
Sunday 13 April 2014

Sunday Sundries: I Am Old Now

Merry Palm Sunday, people!
Naturally I don't really know what I'm talking about when I say this, since I suspect Palm Sunday isn't that merry, only what do I know? Nothing. That's what. The date just occurred to me, is all.

So I had a birthday on Wednesday. In spite of all my trepidation and sad sad prediction that I would probably just cry all day, I actually did ok. It's not like it was my best birthday ever, but I only got teary a few times, and then cried once, which I kind of count as a success at this point. Whether or not I was happy is kind of another question, but I did as well as I could, under the circumstances. I was also reminded of how bloody awesome children are when you're sad, AND how nice they apparently are to you when it's your birthday. Or maybe my cousin's kid is just the best (he definitely is).

Basically, it was what it was. It was a day spent with my family, where I got presents and cake, and it would have been all good if you ignored the gaping, person shaped hole in proceedings. Which was the hardest thing to do.

Shall we talk presents though? Or, more specifically, present because basically, as a well done for my 25th year of being alive, I got a mini iPad!
This is obviously something I really needed because now I have the full set of Apple products- iPod touch, iPhone, MacBook Pro and now this iPad. And... I kind of don't know how to integrate it into my life. I mean... I know I can watch things on it, and I can read on it, and I can do all manner of internet things on it, but it's possible that it's maybe not that necessary. BUT I love it and that's what really matters here, I think.

So, birthday. Yay-ish. I'm sure that other things happened this week... My housemates have all been off work because they're teachers/trainee teachers and it's the school holidays now, and it's both nice to actually see people in the mornings, and REALLY ANNOYING that they get to stay at home and do whatever while I slink off to work. Stupid living with teachers... *mutters angrily*. I skipped my first run ever this week because I didn't really feel well at the start of the week, but I've been getting back on track since then. AND work is still annoying me and yeah. Still really need to do something about that.
But still. The sun has mostly been shining, and life has mostly been ok. I can probably live with that.


  1. I didn't even know it was Palm Sunday until we were in the high street earlier and came across a religious procession complete with palm leaves.....

    And speaking as a teacher, I feel no guilt about my holidays! :P

    1. I know all the names of the religious days for some reason. It's a real gift to my life...

      DAMMIT, SAM! Have some sympathy for the rest of us poor souls!

  2. Okay, so that Aladdin GIF is the best thing ever. Expect it to appear somewhere on my blog in the future, possibly during one of the upcoming readathons because GIFs just WORK in readathon posts.

    I'm glad your birthday was okay in the end. Remember mine last year, where I just wanted to go hide in a cave until it was over? And then people came and were nice and it wasn't so horrific after all? I'm glad that happened for you too, even though nothing could ever make it NICE, exactly. Good lass. :)

    1. P.S. BOOKS BAGUETTES AND BEDBUGS! Oh God, please don't hate it, please don't hate it, please don't hate it... I'm right in the middle of writing a kind of 'one book and me' life history of the LOVE I have for it, so... please don't hate it, please don't hate it, PLEASE DON'T HATE IT. *runs off to a corner in a panic* :(

    2. GIFs in readathon posts are the best. Relax the eyes away from allll the reading. LESS THAN 2 WEEKS TIL THE 24 HOUR ONE!!!!

      I do remember that birthday. And all I can say is, I think we both did ok. Go us.

      I've started BB&B and I already really like it!! Got a little bit sidetracked by Running Like A Girl, but I literally JUST found BB&B (didn't know it was missing... But it's fine cause I've found it again now!) and I've nearly finished RLAG so I will be back on it soon. I feel like that was a really long way to explain that... Dammit.

    3. I signed up for Dewey yesterday. FOR THE FIRST TIME IN DEWEY HISTORY, I AM NOT AT WORK ALL WEEKEND! I might not last all night like I used to when I had my own annexe to creep around with no people to wake up, but I'm still going to read the CRAP out of that day and sleep as little as possible. YES. :D

    4. Aghhh! I can't do the whole thing because I think by 1pm on Sunday I shall be at Harry Potter Land, but I intend on reading for alllllllll of Saturday so THAT will be awesome! Last readathon I had just moved into my house and started reading but then we had pizza and I felt like I should probably be sociable. THIS TIME, I don't need to be sociable with those schmoes! Hahaha

  3. Happy belated birthday! I am glad it was not horrible. And turning 25 does not make you old!

    And all apple products are unnecessary, but so pretty :)

    1. Thank you! And maaaan, I feel so old. But that might just be because I ran today and now all my parts ache.

      I feel like maybe two apple products are necessary, and that's about it? Like, just the iphone and the macbook... Or the iphone and ipad... 4 just seems kind of excessive now and I get concerned about not showing all of them the same attention!!

  4. Pffffffffft and pshaw I say in response to your oldness.

    I am quite happy that your birthday was tolerable, and perhaps event a bit better than tolerable. And that you had cake and family to buoy you. And hopefully you'll figure out all the awesome stuff you want to do on your iPad mini, to boot!

    1. SO OLD, EMILY!

      It actually was a bit better than tolerable. There were just, like, EMOTIONS that I didn't want on my birthday, but, I mean, I don't want them any of the time! So I just coped with them and worked through them and stuff and I'm sure it was all psychologically healthy. Which is good!


    Palm Sunday is celebratory because Jesus came into Jerusalem and all the people were happy. And then on Good Friday he dies because they refused to have him released from prison. So it's REALLY SAD, but you act like it's happy. I do not like going to church on Palm Sunday, because we process with palms, but the people who KILLED JESUS did that. We're supposed to identify with them, but i'm not sure churches say that in general.



      So, Jesus question: He had the last supper on Maundy Thursday, but why wasn't he in prison already at that point? And also, hey, how come he was in prison anyway? I AM VERY SHADY ON THE DETAILS HERE. It makes sense that you're supposed to identify with the people who killed Jesus though, because we're all sinners and would have done the same probably etc etc, right?


    2. I was just gonna say that Palm Sunday was happy because Jesus got to ride a big donkey AND a little donkey...somehow simultaneously? I'm still working that one out. But Alice has provided more and better information so I'll just continue eating my mac 'n' cheese in silence over here.

    3. In reply to the Jesus question:
      I'm pretty sure that the last supper is commemorated on Maundy Thursday, but that doesn't necessarily mean that it is supposed to have happened then. I can't remember the EXACT timeline in which everything is supposed to take place, but I think there's a couple of days at least of a trial and whipping and other not nice things before he is crucified. It's just a convenient day to commemorate it on. At the last supper, he says that one of the people there will betray him, which they do, and then he is arrested, put on trial and crucified. Christian upbringing, woo! Heh.

  6. YAY BIRTHDAY! And I'm glad it was better than you thought, even if there were sad parts

    Also YAY iPad Mini!! I have all of those apple products too (wait, how did that happen) and yeah, it's sort of pointless but WHAT? DON'T CARE.

    1. Definitely better than I thought. Which is good. Hopefully that'll be true for, you know, the rest of life too!

      SO MANY APPLE PRODUCTS. I basically don't use my ipod touch anymore (or not very much, anyway) and I use my phone allllll the time, so it's really just the macbook and the ipad fighting it out for superiority now. I like the ipad for general internet looking at, and the macbook for serious business like blogging and whatnot. That's my take on things!

  7. First thing, HAPPY BIRTHDAY + a few days! I've heard that every year after a loss gets a little easier, but the first year is by far the worst. Hang in there, friend.

    Second thing: I just finished S4 of Breaking Bad, so I've officially seen the episode in which Jesse Go-Karts sadly. I thought of you as he made his gloomy way around the track. (And the S4 finale OMG. OooooohMG.)

    1. I hear that too. I really hope it's true. Even if I feel bad for feeling better because it's like leaving her behind and yeaaaaah. So horrible.

      That scene is both so sad, but sort of makes me lol a tiny bit because I'm a terrible person! I just... no one should be that sad when they're go karting! (OMG is so right. That's a big defining moment right there. I hope you're ready for s5, except I don't think you are because NO ONE is ready for s5. Seriously. WOAH.)

  8. This is a bit late, but happy birthday!!! :D

    1. Thank you! There's no such thing as too late when it comes to happy wishes :)

  9. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, LAURA! Have you discovered the glorious things you can do with your iPad yet? I pretty much use mine to scroll through tumbrl, but the tumblr app is sort of crap, so, you know, no help there.

    Living with teachers would drive me nuts for just that reason. Glower at them for me.

    1. I don't even know if I'm using my ipad to its full potential yet, but I bloody love it, I'll tell you that! (Even if the kindle app does make my kindle slightly obsolete... lol). I actually don't have the tumblr app (DUH me) but I have it on my phone and it does kind of suck. Poor us. With our shiny shiny ipads....

      Don't worry, I totally glower at them all the time. TO BE FAIR, they have totally been making our garden look awesome this week while I go to work, so I can't be TOO mad at them...

  10. I'm trying to count on my hand how many years older I am than you but I don't have enough fingers on one hand. CRIES. 25 is not old, my dear.

    YAY for sun! It's cloudy today and it's making me sluggish. So instead I'll just drink more coffee. :) Hope you're week is going fabulously!

  11. Sorry, Laura - this is almost a week late but I've had drama at work and haven't been around much... *coughs* No excuses.


    Did my card and package arrive safely? :)

    Aww, bless the children being nice. I'm glad you have cute ones around you - I'm in a bit of anti-child phase in some sort of rebellion against my boyfriend's family suddenly continuously asking us when we're going to have babies... which makes complete sense, naturally.

  12. I'm so super late here - HAPPY LATE BIRTHDAY!! I'm glad that wasn't the worst.

    I can't believe you have so many Apple products! Holy crap woman. But yay for new toys to do things with. And for your running. I'm excited about that :)
