
Sunday 4 May 2014

Sunday Sundries: Right Now I Am...

GUYS! I have been such an inconsistent blogger lately that it's crazy. And I don't even have an excuse for it. I mean, sure, I've been to Harry Potter Land (OMG. That is getting a post all of its own because seriously, it was SO much more exciting than I thought it would be) and there was that whole week where I was watching Harry Potter films and that basically took up all of my spare time, but the weeks just seem to be whizzing by me at the moment and blogging somehow hasn't happened in them.

Which is fine. But I'm still reading (WOO!) and the things to review are piling up and I want to get some thoughts on the Harry Potter films down before I forget them and have to GASP watch them again and yeah. I needs to get back on track, so here's a Sunday Sundries for you. You lucky things.

Right now, I am...

Listening to: I've been listening to Joni Mitchell (SURPRISE!) while I've been running because it turns out that Blue is a pretty good length for how far I've been having to run on the Couch to 5k programme. I was slightly concerned that it would make me hate Joni Mitchell, or associate her with really hard work or whatever, but mostly I just go 'you and me are in this together, Joni!' and just keep on running.

Reading: Soooo many things. Except really only one thing. Ok, so before Friday I was reading: As Always, Julia a book of letters between Julia Child and Avis Devoto because I watched Julie and Julia again on Monday and am always obsessed with it and this is basically the only book associated with it that I have left, and then of course I'm reading Lady Audley's Secret for Alice's readalong, Everything's Eventual of which I have read 2 of 14 short stories and at this rate it'll take me 7 weeks to finish, and The First 20 Minutes which is all about exercise and busting some myths about what's best to do and which I would probably find really boring if the lady writing it wasn't EXTREMELY AMUSING. But she is so it's awesome.
AND. I am reading World War Z. Which is really ALL I'm reading at the moment because OMG it's so good. Like way better than I was expecting. Especially because I picked it up once before and couldn't really be bothered with it but this time I've gone past the first 2 pages and I am SO INTO IT.
You could probably have gotten all of this information from my sidebar. Also I hope all the answers aren't going to be this long...

Eating: This afternoon (Saturday, natch) I've had a magnum and half an easter egg. To say that I'm riding a sugar wave right now would be an understatement. *crashes 5 minutes later*

Watching: I was on tumblr the other day and there was this MASSIVE Parks and Rec spoiler that would annoy me but it was too awesome and it reminded me that there were Parks and Rec episodes just out there in the world that I hadn't seen, so I'm on that now. I also just started watching It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia (which is the second thing in this post recommended to me by Alley) and it's preeeeetty funny, you guys. I'm into it.

Making: TECHNICALLY I haven't started this yet, but, inspired by last week's trip to Harry Potter Land, I've bought the wool to make myself a Hufflepuff scarf. This winter I will be the coolest of all the people in the world. And this doesn't really count as making, but yesterday I repaired three bras, a dress, and finished off this skirt I've made from a dress. Not too shabby, if I do say so myself.

Planning: A way that I can spend the maximum possible amount of time outside this summer. Because yaaaaay, vitamin D!

Feeling: Not too bad. Fairly alright. And on Friday night I went out and had some drinks, and I honestly felt more like a normal person than I have in my whole life. (Note: I am not a normal person).

Loving: Longer days and restful nights, getting stuff that I've been putting off done, Harry Potter (especially at the moment), and the massive load of easter and birthday chocolate I still have to eat. Mmmm, sugar...

Wanting: I actually kind of want another readathon. I just fancy it now I'm in the middle of 5 books, but I think the reason I'm in the middle of 5 books is because last week's readathon made me go 'oh YEAH! Reading!' which is pretty good. I'm unofficially reading the crap out of shit. Yeah, that's what I said.

Thinking: About how shit I am at actually making things happen. I am being deliberately vague but there's a thing I really want and all I have to do is some stuff and I haven't and I just really frustrate myself sometimes. I'm working on it, but it's a really massive personality flaw, I feel.

Looking forward to: Seeing Frances's new flat (at some point), meeting my cousin's baby (at some point... probably August), picnics all summer, reading all the books. These things are not too shabby.

Tell me all about your things, please. What are some of YOUR massive flaws? Let's commiserate.


  1. Bout of Books, Laura, BOUT OF BOOKS. I need to read World War Z. And rebook for the HP studio tour. And eat my Easter eggs. And also go outside because I sat out for HOURS yesterday with Lady Audley's Secret and it was hot and sleepy and wonderful. Happy week jellybean!

    1. This is going to sound stupid, but Bout of Books stresses me out to the extent where even if I want to do something that isn't reading, I feel like I should read instead and so I stop enjoying EVERYTHING and it's just bad. Basically I just want to do a day long readathon every weekend, and I think that I should.

      You sooooo need to read World War Z because OMG. And yessss the Harry Potter Tour (obvs). And easter eggs. And all the sitting outside and reading because it's magnificent even if it was totally cloudy today STUPID WEATHER.

  2. I'm also currently writing a "currently…" post which probably isn't going to be all that current once I finally finish writing it haha! Have you seen the movie World War Z? I haven't read the book, but I was really disappointed in the movie.
    We had a big Harry Potter exhibit here in Edmonton all winter, but I never went because, well, I haven't actually finished reading the series and I was worried about *spoilers*. Sigh, I should have just gone! I'm sure Harry Potter Land was a million times better though! I mean, yours had Butterbeer after all!

    1. Ahaha, I've done that with Currently posts before! It happens :). I haven't seen the World War Z movie, and now that I'm reading the book I'm really glad I didn't because I can only imagine that they butchered it.

      AGH, that exhibition sounds great, but I understand your need to avoid spoilers (except READ IT READ IT NOW). The Harry Potter Studio Tour was awesome, although it was very museumesque so it wasn't REALLY like being inside the books... I feel like the Wizarding World of Harry Potter, which I believe is in Florida would be more like I AM HARRY POTTER! or whatever, which I would quite like to experience! But it was still awesome, come over here and I'll take you!

  3. Now I want to watch Julie & Julia again :P

    1. Completely understandable, nay, sensible reaction. I can't even describe how much I LOVE that film.


    We've just had this crazy cold snap here in Brisbane. In the grand scheme of things it isn't cold-cold, but we went from 33 deg days to 18 deg days literally overnight. As in, complained on Thursday about summer never ending and then woke up Friday with cold toes. And before you say anything about Queensland weather, a 15 deg drop is huge ANYWHERE. BUT my point was that cold weather signals to the planning of my group of friend's medieval party where we drink all the mulled wine and mead we can get our hands on and I am so excited. It's no butterbeer, but at least it feels like it's on the same page (especially if I dress up as a medieval wizard)


      As I said on twitter, I am sympathetic to the fact that you really have had a massive temperature drop, but not at all sympathetic that you think 18C is cold. Because we haven't even gotten to 18C here yet and it's May already and HMPH. 18 is not mulled wine weather, young woman! (Butterbeer is sooooooooo good though. There must be recipes for it on the internet, it's basically just cream soda lol)

    2. 18 during the day, but closer to 10 at night AND I DON'T NEED AN EXCUSE TO DRINK MULLED WINE JUST LET ME LIVE MY LIFE.

      It's not that 18 is cold as much as 18 with chilled winds is very different from 30 degree salty summer days. It's a shock thing more than anything. But it is nice not to sweat while you sleep or sit still.

      I made buttered jelly shots last year and they were good, but I wish I could have the real buttered that makes everything warm and fuzzy and great.

    3. Ugh, stupid autocorrect. That sultry summer days, not salty.

  5. YAY to both reading World War Z AND watching Always Sunny. Isn't it great/terrible/GREAT? OMG they are terrible terrible people and I love them. But also hate them.

    1. YAY to your constant inspiration in my liiiiife ;) haha. I've seen 3 eps of Always Sunny so far, and it literally is those things. They are THE WORST but also THE BEST and OMG. It's my new favourite thing, I think. Apart from World War Z which is amazing and yet SOMEHOW I still haven't finished it (she says after 4 days... but it's so good I could have read it in SECONDS)

  6. OMG--I forgot that there's a Stephen King book that you and I can actually talk about! I listened to Everything's Eventual because one of my friends was the reader for one of the stories in that book. That book was very low-level creepy from what I understand about it relative to other King books, but it was still too creepy for me. Do you like it?

    Also, I really liked reading As Always, Julia. Two smart women, engaged with the world around them, writing letters to each other. What's not to like?

    I CANNOT WAIT to get your Harry Potter world post. I miss our readalong and I want to hear all about your HP day.

    1. Aghhhh, can we?! How exciting! I've read Everything's Eventual before but I don't remember it, and so far I've read two of the stories, one of which I found REALLY creepy, and one of which I didn't massively care for (as is the way with short stories) so it's still too early to say if I like it, I think! But I definitely don't think it's going to be as creepy as I'm possibly used to, so there's that.

      You're so right about As Always, Julia. Just, yes. I love how their letters started just with a small thing, and it could have turned into nothing, but because they're both so interesting and have so much to say, it really turned into something. LOVE.

      You will definitely hear all about my HP day! Eventually. At some point. Here's something you won't like- the tour guide man was like 'who likes Hufflepuff? Who likes Ravenclaw? Who likes Gryffindor?' and THEN got to 'who likes Slytherin?' and said 'if you do, there's the door' and I was literally like 'EMILY WOULD NOT BE IMPRESSED.'

  7. I have exactly the same personality flaw! Even if I know that doing something will make my life much better, I tend to put off doing it, even if it's something really really simple. Whenever I do make myself do something though I'm always amazed at how much doing it doesn't actually bother me, and I think I MUST REMEMBER THIS FOR NEXT TIME!! but then I don't, haha.

    I've been trying for a few years to get better at it, but it's hard! I am getting a bit better though.
