
Sunday 8 December 2013

Sunday Sundries: Stuff With Friends

Before I can even think about recounting things that happened this week, first I must say this:
Or... Maybe that was just me on Friday night. But SERIOUSLY, he's really on there and, you know, GO FOLLOW HIM.

Now that's out of the way... Hi everyone, how has your week been? Any of your ultimate humans joined twitter or anything? No really, I want to know.
Anyway. Onto things that didn't happen on the internet this week... I did things! Most days! It's alarming, I know, but try to contain yourselves, this won't happen every week. Realistically I didn't do that much- but I did stuff before work some days, and after work other days, and since I sometimes struggle to do either of those things, I'm calling this week a win. On Tuesday morning I did a little bit of Christmas shopping (and I mean a little bit. Like, tiny. Like, why am I even out shopping? small), and on Wednesday night I went to see Catching Fire (I already reviewed it, too! Kinda...) and on Friday night I went to the theatre with my friend Christina to see Let The Right One In, and it kind of exceeded all my expectations of it.

My expectations of Let The Right One In: I watched the Swedish film in preparation for the play, and I got so bored that I kind of, well, closed my eyes through parts of it. And it has subtitles, so I think it's fair to say I missed some stuff, but seriously. Bored. But, I watched the film after already agreeing to go to the play, so I couldn't really back out, and I'm really glad I didn't. What the play did was, take some of the most visually striking moments from the film, combined with the basic plot of the film BUT more of the book included too, and really just knocked it out of the park.
The set. I definitely got told off for taking this photo.
I was engrossed and enchanted and at one point VERY VERY FREAKED OUT (I honestly nearly fell out of my seat with fear so NICE WORK everyone) and the set! It's so beautiful, and looks like it wouldn't be nearly as effective as it actually was. Interesting fact: fake snow looks kind of like carpet in the right light. There were some parts I remembered from the book (and film) that I was thinking 'how are they going to do that..?' and they managed them beautifully and actually kind of excitingly. And then scarily (seriously, SO TERRIFIED.)

So basically, yes, it was excellent, and had I not seen To Kill A Mockingbird at the Open Air Theatre this year, I would have probably called it the best thing I've seen at the theatre all year. But seriously, To Kill A Mockingbird was the best thing ever, so. If you'd like to read a proper review of Let The Right One In, there's one here and I like it. It was such a good show, in fact, that I'm almost willing to forgive the two hours it took me to get home in the end (I honestly live half an hour's train ride from London at the most). In fact, I forgive the play entirely, but I will never forgive Waterloo Station for being IDIOTS.
And then yesterday (I know, so many things!) I saw my lovely friend Justine, who abandoned me to move to Bristol in September but was home for the weekend and yaaaaaay! I was SO tired that I'm not sure how good company I was, but the important part is YAY FRIENDS and also she bought me a MAGNIFICENT Christmas present so I love her forever and ever:
Technically taken weeks ago, but the point is, isn't it AMAZING?
Not, of course, that I didn't already. The present came at a tactically good time, too, cause after my sprightly burst of Christmassy feeling of last week, I haven't been that into it the rest of this week, BUT now I can wear my Christmas pudding hoody at any time and really feel it. Probably, that's how clothes work, right? Either way, hopefully by next week I'll be feeling like this again:


  1. You did SO many things! The play for Let the Right One In sounds fantastic, although I did like the Swedish movie version when I saw it. It was super creepy.

    OMFG how is Christmas only like 2 weeks away??? I JUST started shopping, I am so not ready yet.

    1. I did do some things! I feel like it seems a lot more when you write it down than it feels when you're doing them, but yeah, I did some stuff! The play was soooooo good, dude. Totally creepy and atmospheric and kind of all the things I wanted the film to be but didn't feel like it was?

      I am kind of sort of almost ready for Christmas, I think! It's pleasing :)

  2. Try saying Christmas Pudding Hoody 10 times fast. I just did, in an empty room, and now I feel really silly.


    1. Yeah, wow, that's kind of difficult! I guess 'christmas puddy hoody' might be better? Defffff.


  3. Your week sounds like lots of fun :)
    Don't even get me started on Christmas shopping, I am so far behind!
    And thanks for the heads up re: Stephen King on twitter, I am now his newest follower.

    1. It was actually really fun! And ma'am, you have an EXCUSE to be behind on Christmas shopping, for definites!

      YAY STEPHEN KING! I knew there would be people who didn't know of this momentous event, so yaaaaay!

  4. That set looks amazing! I actually really enjoyed the film, but I had no idea there was a play at all. Hmm! If only I still lived in England!

    You sound like you're doing wayyy better than me on the going out before/after work thing. Okay, so going out before work wouldn't really work in my case as that would mean getting up at like 4 am or something, but I almost always come straight home after work... and even at the weekends I don't do very much. I'm doing slightly better at actually making myself leave the house recently though, yay for not being too much of a hermit!!!

    And your Stephen King comments reminded me (as your blog always does) that I need to actually try reading some Stephen King!!

    1. The play is definitely a new thing- I think it was maybe on in Scotland and it's just come to London? But it was definitely worth seeing.

      I mean... Normally I'm very bad at leaving the house for anything except work, so when it happens (and almost always, it happens so that I do ALL THE THINGS in a week and then don't do anything else!) it's worth mentioning, I think. I'm a total hermit, so really this is just for me in like a 'look! You did stuff! Well done!' sort of way hahaha.

      STEPHEN KING! Yeah, you definitely should. My favourite ever is It, but if you're not so much down with the horror, maybe start with something like The Green Mile or Different Seasons? (Sorry, recommending Stephen King is my favourite!)

  5. CHRISTMAS PUDDING! ZOMG now I want a mince pie hoody or something, just to get into the festive spirit. (This would basically just be a normal hoodie but with a sprinkling of icing sugar, now I think about it.)

    I've having Haymitch feels even though I STILL HAVEN'T SEEN CATCHING FIRE and have preordered the DVD already in anticipation of the fact that I probably won't see it until that day. Damn you, pre-Christmas busytimes.

    I'm just finishing my Christmas shopping online THIS MINUTE and then I am OFFICIALLY DONE. Halle-chuffin-lujah. Obviously, I may still buy presents for myself before Christmas, but that doesn't count because it's not stressful in any way. :D

    1. So yeah, basically get a beige hoody and sugar up that bad boy? Sounds good to me!

      I think it's fine to have Haymitch feels even without seeing the film... Also I'm pretty sure the whole movie might be in gif form on tumblr so THAT'S a thought, huh?

      WELL DONE FOR FINISHING YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING! I'm genuinely impressed. I'm sortofkindof nearly done, just have a tiny person to buy some toys for and I need some stamps and stuff? But I'm going shopping on Thursday with my mum so hopefully (HOPEFULLY!) I'll get it all done then. Phew! It's rough being an adult and everything, huh?

  6. I'm glad you risked the telling off to get that photo of the stage. so pretty.

    That is an epic Christmas hoodie

    1. SO pretty, right? And more effective in indoor scenes than you might think. Just good all round, really.

      I KNOW RIGHT?! I want to wear it on all the days.

  7. My ultimate - Jeanette Winterson! @wintersonworld

    1. I follow Jeanette Winterson! Although I don't love love love her (just love her. There's a slim distinction there, I realise)
