
Sunday 16 February 2014

Sunday Sundries: Getting Back Into The Swing Of Things

Sunday greetings, people of the internet!
So, I have now lived a full week back in my home-that-I-pay-money-for. I have learnt:

  • Hey, it's not so scary!- I have basically just had to make one extra meal (per day) for myself than I was already making, I can SHOWER whenever I want (there is no shower at my parents', just a bath) and yeah, it's ok, basically.
  • Rearranging books is a very soothing activity- For some reason, when I moved in, I put the books I hadn't read behind other books (some of which I had read) and it was all just very disorganised and bad bad bad. This week, I have rearranged them so that every single book I own but haven't read is on display. It's a slightly terrifying situation (there are a lot of books I haven't read...) but also a good one because I can go 'ooh! The Awakening! I feel like reading you today!' Also I don't need any more books ever.
  • Always take your keys with you- So, I went out yesterday to the theatre with a couple of my friends, and we were just going to have dinner afterwards, but it was one of those awesome nights where dinner turns into drinks and before you know it you're getting home just after midnight, desperate to pee and without your keys. If you're lucky, you'll be able to wake up your housemate to let you in from the porch and you'll feel mildly guilty for a while. If you're unlucky, I guess you'll sleep in the porch and leave a little puddle in the corner. So yeah, that happened.
  • Rewatching Breaking Bad is always a good idea- It's absolutely my current evening viewing. Still so awesome. Maybe even more awesome when you know where it's headed because HOW COULD IT SPIRAL SO FAR OUT OF CONTROL?!
  • Tivo is King- You know that thing when you come downstairs one morning and can't figure out how the TV works anymore? And then you realise there's a whole new thing in front of it and you play around with the remotes and all of a sudden you have Tivo? Yeah, that happened. I can now officially watch The Hills anytime I want to which, admittedly, is not necessarily a good thing. But shut up because TIVO!
  • Rain will always hamper your plans- I have made such good morning plans this week, only to have them ruined by the rain. The times I did go out in the rain are the reason I had to shove my umbrella in a bin yesterday because I was so disgusted with it, but then again, the rain is the reason my books have order now, so there's that. We'll call it a draw I GUESS. 
Basically, it's sunny today so I'm feeling weirdly... optimistic or something. I'm not going to pretend that I've just been completely happy all week, because I think that's going to take a while, but I've had glimpses of what that might be like and I want to go to there. How have your weeks been?


  1. Oh good! I'm so glad you got the sunshine I sent over for you. :) Weather affects my mood in a big way and even though we NEED the rain because we're mostly in a drought, I NEED the sunshine and warmth otherwise I'm a mess. And I'm glad your week has been mostly ok. One moment and one day at a time, ya? And OMG I'm not sure how you could watch BB again! I think it would make me a nervous wreck.

    I hope that this week continues to be sunny for you!

    1. I'm honestly so miserable in the winter/on a rainy day that it's ridiculous. I can't even deal. THANK YOU for the Texan sun though, I needed that! (I remained cheerful for basically all of yesterday!) One moment and one day at a time is exactly it. There's no other way for it, really.

      It's actually been really easy to rewatch Breaking Bad so far because the beginning is so, almost innocent? It's so weird to rewatch it knowing EVERYTHING that happens, because O.M.G.

  2. Glad things are looking up a bit. Our weekend involved a bit of Breaking Bad, I had only seen season 1 so trying to watch a bit each week now. Also spent a bit of time sat OUTSIDE today. Has improved moods all round.

    1. OMG WATCH ALL OF THE BREAKING BAD RIGHT NOW, DO NOTHING ELSE UNTIL YOU'RE DONE! (Or... Something more sensible). I can't wait to sit outside and chill in the sunshine, man. Come onnnnn spring...

  3. Rearranging books is my go-to activity when I'm feeling sad because it is totally soothing, and distracting too (especially for me as for some reason I'm terrible at alphabetising).
    Fingers crossed the rain is going to ease off now, so we'll all be able to go out & about more.

    1. I actually haven't alphabetised them or anything fancy like that (MUCH too lazy haha) but I've got all the unread books on display so I can go BAM! I'm going to read you! and then I'll read all the books I own and allow myself to go the library again. Yes.

      PLEAAAAASE no more rain! I could do without it so much.

  4. Glad things have been better and I think rearranging books can be very relaxing. Unless you end up with books everywhere and you lose motivation 1/2 way through but you have to do SOMETHING with all these books so you just shove them wherever.

    Always take your keys with you is good advice that everyone forgets a few times.

    1. I don't know if the act itself is relaxing so much as the end result of having perfectly organised books is... Either way, I love it. (I sort of shoved them wherever but with the goal of having all unread books where I can see them and I succeeded at that so I don't caaaaare :) )

      It's really difficult to remember keys. Apparently. Also I need to stop carrying 2 bags around with me in the week. STUPID.

  5. I am a week late getting around to reading commenting on posts... fuck.

    I am glad your week wasn't so bad, and I hope this week has been even better. And I loooooove rearranging books. It's definitely therapeutic in some way.
