
Sunday 17 August 2014

Sunday Sundries: My Week In Bullet Points

I really have no brain power to say anything useful right now, but here are some bullet points of my life this week:

  • I worked an evening shift on Wednesday, which meant that I could happily go to Whole Foods on Thursday and buy vegan marshmallows and gummy sweets* so, you know, it was a lose/win situation
  • An entire rundown of my Wednesday: Woke up too early, did yoga, had a shower, went to say a final goodbye to Becci (my ex-housemate/friend etc), had lunch at my grandad's, went to the hospital to see dad, saw sister who had been in Toronto/NYC (and got presents!), went to work, came home, watched The Great British Bake Off, fell asleep, got woken up by housemate coming in, literally stumbled off to bed. It was a long ass day on not-enough sleep.
  • Which, really, has been the theme for the week. I've had a headache nearly every day, and not enough free time for anything, really.
  • Except, that is, watching Robin Williams films because oh my god, have I mentioned how sad I am about this? I literally cried on Tuesday morning (which doesn't surprise me because I'm still emotional about, well, everything right now) which I totally wasn't expecting: I don't think I really thought about him a lot, but at the same time, it's like he's always been there, you know? I think anyone growing up in the 90s probably saw a LOT of Robin Williams films.
  • What I watched: Jumanji (ohhhh yeah!), Awakenings (which I hadn't seen before but was pretty awesome/sad), Good Will Hunting (So amazing. I've now seen it three times in less than a year which is unprecedented for how I watch films now) and, of course, Aladdin- my favourite regularly animated Disney film**. 
  • I've also decided I need to watch Dead Poet's Society, because it's RIDICULOUS that I haven't- I realised that I haven't because there's this episode of Friends where the woman who's stolen Monica's identity says "Did you ever see Dead Poet's Society? I came out of that movie and thought, 'Well, that's two hours of my life I'll never get back.'" Why have I been taking movie advice from a fictional criminal? It's difficult to say...
  • New housemate came back from holiday this week, so I've had to get used to there being 4 people in the house again. It's fairly ok, but I'm not very good with new people so I'm like some kind of housecat trying to figure out the new inhabitant or something. He's totally fine, I am my own problem!
  • Yoga has kind of become my punishment for not running, which I haven't done since July (a combination of fear of falling over like I did the last time I went, and also it being TOO HOT***
  • I got emails on Friday telling me about my introductory day for my Masters and reminding me how soon that is (SO soon). I'm still really excited, but also scared, but also excited and ALSO a little bit tired by the whole idea. The fact that right now I basically have no spare time and I'm trying to add full-time studenthood to that... It's a little bit scary. But still, I shall make it work, because I need it to.
Annnnd, that's been my week. It has gone by in no time at all, and not in the good way that usually implies. But still, another week is another chance to do better so we shall see how this one goes. I hope yours is too good to be true.

*Which I have now lost, but I'm sure they'll turn up... Hopefully...
**I know that's a cop out, but my favourite Disney/Pixar film is The Incredibles, and my favourite non-animated Disney film is Mary Poppins, and how am I meant to choose between them? HOW?!
***Not really a concern now, I'll admit. I'm aiming to go today, but who knows? Otherwise, punishment yoga it is!


  1. I was so sad when I heard about Robin Williams, especially having literally been about ten minutes away from the exact same end a few months ago. My heart breaks that someone I respect, who brought the world such joy, had to feel that, to come that close to the edge and take those steps and then let go of life. Does that make sense? It made me so angry hearing people say he was a coward, because the moments leading up to it are the most painful, gut-wrenching, terrifying and weirdly empty you can possibly imagine and unless you've been there, ready and seconds from making that decision, then SHUT THE FUCK UP. *coughs and looks embarrassed* It definitely shook me up, can you tell? Haha, oh dear, I'll stop now.

    And DUDE, watch Dead Poet's Society already. It's the most wonderful film, and it was part of what made me want to study literature properly, and I really want to watch it again but every copy of the DVD in the universe has apparently sold out (I had it on video, I think?). Maybe they'll rerelease it or something.

    I completely understand the 'housecat getting used to a new person' thing. I'm like that whenever there's someone even VISITING that I don't know very well. I kind of sneak around the house trying not to be seen - though I occasionally overcompensate and go more 'labrador' if I feel like I might have been a bit rude about the whole thing. :)

    May your life settle down soon Laura, and happiness reign, and all good things. xx

    1. Oh Ellie, I can't even imagine how horrible that must have been for you. It did make me SO angry people being like 'oh he's a coward, he took the easy way out etc etc' because NO WAY is that easy and oh my god, try having depression, please. (or don't because I wouldn't wish it on anyone.)

      I totally ordered the DVD for Dead Poet's Society, and they were like 'we're sorry, we haven't dispatched this. We don't know when we will' and I'm like ARGH GIMME. It's never on TV either, which all helps explain why I've never seen it.

      Not long after I wrote this, we went out together as a house so that helped with the new person thing, like, a lot. God bless alcohol hahaha.

  2. I would be so terrible at the new housemate thing, I am too socially awkward for that! I'm sure you're doing better than I would :)
    And I'm so excited for you about the Masters!

    1. Ahahaha, socially awkward is my middle name! I think I'm doing alright though- it's just a boy so they're easy, ya know?
      And thank youuuuu! I'm excited but also scared and ALSO I think I just need to start it now because I'm all like 'what's it going to be like? Am I going to like it? ARGH'. Bad times! (Also good ones. Very good ones.)

  3. Dude, stop listening to that thief and watch Dead Poet's society!! I will be absolutely shocked if you don't like it.

    1. I know! I don't even know what I've been doing with my life not watching it, to be honest. Stupid me!

  4. I haven't see Dead Poet's either. We should do a watch-a-long. Unless those are better to do with movies everyone already knows.

    1. Hmmm... They're probably better with movies everyone knows. Because you know what's coming and you don't have to give it your full attention and you can have all the lols. WE STILL NEED TO WATCHALONG MEAN GIRLS OMG.


  5. Dead Poet's Society is perhaps my favorite RW film. I don't think I'll ever hear "O Captain My Captain" again without wanting to cry. I really hope you like it when you watch it.

    1. I SECOND THIS SENTIMENT. *climbs on table and tears up*

    2. Hey, I've seen that bit of it! Of course I have. I do bloody love Walt Whitman anyway :)

  6. Robin Williams dying was definitely depressing. MRS. DOUBTFIRE!! So much love for that movie. And Aladdin. And Jumanji. Agh.

    I've never seen Dead Poet's Society either. But I haven't seen a LOT of classic movies, this is nothing new for me. I'll probably watch it eventually...

    Your Wednesday exhausted me just reading it. I hope you get more time to chill out :(

    1. Aw, I do love Mrs Doubtfire! I haven't seen it that many times because we never had it on video or anything, but it's pretty great :)

      It's Thursday and I'm just replying to comments from Sunday, so I still don't have the *perfect* balance going on... However, THIS Wednesday I had a BBQ with my housemates and potential new housemate so it was way more chilled than last Wednesday which was ridiculous. Have I mentioned how I hate being really busy? :(

  7. I don't know why I'm surprised England has Whole Foods, but I AM.

    Jumanji is the best. So much the best.

    1. We haven't had it for long! I only went there for the first time about 10 months ago, and they were still really really new then. I love it so much though.

      Jumanji is SO good. Much better than a kids film needs to be. Aladdin though. Aladdin.

  8. My absolute fave was Jumanji, followed by Mrs. Doubtfire, and then Aladdin (totally counts). But then I grew up and appreciated Good Will Hunting and The Birdcage (the Birdcage was a total eye-opener when I realized that gasp!- Robin Williams does adult humor, hahaha)

    Anyway, best of luck with your master's program! I will be cheering you on in your journey (you will hear me cheering all the way from Minnesota). You better believe it.

    1. I feel like Good Will Hunting might be my favourite Robin Williams film now... but it was DEFINITELY Aladdin when I was little! I need to watch The Birdcage so badly, and fortunately it's on Netflix :D

      And THANK YOU, my dear! I have a good feeling about it, mixed with a terrified feeling... I'm sure it's all perfectly normal haha

  9. Robin Williams is the celebrity whose death I've cared the most about, ever. Who has died while we've been alive, anyway. I just... I don't know. I didn't even think about him that much when he was alive, but it seems like such a HUGE loss that he's no longer with us. Children will grow up without him, probably barely knowing who he is. It's awful and tragic and I REALLY REALLY CARE.

    I loved The Birdcage the most, I think, but I can't say I've ever seen a film of his that I didn't like!

    1. HANNA! That was literally how I felt about it when I woke up last Tuesday and saw it and cried, and I was just like... Like, I definitely didn't think about him that much, but it's like he'd always been there in Aladdin and Jumanji and Good Will Hunting, and Jack (OMG Jack is so bad but I watched it so much when I was younger) and yeah, like you said, it feels like a massive loss. I care more about this than when Heath Ledger died (and I cared quite a bit about that. God, I love him.)

