
Sunday 7 September 2014

Sunday Sundries: I'm not tired, I'm just busy

GUYS! I am super going to rush this whole update thing because I'm tired and I want to watch some Netflix and go to sleep, frankly, but, you know, I can't have the whole internet thinking I'm dead.

The title of this post is something my housemate said to me this week, after I went 'I'm tiiiiired', as I am wont to do. He's wrong, of course- I'm busy AND I'm tired, and that's just how it is. It's partially my own fault- I spent my ONE day off this week going to London and walking around looking for jeans (sooo hard to buy jeans) and birthday presents for my sister, and then I spent my other half day off buying a dress (I know, I know, my life is hard) and making a cake. Sorry, that should be REALLY TIREDLY making a cake (ok, this might have been when the 'not tired, just busy' thing happened. Who can say?)

So, yeah. I didn't rest when I could have, and the rest of the time I worked. By which I mean, I did that extra morning AND THEN I worked this afternoon (WHY?!) because they needed someone to be in charge and I was that person. This was my first time of being in charge of people, like, ever, and I think I did ok! In that I gave everyone their jobs and then did mine and nobody mutinied or died or anything. Which, you know, I'm going to call a success so go me.

This week should be kind of quieter- I don't have things to buy or make, although I am kind of on call for an extra afternoon at work- but, an afternoon is not a morning, and that is the truth of that. My mantra for the rest of the week is basically 'five more days then nine days off. Five more days then nine days off' for I am having the week off work the week after next and it shall be too too glorious. Now just to get this pesky week out of the way...


  1. Buying jeans is the worst. Only thing worse is buying togs/swimmers. That's why if I find a perfect pair of jeans I buy like 3 pairs so I can live without the added stress of having to shop again anytime soon

    1. OMG buying a swimming costume IS worse. It's probably a reason I don't swim (but the main reason is I have to take my glasses off and I can't see shit so fuck that). Reaaaaally wishing I'd bought three pairs now though...

  2. Chanting down to how many days until I don't have to work is pretty much the key to making it through. (That sounds terrible, huh?) Did you find jeans? And a dress? How'd the cake come out? I HAVE SO MANY QUESTIONS.

    1. Alley! I feel like I tantalised you with this post but left so many things unsaid- for that I am sorry. I did find jeans (after, like about 20 attempts I am not even exaggerating I have a really weird shaped body) and I did find a dress, AND the cake was amazing (i shouldn't say that myself, but I can't make really good chocolate cake, and this was a REALLY good chocolate cake! So proud hehehe)

    2. PSH weird body shape. Unless science is studying you as some sort of medical anomaly, you have a normal body shape. Screw jean (and clothing in general) manufacturers.

    3. Aw, well bless your soul! I DO have a weird shape for (skinny) jeans though- my legs are way skinnier than my waist, but then my calves are extra muscly, and I have no butt. THESE ARE ALL ISSUES, APPARENTLY.

      Probably I just shouldn't buy skinny jeans, but I hate jeans flapping against my legs, soooo... It's what happens, man.

  3. I am with you on the jeans thing. Since when did skinny-jeans become default-jeans? I have nothing against them, though I don't like wearing them because they don't fit my shape, but they are a subcategory of jeans. When I want jeans, I want JEANS. (I do like Next's boyfriend-fit jeans though. They are so cosy.) Hurrah for shopping success and amazing cake!

    Five more days, then nine days off, Laura! :) You can do it. I believe in you. :D

    1. Hehe, see above re: skinny jeans. They're really the only jeans I like because they don't flap around my legs, but they definitely don't really fit my shape! This could be why I have issues... I got mine from next in the end too though!

      FOUR more days and nine days off now! I can totally do this!

  4. 9 days off! 9 days off! You can totally make it through this week.

    Buying jeans does suck. Back when I had more free time, I went to the thrift shops and tried on like 30 pairs at once in the hopes that at least two or three of them would be worth buying, and it would be super cheap. I'm too busy now, so I go to an actual store and end up spending like $30 on one pair that fits well. Ugh.

    1. HOLIDAY! I need it so so badly. Even if no one will do the work I normally do and I'll come back and it's a week behind and grrrrrr...

      See, see, I've always been cash poor but time rich, and I've been ok with that, but lately I've been cash poor AND time poor, and it just doesn't work out very well for me! Still, my jeans were like £20 which is bearable, especially because I don't buy clothes THAT often. It's all good.

  5. "In that I gave everyone their jobs and then did mine and nobody mutinied or died or anything." You are STAR manager material, because you set these amazing goals for yourself ;)
