mostly I'm glad we're doing this because it means Alley will stop going 'Wow, we really need to read The Corrections, dude' and me replying 'yeah, we should do that. Maybe we should read it together' and OH LOOK AT WHAT'S HAPPENING, that's cool! So yeah, GO US for getting things done maybe... A year and a half after it was first conceived? Yeah, we're good at getting stuff done.

SO. You can still sign up to join us if you would like, but otherwise come back here on Fridays to observe the carnage... OR the awesome book enjoyment. Perhaps. 


  1. please, the fact that you're moving and dealing with unpacking AND writing this. Win

    I am hoping for zooming through Corrections. That would be nice. Not that I want it to go by quick but just, I'm worried it will just be so slow

    So you're saying you MISS our conversations about how we should read this? I'm sure we'll find a different book...

    1. Hahaha, is it really a win though? Cause, let's face it, there's a lot of gif padding in this post!

      In my past Franzen experience (i.e. one book) the first... Bit went really slow, but when he started getting into characters that were interesting and complex and whatnot, the pages flew by? So hopefully, the same will happen with this *crosses fingers, looks to the heavens*

      Yeah, that's what I'm saying *SARCASM*. I think it's ok for us to not talk about this, it'll free up some time for us to talk about Hoarders and Extreme Couponing and whatnot.

    2. Whatever, I expect a lot of my posts to have a lot of gif padding

  2. Oh, I actually kinda forgot how much you loved Norwegian Wood. That is too funny! True story though: this afternoon I was reading an interview with Joseph Gordon Leavitt for his new film that he directed and I kept thinking of you the entire time. So I do remember SOME things. Just not all the things.

    1. I really did love Norwegian Wood! But everyone RUINED it by being mean! (Except, nah, it was fine. Just made me love it more cause I was the only one who could see its beauty hahahaha)

      And yaaaaaaay! I'm glad that your brain connects me to JGL :) That means I'm doing something right.

  3. Dude, I am 100 pages in and I quite like it. So you better like it as well or I'LL be all on my lonesome posting happy gifs.

    Also, JLAW!! ♡

    And I, ummm, that's it. I promise my future readalong posts will be better.

    1. And by posts I mean replies to your posts. Shhhh I've been at work all day

    2. YAY you like it! That is a veeeeeery good sign!

      I love that you basically just criticised your own comment. Don't be so hard on yourself, man!

    3. Oh good, this is giving me hope! At least that means that Laura won't be alone in liking this one, if the rest of us don't.

      I am so excited to be reading along with you all again!

      And the GIFs too.

  4. Ah, the Yeah Bitch gif. Good times, good times.

    I need to read Norwegian Wood and live tweet my thoughts to you guys, just to retroactively join in the fun. (Not that it'd be fun for you guys...)

    1. Good tiiiiimes indeed. Jesse never gets to be happy!

      I think we'd all have a lot of fun if you tweeted your Norwegian Wood thoughts. Unless they were negative and then I'd be really sad. AGAIN.

  5. Aww I hope we all like The Corrections. Even is Franzen is douche-y. It'd be nice to use happy AND sarcastic GIFs in our posts. And I'm just gonna gloss right over that Norwegian Wood praise... (nah, it was terrible, but I love that you love it so much).

    JLaw GIF win. Of course.

    1. Happy AND sarcastic gifs, you say? Well that just sounds fabulous! NORWEGIAN WOOD IS AWESOME LEAVE ME ALONE! Whatever dude, I don't really mind that no one liked it but meeee cause I still get to read ALL the Murakami whenever I want and swooooon over it! Hehehehe

      All JLaw gifs are the best. Natch.
