
Wednesday 25 February 2015

I Am Not Dead: A Bumper Update Edition

I know, I know. It's been about 10,000 years (actual time: a whole calendar month, which is totally accidental!) and ohhhh my god, what a month. Let's see if I can even formulate any kind of coherent narrative for my life in all that time.

So. Since January 25th...

  • I've kind of been in a grief haze, which has meant I can carry on with life and stuff, but mostly I haven't really cared to. What it has essentially meant is that I can do all the things I NEED to do, but nothing more than that. I'm getting better now, which is kind of why this post even exists.
  • Shakespeare has happened! Obviously... I did another presentation and only have one to go (Thank. God.) and I'm actually starting to care about what I'm reading again, which I'm really grateful for because, come on: I'm only going to be doing a Masters in Shakespeare once in my life, you know? It doesn't hurt that I'm right in the middle of the juicy juicy plays (Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, Macbeth, Othello) and it's difficult not to care about those.
  • My nan had a funeral and it was the saddest, except (EXCEPT) when we were leaving the church, my dad's trousers fell down TO THE ANKLES and it was THE most spectacular moment, possibly of my whole life. I felt kind of terrible for laughing as much as I did, but then everyone kept saying how much both of my dad's parents would have laughed at it (A LOT) and really that just made me feel super close to them, which was nice.
  • The day after my nan had a funeral, I went to London to hang out with Frances, which involved missing uni (whoops) but was, I think, exactly what I needed most in the world on that day. Best friends are pretty important, you guys. 
  • Two days after my nan had a funeral, my dad went into hospital again. He's out now. That's pretty much all I have on that, other than to say that it was a super tiring week and I'm pretty glad it's over.
  • Last week was reading week, which meant that out of a full 9 days, I had 6 off. This was unbelievably gratifying, and I managed to finish my first non-Shakespeare book of the year (a Stephen King book, natch) and made some good headway on a couple of others. I also read Macbeth ready for this week, and then somehow did no other work at all. Whoops?! (I may not fully have my Shakespeare motivation back...) 
  • I have watched more Gilmore Girls than you would necessarily think sensible for a person who has a Masters to complete vaguely well. Whoops? 
That's just a little taste of the insanity of my life at the moment, and why I haven't been around at all for a month. I have been reading blogs but super rarely commenting, but know that I still love you all and your posts brighten up train journeys and times when I've collapsed on the sofa and can't quite do the stairs to go to bed. My return right now has been motivated by two things: the fact that my sister actually sort of reminded me I even had a blog last night (I know. I suck.) AND the fact that Alice's Villette readalong is a thing that is happening starting next week and I really really want to be a part of it because BEST READALONG GROUP EVER. So that'll be a thing (we can but hope).

So. Blow the horns, sound out the bells, I am back and will be haphazardly and sporadically (Clueless) posting about stuff sometimes and not other times and GOD this was fun to write and OK I'm done now. How are you all? 


  1. Hi Laura :) I don't have much to add other than you've done so well to get through everything you have (with a Masters on top!) and we love you.

    1. Awwwww, bless your heart. I get through it to varying levels of success (i.e. I did no reading for yesterday's seminar, whoops?) but get through it I always seem to do. I love you toooooo

  2. OH HEY YOU! I'm sorry things have been so tough and tiring and MISS YOOOOUUUU

    Well done working your Clueless keyword in here. It's important work out our minds as well as doing buns of steel. (We still need to watchalong to Mean Girls)

    1. I MISS YOU SO MUCH! Except not that much because, you know, you still write things on the internet and I totally read them so it's like I'm there, you know. ALLEY LAST SEASON OF MAD MEN STARTS SOON, WE MUST DISCUSS IT. TOTALLY IMPORTANT.

      MEAN GIRRRRRRRRRRRLS! (Maybe after March... WHEN I WILL BE FREE [kind of] [not at all, really])

  3. With so much going on it's not surprising you haven't posted.

    Also The Gilmore Girls is the best when you don't wan to think

    1. Gilmore Girls is soooooo good for not thinking. However, I just finished season 5 and I'm going to have to say the show peaked in seasons 1,2 and 3. Hoping for something spectacular lol.

  4. Laaaaaaura! I already knew you were alive because of twitter and whatnot but it's so great to see you post! Still sending tonnes of love and super cute stickers your way miss.

    1. I know right?! I actually did have a lot of fun writing it :) OMG DO I LIKE BLOGGING THIS IS SO SURPRISING TO ME! (I feel pretty bad that I don't actually write about books anymore... That kind of sucks haha) I will gladly accept your love and cute stickers, my dear :)

  5. I'm glad you're okay, and hanging in there! And yayyyy, Gilmore girls! I need to go back and rewatch it at some point...

    1. Totally hanging in there. Juuuuust about. Gilmore Girls is SO GOOD, but I've just finished season 5 and I really feel like it peaked in the first 3 seasons... However, I will obviously keep going till the end now. OBVIOUSLY.

    2. Yeah the last few seasons definitely go downhill a little bit, but it's never completely awful, hehe. Ahhhh I need netflix or.. something. (My parents apparently have it now and I'm going back to the UK in July for a month and a bit, so hopefully I'll have a chance then to experience all of the netflix goodness!)

  6. Laura, I'm glad you're back!!! about 6 months ago I had my own Gilmore Girls watching spree, which I liked for the first few seasons but then stopped watching.

    I'm sorry that your recent time has been so rough. I was actually tearing up, reading about how hard it's been for you, then I saw what you said about your DAD'S PANTS and I snorted, I laughed so hard. If it was that good for me to laugh like that now, I can only imagine how it must have felt for you at the time.

    1. Hahaha, 'back' implies that I'm going to be here with any kind of regularity, which is unlikely. However, YAY I'M BACK indeed haha. I understand stopping watching GG to be honest, HOWEVER I'm too invested in the characters to stop now! I do think it peaked in the first 3 seasons though lol.

      Emily, I can't even describe how relieving it was! I was literally crying and trying to remember how to walk and I just look up and my dad's trousers are ROUND HIS ANKLES. It was the worst day, but that's basically the best thing that's ever happened. I was ROARING with laughter because I just couldn't help it!

  7. Stupid blogger just ate my comment.

    Laura!! I'm glad you're alive and relatively well and resurfacing for a bit amid all the crazy. Sending hugs and high fives your way.
