
Monday 2 June 2014

Monday, Monday

So I kind of dropped the ball on Sunday Sundries yesterday, huh? I have excuses, all of them good, but I've been making too many excuses for not blogging lately, and that must stop. Mission statement going on right here (also I have like 7 draft posts right now, and that is just too many).

Yesterday though- it was my mum's birthday (I made a cake, natch) and whilst I got her the best present in the world (we're going to see Dolly Parton in like 4 weeks!) I also abandoned her a tiny bit so that my sister and I could do the Colo(u)r Run- that thing that you see people doing on instagram like allllll the time, and go, 'God, that looks fun' so you sign up for it and... God, it's fun.

I say it was fun- queuing up for more than an hour in the burning sun waiting to start was not fun in any way, and I'm pretty sure they need some kind of better organisation or something because that was total bullshit. However- and I didn't think this would be the case but it was- the fun of the running and the colour was so good that it actually outweighed the fact that we'd stood waiting for it for longer than it took to run. Also, COLOUR.

And that was pretty much my weekend, minus the 50,000 times my family annoyed me. Hey, it happens.

The week before the weekend? I can hardly even remember it now. Except WAIT, yes I can- my dad came out of hospital at LAST, which freed up time in my life for doing other things, and I used that time to watch Frozen, finally (it's so good. Like, really good. I kind of want to watch it again right now) and to go out to dinner with my housemate-friend (she was my friend before she was my housemate so I don't know what to call herrrr) and also make a shitload of cake for this was the week of my mum and grandads birthdays, aka my busy season. It's all good fun though, whatever.

This week: all I can think about for this week is the fact that Orange is the New Black is out on Friday and there goes my weekend. I'm slightly dithering over whether to watch season one again (I watched the first two episodes this Friday) so I'll probably just see what ends up happening in the week, but the important thing is OITNB!!!!!!!!! (I might be too excited about this. I'm not sure, it's probably fine.) I do really want to get some reading done this week- seems like an obvious thing to say, but I feel like I haven't really gotten into a book for a long time, so I need to hunt one down that will make my heart sing with joy.

Or, I could just watch OITNB again. Whatever.

Other than that, I guess I'll just see what the week brings. I hope yours is full of all lovely things!


  1. I so very nearly did the Colo(u)r Run! I think it snuck up on me in the end and I couldn't make it. It looks so much fun :D My boyfriend forced me to watch the first episode of Orange is the New Black this weekend and oh my goodness I loved it. I can't believe I haven't watched it before but I may cram watch series 1 before Friday. Exciting stuff. Have a lovely week :D

    1. Ellieeee! We could have met and gotten grumpy about the crowds and gotten all colourful! Ah well, maybe next year :)

      OITNB is so amazing, and I'm SO EXCITED FOR FRIDAY *bounces*

  2. My sister's doing a Colour Run next month, I think... she's all up into that running stuff, whereas I'm more 'Here, why don't you practice by running round the garden while I sit on this sunlounger and throw stuff at you?' *grins evilly*

    I'm glad your dad's out of hospital and back to his own bed (which let's face it, is ALWAYS the best bit about coming home from anywhere less than lovely), and also that Frozen is so good because I still haven't watched it even though I bought it WEEKS ago. Every night I think "right, tonight I'll watch one of my many DVD movies instead of another episode of whatever box set I'm in the middle of..." and then I DON'T because I leave it until too late and 45 minutes is better than 2 hours before bed. I suck at this. :(

    1. There's one in Manchester next month, so if that seems like where she's doing it, that's probably it! ITS SO FUN,

      Omg you need to watch frozen. I think it's less than 90 minutes (kids films, yo) and it's so fun and lovely and it's not perfect perfect but it's still SO GOOD. And the songs, Ellie. THE SONGS.

  3. I basically wasn't on the interwebz for all of May, so I didn't know about your dad. Oh, no! But I'm glad he's out of hospital, even if I didn't know he was there in the first place.

    Your Colour Run pics look like so much fun!

    Yay for cake and family birthdays!

    but MOST IMPORTANTLY, Yay for the new season of OITNB. COme on, Friday!

    1. Hehe, thank you for that Emily! I know May is your super busy month, so no worries!

      The colo(u)r run is SO fun, cake is amazing, but better than them all is surely OITNB. IT IS WEDNESDAY, TWO MORE DAYSSSSS!!!

  4. YAY Color Run! That looks fun. And like it would be a pain to clean up after.

    Is there such thing as being too excited for OITNB? Well, probably, but I trust you haven't fallen over that cliff yet.

    1. It was a pain to clean MYSELF up after, so I'd imagine it was not that fun for the organisy people. Although maybe they just let it blow away, I don't know!

      I feel like being TOO excited would be excitement up to the point of actually watching it, and then just not watching it because I've got sick of waiting or something? I don't know, but I think I'm still on a healthy level of excitement hahaha

  5. I totally came by to comment on your Life After Life post and it's gone. By the time I get to come back around to comment it'll probably be too late so basically I just want to tell you that I wanted more. I needed to know ALL those answers, too.

    Back to THIS post. Glad your dad is out of the hospital and hope he continues to do well. And Yay Colo(u)r run! I'm not sure how many people were doing it but we got lucky and landed in the 4th wave in Dallas so only had to wait 30 minutes or so. I wasn't really paying attention. SO MANY PEOPLE THOUGH.

    I'm super excited about OITNB except we like to binge watch shows so we'll probably wait several more weeks. Blarg.

    Have a great week dear Laura!

    1. Early publishing by mistake is evil, I'm sorry!

      There were sooooo many people colo(u)r running. You might say too many. BUT it was so weird how I forgot how annoyed I was basically after pink because OMG THE FUN. Seriouslyyyy.

      I like to binge watch too, so OITNB is what I'll be doing Friday night/Saturday morning :D LOVE IT.

      Hope you're having a fab week, lovely Trish :)

  6. The colour run is so much fun, but maaaaan did my car look like a mess for a week afterwards! I also got blasted in the mouth and eyes with the chalk/powder by an over-enthusiastic volunteer when I was halfway through the run, which was super gross. But yay! You did it!

    And yay for papa Rowsell coming out of hospital, and yay for baking cakes and giving great gifts to mama Rowsell (although I'm guessing that gift was just as much a gift to yourself amirite?)!

  7. We got public transport because London, so I think we just made a mess of the tube rather than my mum's car (she picked us up from the station) someone in yellow TOTALLY chucked a load of yellow crap into my face and all over my glasses which was not my favourite! But still. Such fun!

    Mama rowsell's gift a gift for me?! Goodness no, I shall have to positively DRAG myself to see that country and western singer! :D :D :D I am too excited for words! Hahaha

  8. The Color Run!!! I love it, it's so much fun even with all the crowds and waiting. I'm glad you got to do it!

    So yay for your dad being out of the hospital, and for watching Frozen (it's so funny), and cake!

    Also, the honeyman has started binge-watching OITNB, which I was kind of bummed about because I wanted to see it too, but he started binge-watching it because I started binge-reading my Outlander re-reads, and yeah... But I will watch it sometime next month or so, because it does seem really good. I can't read in the room while he's watching it b/c I get distracted. Damn show I'm super late getting around to..
