
Saturday 11 January 2014

It's Nearly Mini-Readathon Time!

Gird your loins, people of the internet, it's (nearly) time for another mini-readathon. What this means is, a bunch of us read tiny stories (which we'll get to in a minute) for a shorter amount of time than 24 hours (or I could have just said 'for 8 hours') and, most importantly, depending on who you ask, we have mini-snacks. ALL THE TINY THINGS.

So, what's really important here, as at all points of life, are the food and the books. First, the books:
The Short Stories/Essays
The Short Books
The Book That Involves a teenager that I sort of want to read the most so it counts as mini for that reason alone.
I think the photo evidence alone is enough justification for why all of these are mini, so I'm not going to do the usual justifying thing, mainly because I hath picked too many books and can't be bothered to explain all of them. I actually honestly don't really know what I'm going to read, and actually might spend the whole 8 hours re-reading I Capture the Castle, and if I did do that, I would consider this whole thing a complete success.

I've gone through this whole post without mentioning the most important fact- I'm illllllll. Like, seriously, I've basically just got a cough and a cold, but a really annoying one that won't go away and it's not like I haven't been resting, oh, all week, so yeah. This doesn't really mean anything when we're on the internet together except that I might fall asleep at, say, 9pm (unlikely) but rest assured that, if we were in the same room together, you would throw me out for complaining and also coughing loudly. 

Since you're meant to feed a cold (apparently), and also because readathons are all about the food*, here are all the snacks I have:
Apparently all my Christmas chocolate was mini, and for that foresight, I thank my family. This is clearly all sugar, and I'm not going to eat it all (she says) and also I might go for a walk in a little bit to see if I can find any other mini snacks. I also might not- I really do feel like shit.

But anyway! I have chocolate, I have books, now I just have to wait for an hour and a half to do something with them. *twiddles thumbs, has a look at what's on Netflix, the usual*

P.S. You can totally still mini-readathon if you want to. Sign up post is here, or, you know, just read and update and whatnot. Or just read! Reading's great.

It's been four hours ALREADY? And here I am feeling like we only just got started. RIGHT
I mean... Update time! I have read things and also read internet things and it has been awesome and (AND!) I have unblocked precisely one ear (almost) which has been a weird and unwelcome cold side effect, so I'm pleased to have some normal hearing back
Anyway. I started off by reading some Nora Ephron essays (sad moment: these were written in the 70s, and in one of them it's like 'oh, we probably won't have a woman Vice President in '72, but there's always '76!' and I'm like NO GODDAMIT AMERICA) for probably about an hour, then moved onto After the Quake by Murakami, which happened to be both short AND short stories AND I finished it and so I am joyous. Or, you know, I'm cool. It's my first Murakami for aaaaages though, and I could tell I'd been reading it when I thought 'it's so weird how we use all of our senses all the time except for taste...' and had to tell myself to shut up.

Murakami: he makes you think some weird thinks.

Pages read: 195
Books read from: 2
Books finished: 1
Snacks consumed: Basically all of the snacks. And I had dinner. I'm bad.
Naps: Nah, I'm good.

Oh, guys. Whoops! Would you like a complete rundown of my activities since I wrote that last update? There is very little reading and very much non-reading... Here's the deal- after I wrote my update, I went round everyone else's updates (like a polite blogger) and commented, THEN it was time to watch this TV programme I like, but I came straight back upstairs after it WHERE I READ (I know) some of I Capture the Castle (still fab) but got distracted by all these old photos my mum got out for me to look at this morning and that I knew would go away without me looking at them if I didn't look at them, you know, now, so I did. And now it's now (there were a LOT of photos). I'm not going to lie, there was a teeny bit of crying, but, you know, my nan was my literally my favourite person when I was tiny (not that she isn't now... just that I have other favourites too) so there are a lot of photos of me and her being adorable, and yeah. Sadface, but also happyface, but also cryingface.

But anyway. The point is WE DID IT (sort of) and AREN'T WE FAB (yes) and no I didn't nearly make myself sick on too many mini-snacks (I really did. I ate loads and was fine but THEN I drank water and was like NOPE). Yay minithon! Yay Tika!** Yay internet!

Finalement- I am totes too tired to be on the internet right now, but I will be visiting all your posts come morning and leaving obviously the best comments you've ever had (I know you don't believe me because of that paragraph above. But whatever, shut up!)

Pages Read: 244
Books Read From: 3
Books Finished: 1
Snacks consumed: See above, re: feeling sick
Naps: One giant one coming up, I hope!

*For most people. Not so much for me, I think because I usually don't really eat while I'm reading because, you know, reading is consumption enough (see what I did there?)
**I don't mean to un-yay everyone else, but Tika was our gracious host, you know?


  1. Oh, no! I'm so sorry that you're feeling like crap. Perhaps a medicinal hot toddy will make you feel better?

    I love that you're reading I Capture the Castle and I can't wait to hear what you think of it. Yay! And what clever planning on your family's part to gift you with mini-snacks. So thoughtful.

    Seriously, I hope reading en masse will help distract you from your cough and cold and that you will feel better soon!

    1. Thank youuuu for your wishes of feeling better! I am also hoping for the distraction effect of reading/internetting- although I DID go and have that little walk, and felt a little bit better for it, so there's that.

      I have read I Capture the Castle before (once) so I can tell you that I loooooove it- I don't remember that much about it, but I definitely love it!

  2. Feel better, Laura! According to JK Rowling chocolate is purely medicinal, so you should be right as rain after all those minisnacks. :D

    Happy reading!


      Trust in JKR.

    2. Chocolate is medicinal in that it makes my soul feel happy though, right? Still, I'll take it *munches on some mini m&ms*

  3. I'm sorry you feel like crap! That's horrible. Hopefully this minithon helps things a bit.

    So many booooks! So exciting.

    1. It is helping! I feel marginally less like crap! The world is good again! (etc)

      I WILL READ ALL THE BOOKS (obviously I won't. And it would be foolish to start them all, probably...)

  4. Nooooooooo Laura is ill!!!! But look at all your snacks! So splendid.


    1. READING! I AM DOING IT! Except for right now, obviously... One hour reading... One hour internet. Sounds about right.

  5. You have a Steinbeck! So THAT should cheer you out of your I don't suppose it will. But good thing readathons are all about being sedentary. Your body will thank you for all the lying about and chocolate.

    1. Of Mice And Men may be the least cheering book ever... I mean, I haven't read ALL the books, so I can't be sure, but it probably is. *cries over self and eats all the chocolate* *loljk I'm reading Nora Ephron so everything is great*

  6. I'm sorry you're feeling sick! I'm pretty sure those mini chocolate oranges are the perfect thing for a cold. I mean, you have chocolate, that's always good. And then orange and vitamin C is great for a cold (and don't point out that there's probably not VC in orange flavoring but THE COLD DOESN'T KNOW THAT)

    1. Shit dude, there is DEFINITELY vitamin C in chocolate orange. Well, that solves what my next snack should be! (jaffa cakes also involve orange. Hence the name. I'm going to be SO HEALTHY!)

    2. Wait, so does jaffa has something to do with orange? Cos I would have thought it was just a nonsense word. ::runs to google:: Huh. Would you look at that. In this case, you're SUPER HEALTHY

    3. Jaffa oranges, right?! I didn't realise they were a thing that only we have (or, ok, so like us and the middle east and wherever else they're exported to) but I guess that makes sense since you have Florida and California and whatnot.

    4. I knew of Jaffa Cakes but not that they were a thing outside the cakes. Cos, you know, priorities.

    5. My contribution to this line of discussion is: I've been to Jaffa and it's pretty cool.

  7. Aaaahhhh I'm sorry you're ill. Whatever craptastic colds are going around this year are really awful. I almost never get sick (the benefits of being a carrier monkey), and the one around here had me laid out in bed for 2 days.

    I reiterate what everyone else says: more chocolate, more sleeping, more laying about, more reading!

    1. I'm a fairly sickly person (well... not sickly so much as there's always some kind of snot coming out of me [SORRY THAT WAS GROSS]) but this cold has been especially gross and UGHHHH-ish. I am totally taking these things you prescribe, though :)

  8. "and I'm like NO GODDAMIT AMERICA"

    That made me lol.

    I FEEL LIKE THE MINITHON SHOULD BE LONGER. Except then you know we'd all end up dropping out. 'Cept maybe for you and Kayleigh.

    1. Right? Maybe we do like 10 hours next time and see how it goes? But I am DRAWING THE LINE at 10 because we have so many time zones and I refuse to get up earlier on a Saturday than I get up on regular days.

  9. Oh, Laura. I hadn't read your last post - I'm so sorry. Pictures are wonderful and horrible for that. We love you, though! And thank you for 'thonning with us when you're feeling like crap on multiple levels. You are super wonderful and I'd listen to your Murakami musings all day.

  10. Yay, you made it! And you're feeling better!

    THiings I learned today: Joffa cakes are named for an orange? I thought Joffa was merely a geographical location for which they are named.

    You got SO MUCH reading done that I'm super impressed. Because you were also foofing around on the internet AND not feeling well and basically you're leaving me in the dust. I'm gonna have to work out before our next minithon.

  11. MINI M&Ms. Once, in my youth, I bought a 25-pack of those little tubes from Costco and ate them for days straight and then I sugar-crashed for, like, three days. TEENAGERHOOD.

    Good work thonning through the sickness. We applaud you.

    1. One of these days I'll get a list of all the American candies you guys are missing in the Lands Owned by a Queen and send them out, Christmas in July-style. Except maybe not in July because they'd all melt.

  12. I love reading your minithon posts. And seeing Jennifer Lawrence being a real person and talking about food that isn't lettuce. Also snacks. Dude, you had a more productive minithon than, like, 3 DAYS of my Bout of Books. AND you did therapeutic crying. You should be very pleased with yourself round about now. *hugs Laura, sneakily grabs mini chocolate orange segments and runs away*
