
Sunday 9 February 2014

Sunday Sundries: Really Short Update

Everyone! Sunday greetings and grand felicitations and whatnot!
I'm pretty much only writing this post so I can keep my February resolution to myself, since it's basically 8.30pm and Sunday is close to being over. BUT I decided you totally needed a life update because how can you even go a week without me rambling about myself and stuff?
SO. This week has kind of gone in an upward curve for me- it started with me feeling reaaaaally bad and sad and everything (about nothing in particular, but the general sads, you know) and ended, obviously, today, with me feeling... Not so bad! I finally came home (i.e. left my parents' house) yesterday, which has so far been better than I was expecting- in that, I haven't spent the whole time I've been here crying because I wanted my mummy, like I feared (I didn't think that would really happen... Or not to that extreme...) and have actually felt kind of ok-ish? Which is good!
Of course, you can take that with a pinch of salt, because, as I was last week, I tend to feel worst on Mondays and then get better throughout the week, but WHATEVER SHUT UP BRAIN YOU MIGHT NOT DO THAT THIS WEEK, HUSH. Anyway... things I have done... walked some places, seen my granddad a lot, made brownies with my cousin, worked some, read some, aaaaand started the epic unpacking adventure that will probably last my whole life. SIGH.

I did get one big piece of news this week (actually two, but... I'll tell you about one!) which is that the company I work for is moving premises in probably early May, which is great for the company, but not so great for me. Because, awesomely, they're moving to a place that's really really difficult to reach by public transport and I can't drive. But hey! There are 14 parking spaces! *mutters under breath* It's the strangest thing though, because as the owner was telling us this, I was having a split in my brain between going 'FUCK.' and going 'This could actually be the best thing for me' in that, it's kind of going to force me to find a new job which I'm not necessarily the most self-motivated person at doing (job hunting suuuuuucks).

So yeah, that's my big thing. And I don't think anyone even noticed the gif-padding!



  1. First off, YAY for feeling a bit better! I hope that continues.

    Job hunting is the worst. And I need to be doing it, because I am SO over-worked and under-paid and need to make enough to live on and my company is a sinking ship and just ARGH. But after being at the same company for almost 6 years, it's so hard to motivate myself to job hunt. BUT I hope that we both get the motivation we need to do so. We can do it!

    1. Me toooo! It's about time, is what I say.

      SARAH let us job hunt together and be magnificent. And by together I obviously mean completely separately, since we have, I assume, completely different skills and also are looking in massively different places, and whatnot. But but we can moan about job hunting on twitter and soothe each other, maybe? :)

  2. If there was a feeling better dance then I would be busting some serious shapes right now. Mondays are the actual worst but they are only one day and can be defeated by general optimism.

    Job hunting is horrible. I feel like I've been doing it for years. In fact, I actually have been doing it for over a year :( Not cool, world! All of us job hunters should just pool our motivation and help motivate each other. Yay for change!

    1. I'm sure you're right about Mondays... Hey me! Tomorrow it'll be Tuesday, and Tuesdays suck less! (I really hate Tuesdays at the moment too cause that's the day my nan died on, but ANYWAY).

      Job hunting is my actual least favourite thing. I hate talking myself up on my CV/application forms, I HATE interviews, so in one way I don't even WANT to be successful, and and it's just all the worst. But I could really use some more money and also a job that's an actual job and not a minimum wage space saver. (Space saver? In terms of my life ambitions/jobs, I mean. Or something...)

  3. Still sending you virtual smushes, very slowly and sadly, from the general vicinity of my duvet. Just so you know. *sends an extra big virtual smush just in case you can feel that in real life* My life has recently become one long round of reading a few pages, exploring Pottermore, brewing potions (because real life cooking involves too much washing up and also STANDING up), having mini meltdowns, napping, hugging cats, showering or brushing my teeth whenever I can't bear to NOT do those things for another minute, and waiting for my STUPID MENTAL HEALTH SERVICE REFERRAL to happen. Two weeks is a long time to wait when you've gone to the GP and basically said "I had a meltdown, I'd quite like to just sleep for a long time, my head's going to explode and kill me with violent thoughts, and also can you see me trying not to cry at you?" *huge sigh* So... yeah, sorry, that's not very cheerful. JUST KNOW ABOUT THE VIRTUAL SMUSHING, LAURA. THAT PART IS IMPORTANT. Also, I love your Kurt GIFs. :)

    1. Ohhhhhh, Ellie. I am about to email you SO HARD. But the important part is that I love you, and also your smushes are very lovely. As are you. Also, I LOVE YOU.

  4. *hugs* aaaand *hugs again*
    I hope things go much better for you this week! The general sads are the worst because you can't pin it on anything, except maybe cliche things like "oh it's just winter and the lack of sun". I wish you the best on job hunting - I am an introvert and interviews scare the heck out of me, but I had this deck of interview cards that really helped me out. If you want, I could take some photos of these interview card questions/tips and send them to you!

    1. Those interview card things sound amazing and I would really really appreciate any help that I can get! (Not that I have any interviews or anything yet... But I will eventually! She says...) So yes, pictures please!

      And yeah, general sads... I mean, it's definitely mostly because of my nan, but also there is the fact that it's winter and it seems like spring will NEVER BE HERE and yeah. I kind of just hate everything at the moment. But I'm trying not to!

  5. Yaaay for feeling not so sad! And look at the job thing as being a good excuse to make you find something else. Something else that realizes not EVERYONE has a damn car. Dammit.

    1. I'm definitely thinking of the job thing as a good excuse for me to sort my life out. But that kind of thing is MUCH easier said than done! So yeah. I'm trying, though. Or I'm gonna try. Whatever.

      And YEAH, not everyone has a damn car, right?! FFS, world!

  6. *waves* Hey Laura! I don't really have much to add other than ugh job hunting, yay for less sad, but I wanted to stop by and say hi. Also, my sister gets back from Canada next week so I'll finally get my Christmas present from you! Wooooo

  7. Urgh job hunting sucks, buuuuut you kind of don't love your job now? so maybe it's good :-) Also, were they brownies from the super awesome brownie recipe? :-D
