
Sunday 29 June 2014

Sunday Sundries: Dolly

I've been running a lot of ideas through my head about what to write my Sunday Sundries about this week (and running things through my head has really been my limit of blogging this week... SUCH BUSY TOO MUCH) and in the end it was going to be a variation on this sort of theme:
Because that really has been my week.

However. Last night, my mum and I went up to London to redeem her much awaited birthday present, tickets to see Dolly Parton live. I don't care what anyone has to say about Dolly, I love her an incredible amount, I think she's an amazing human, and SHE SET UP A FOUNDATION THAT SENDS FREE BOOKS TO CHILDREN. (Book relevence. Good.) She can also, at the age of 68, still sing as well as she ever could, and her voice live is even more beautiful than when it's recorded.
Going to one of her shows, she makes you feel like she's your best friend- she shares stories about her life and weaves them into her music, making sure you know where she's come from and that she really, really, really appreciates everything she has now. And her songs, man. She's just... She's so good. You might not like country music, you might not like corniness, but I like both of those things, and I love- LOVE Dolly, and I don't know how anyone couldn't.

Here's a fun story about her: Elvis wanted to record I Will Always Love You (because he was a smart, smart man) but he wanted publishing rights to the song, which would mean that he would make a lot more money off of his recording, and all subsequent recordings of it. Dolly said that he could record it, but he couldn't have publishing rights because, you know, that was her song. That decision meant that Elvis never did record it, but she has earned millions off of it, because, you know, Whitney Houston. But Dolly TURNED ELVIS DOWN. No one does that! But she did because she's awesome.
Laugh at her if you want, and she'll be right there laughing along with you- she'll joke about her wig, her plastic surgery- anything anyone could think to say about her, she's already said it and negated any kind of mockery. She's kind and sweet but tough as nails, and there's no arguing with her musical prowess- last night she sang Little Sparrow pretty much acapella, and gave me goosebumps all over. I'm not sure I'll ever have the pleasure of seeing someone live who I admire more, and I'm so glad, and grateful, that I got to see Dolly last night.

And did she fix all the things that were wrong with my week? Well, kind of- in that I didn't think about them for a whole two and a half hours, and I feel like I can carry her songs and her words and her incredibly uplifting spirit around with me for this next week (which is bound to be as crappy) and for many more weeks to come. Dolly, I love you. And I always will.


  1. I bet it would be such an amazing experience seeing Dolly Parton live. She isn't my favorite but I do appreciate her music and admire her as a person. Hard Candy Christmas is one of my favorite Christmas songs, too. Ha! I'm glad it brought a little bit of sunshine to your week. And hope that this week isn't as crappy as you suspect it will be. ;)

    1. DOLLY HAS A CHRISTMAS SONG, WHUT?! I definitely did now know this, and I am youtubing it right now. But, yes. Dolly forever.

  2. Wow, I had no idea she was such an awesome feminist and rock star. I think I heard similar things about Cyndi Lauper recently. She had a lot of cool insight on Girls Just Wanna Have. Fun - for example, making sure the cast was as diverse as possible, which I thought was awesome.

    1. Yesss, I think I've heard that about Cyndi Lauper too! I just love when you love someone's music and then you realise they're actually the most amazing person and it's just like YES. Dolly is honestly perfect to meeee.

  3. Dude, I saw some documentary on her and was like DOLLY PARTON IS AN AGELESS FOUNT OF WISDOM AND BENEVOLENCE. She's just super-nice and really, really smart and obvs talented.

    Did she sing 9 to 5? I DO HOPE SO.

    1. OF COURSE she sang 9 to 5! I feel like she's the kind of performer who gives the people what they want, unlike other people I've seen live (COUGH Bob Dylan COUGH). And yes, ALL OF THESE THINGS YOU SAY OF HER ARE TRUE. She's literally just the best human.

  4. I feel like Dolly transcends any kind of musical categorization. Like, someone who HATES hates country will still love Dolly. It's impossible to do otherwise.

    Have you read about her secret tattoos? Apparently she's covered in them, but she always wears long sleeves and they've been sighted only a few times through certain materials. Her tattoos are more elusive and mythical than Bigfoot, basically.

    1. I was just about to mention her hidden tattoos! Jezebel had an article on them a month or two ago, apparently they're all colourful flowers and butterflies and stuff.

    2. I have totally read about her secret tattoos and seen pictures of their outlines and whatnot. She's admitted that she has them now and said they're mainly just for her husband (ooer!) but honestly, that's just so badass.

      Dolly just kills it. I've been so surprised that everyone I've told I'm going to see Dolly has been like 'I LOVE HER!' because I THOUGHT THAT WAS JUST ME! But nope, she's just the greatest. DOLLY.

  5. I really I'm a billion years behind on commenting on this but you know WHATEVER

    ANYWAY YAY DOLLY. She's not my fav cos country music...bleh. Or bleh in general with some exceptions. Like Jolene. And 9 to 5. OK so actually maybe Dolly is the exception. I would totally go see her.

    I saw one of those "Strange Obsession" or whatever shows and it was about these two men who were in looooooooove with Dolly. Not quite to a "I want to wear your skin" sort of way, but a "every inch of our house is covered with Dolly stuff including a few Dolly mannequins wearing outfits she wore" and Dolly CAME TO THEIR HOUSE and was just the sweetest person and wasn't mean to them or seem freaked out or anything.
