
Sunday 16 November 2014

Sunday Sundries: Procrastinaaaaaaation (Part Two)

Hey kids! I'm doing really well at this talking about myself, and not so well at that talking about books thing, huh? Such is my life right now... And I'm in the middle of writing an essay, so that ain't good!
This week has been weird. I've been all over the place emotionally- winter does weird weird things to me, so when I haven't been feeling numb I've pretty much been crying, and if not crying then getting really angry and holy shit please just get me some damn sunshine. Today is the first day I've felt pretty ok, which is probably because I'm actually doing some of the work I've been putting off and getting progressively more scared of, and guess what? It's not that bad! Because of course it isn't.

Also, it's probably all the caffeine. Caffeine is magic.

This week has also been weird because oh my GOD the travel issues. I'm not kidding when I say that practically every day there's been something- Monday I got on the wrong train because it arrived at the same time as my train and I didn't check the board and I'm a dumbass. Thursday I was on a bus for two hours, one and a half hours of which was on the same roundabout and I missed uni (but I had wine instead, so that was fine) then Friday I had the double fun of getting absolutely soaked on my way into work, and then ridiculously delayed trains that meant I actually had to call in reinforcements (my mum) to get home. It's been kiiiiind of bullshit, and yet- things can only get better, right? RIGHT?!
My sad winter brain says no, but my deep down optimism says I really hope so. If not, I suppose there'll always be more wine so whatever, it's all good.

So how is reading stuff going, guys? I super miss just, you know, picking up a book and then reading it and going 'huh, cool!' maybe writing a bit of a gushing review about it and then moving on. I say this like I don't like Shakespeare anymore, and that is OBViously not true, but there's something to be said for recreational reading that I don't really have time for at the moment. I'm not despairing though- after the next couple of weeks, I've got two weeks of talking about films and The Sonnets (the sonnets are bullshit. Sorry) and then four weeks off (essay writing, Laura. But to all intents and purposes, yes, off) so it's kind of my refrain at the moment that I just get through the next two weeks and then I can ease off juuuust a little bit. I can at least aim not to spend my entire weekends reading articles and stuff, soooooo... Exciting!
So, to sum up: I'm mostly ok. I'm pretty tired. I need to finish this damn essay and stop looking at the damn internet, and try to remember how my brain works. Oh, and running and yoga are my ultimate saviours. Never underestimate those damn amazing endorphins, you guys. Also tell me about your liiiiiives because I read all your blogs on Friday night and probably didn't comment and don't remember who was who, but... Tell me all!


  1. Sorry you've not been feeling great this week. I'm missing the sunshine and the option to go out on lots of walks with the baby too. Hopefully the Christmas magic will arrive soon and make winter worthwhile :)

    1. Ah, Christmas. I haven't really been into it forrrr... like 4 or 5 years now? It alarms me because I was always like 'how are there people in the world who don't like Christmas?!' but now I'm kind of like, oh yeah. Meh. BUT you totally have a baby who will be transfixed, I am sure, and we have a new family baby so that'll be fun! Aw, babies make everything better :)

  2. That's a crap week, at least travel-wise... geez! Just two more weeks, just two more weeks...

    It's Monday and I am currently playing hooky from work, because this weekend wasn't that great and I kind of just wanted a day to relax and catch up on things and because I'm ridiculous. And now I'm debating the wiseness of going to the gym, on the one-in-a-million chance that someone at work just happens to be there also and sees that I am NOT, in fact, sick. Hmph.

    1. Less than two more weeks... Less than two more weeks... Really, in a week and a day I will have given the two presentations I have to give and my suffering will be over, so that's not long! (also I have to write another essay in those 8 days. FML.)

      You are nauuuuughty, but I won't tell anyone! I hope no one caught you at the gym if you went. If I had advised you, I would have advised against it, but I am a total wimp hahaha

  3. There are some lovely things about winter - but yeah, I'm starting to get the winter sad brain taking over too. I don't want to get a job any more, I don't really want to do much except stare out the window at the trees, tbh. Maybe in spring? Yes? When everything feels POTENTIAL instead of just cold? Yes, good. Back into the pyjamas for another three months.

    1. Awwww, Ellie. But, I mean, yeah. Winter kind of makes me feel a little bit dead, which is not cool. I have kind of perked up this week though, but by perked up I kind of mean, I have had to kid myself into thinking I'm awake so that I can get this goddamn essay written and not stab myself in the face with a pen just to get out of it... I think I'm taking to this academia thing really well!

  4. Winter is being a real jerk. And travel. Lots of jerks.

    When missing class, good choice going for wine.

    Not ALL the sonnets are bullshit. I mean, sure, a lot are but there are a LOT of them so bound to happen.

    1. Soon many jerks. I hate everything.

      WINE! It was pretty cheap and pretty good. I am only a recent adopter of wine, but I am soooooo into it right now.

      OK, when I say the sonnets are bullshit, what I really mean is, I don't have a beautiful enough soul to really get poetry, and I'm definitely never going to write an essay on the sonnets and I feel like it's kind of ok to coast through those weeks? Or at least it is in my brain and I'm going with that because I still don't care about the sonnets! (Except the one you had at your wedding... Which was obviously awesome and I definitely remember which one that was... Ummmm... Yes. I did actually read it though! It was nice.)

    2. Oh man, I SOOO do not have the soul for poetry. I hear people talking about reading books of poetry and I WANT to be the type of person that can do that, but no.

      I am behind not wanting to write an essay on the sonnets. Or any single sonnet. Though I did have to write one on sonnet 116, which might be part of the reason I like it so much. Or I picked it to write about cos i liked it. Cause and effect is sort of lost at this point.

      ANYWAY, I support coasting through the sonnets. I'm just happy the reaction isn't "sonnets I HATE YOUR FACE SO MUCH"

      And yay wine. Especially cheap wine. I can't tell the difference between good and bad wine. Which is nice. I'd like to stay there cos it's hard to disappoint me with wine.

    3. I actually can't read too much poetry at once because it starts kind of going in one ear and out the other (relatively speaking).

      I mean, I don't think I could write a 5000 word essay on a single sonnet (I'm sure there are people who could but not me!) and I don't think I could link the sonnets in any way because I don't have those kind of linking skills in my brain and I am just baaaad at poetry. But I don't hate the sonnets AND it is worth saying that when I have to really get down to it and study one poem deeply, I end up proper loving that poem.

      WINE! I can only really tell the difference between wine I like and wine I don't, which is fine with me (and has nothing to do with price as far as I can tell) Shit, it's like 9.30am and I want some wine now... Alcoholism awaits! (not really. I'm just really tired hahahaha)
