
Wednesday 8 April 2015

Observations On My Birthday Eve

Tomorrow is my 26th birthday (birthday eves are totally a thing right? I'm pretty much just going to eat pasta and sleep on mine, but it's a thing!) and I've been observing some changes in my general life that can only be a symptom of my impending old age (I wonder how many of you want to smack me right now...) But here are some things I've been noticing that I haven't even been doing on purpose:
  • I am running. A lot. And I fucking love it. Clearly I'm trying to stave off the horrible physical symptoms of aging by exercising and becoming fitter than I've maybe ever been? Yeah, that.
  • I cleanse and moisturise my face every night and every morning as long as I'm not too tired or haven't forgotten. THIS FACE SHALL NOT SAG.
  • I am considering actually going to the dentist and opticians and all those boring adult things because I notice things like my teeth being more sensitive than normal and my fucking eye twitching when I get tired (old lady issues). This is very unlike me considering my cashflow issues.
  • My room has fully been tidy for about 6 weeks now, and I don't even leave clothes on the floor or anything anymore. For the most part. Suspect some kind of impending maturity.
  • I had a glass of white wine the other night and liked it and didn't even feel the need to drink more. White wine is also bullshit, but that's another issue entirely (I drank all the red. All of it.)
  • I have been watching a shitload of anime. I don't know what this says about maturity, but I do know that it's fricking awesome, and ok, so, grown ups do subtitles? Something like that...
  • I have fully bought a dress that covers almost all of my boobs and comes down longer than mid-thigh. On the downside, the dress I wore yesterday was so short that no one could resist telling me how short it was. Also it was shorter than my coat which is never good. Also it had unicorns on it which is amazing.
  • I am making excellent food choices like eating many fruits and vegetables and only having maybe one cadburys creme egg a day which is actually amazing mere days after easter. I'm also actively cutting down on caffeine and drinking more water and IT'S TRUE THAT IT MAKES YOU FEEL BETTER, FINE. 
  • My friend bought me a plant for my birthday present, and I didn't find it weirdly grown up. Which would make me WEIRDLY GROWN UP. Fuck. 
  • This will be the very first birthday I wake up in my own bed in my own house without my parents being in the next room. This is maybe the most grown up thing I can think of, and you know what? I don't hate it.
This is all complete bullshit, of course, because I am basically still a child who will also inevitably eat too much sugar and crash at some point tomorrow, and also I am mentally 12 years old. This is also going to be pretty much the last birthday that I'm a student (she says) and I'm pretty sure being a student at this age is kind of the ultimate in regression. Plus, my mum got married like 8 days after her 26th birthday. I'm pretty sure that's not going to happen to me, and when I say pretty sure, I obviously mean there's no fucking way. 

And now I'm off to hobble up some stairs, sort out my eye twitches and generally do things that people do for the last day they're 25. So... Sleeping and eating is that thing, right? Good.


  1. You are a proper adult person. I am very jealous. My life is all based on drinking wine, watching ridiculous television and having weird conversations with Paul where we call each other Pelican Breath etc.
    I do moisturise my face morning and night with TWO different creams and now eye cream too. That is the only adult thing I can manage.

    1. I am really not an adult person. If I was I would be better at life and other things. (Probably? I don't really know what being an adult involves) I LOVE YOUR AND PAUL'S LIFE, MAN.

      Well done for the skincare. This is what we must do now we are ancient.

  2. My mum had me at about 26 and a half and i always thought that seemed like a reasonable age until I turned 26 and was like heeeeelllll no.

    It's almost your birthday! Your present is going to be so late, and that's totally intentional to spread your birthday out longer and not because I'm too busy to get to a post office. Or lazy. It's definitely not either of those two things.

    But birthday!! Excitement!

    1. Haha, right?! So so young. Well, not really. But I wouldn't want to get married in like 9 days (Not... that I have anyone to marry. *weep* etc whatevs)

      I think it is definitely the first reason and not the other two reasons because I am a good friend and I believe you. I AM EXCITED THAT THERE WILL BE A PRESENT EVENTUALLY!!!

  3. Happy birthday eve! It's impossible to avoid comparing ourselves to our mothers, isn't it? My mom had me by my age, and my stance is, as Australian Kayleigh notes above, heeeeelllll no. But look how adult you are! You are putting me to shame. Good work on your teeth and your running and your clean room especially. Happy birthday tomorrow, Laurakins.

    1. Kayleigh Von! No babies is so right. But you are married which makes you 800x more of a grown up than me haha! All of my adult things kind of fall apart when I'm tired when I just sit and look at the internet and just refuse to go to sleep like a proper idiot (totally my life at this moment). THANK YOU for the happy birthdays :)

  4. Happy Birthday Eve, dear friend!

    I love that you enjoy running, because not many people can! (ugh I hate running) +1 million respect-points! You will surely stay young with all that exercise. And the face-washing. My asian-skincare-regimen at night consists of 6 steps (face wash, toner, gel moisturizer, serum, eye cream, face cream) - I absolutely refuse to sag or raisin. I could care less about makeup, but I care a whole lot about the natural health of my skin!

    Lol, I love that state of your room or floor is a gauge of maturity. Excellent.
    On the flipside, OMG you watch anime?! Which series are you currently watching? I haven't watched anything since Attack on Titan, so I'm always looking for something new to obsess over :)

    Hope you have a fantastic birthday!

    1. Merci beaucoup!

      I do love running but also I have noticed that every part of my body hurts and I've only been back at it for a couple of weeks, so... Eeeeek. But it's awesome Laura! So good for you! Yes, me. Shhh now. I completely agree about makeup and skincare. Yes yes yes.

      MATE, I have literally watched two anime series (I'm very new!) so I should be totally asking you, but I have so far watched Sword Art Online which was excellent, and am currently watching Death Note which is GRIPPING. Tell meeeeee what to watch though, Attack on Titan is good? (HOW OBSESSIVE IS ALL ANIME THOUGH?! I basically think about Death Note all the time, and it's all I want to watch, so subsequently I have watched no tv these last two days because I've been too tired to read subtitles!)

    2. I've heard great things about Sword Art Online and I really should get around to watching it!
      Death Note is AMAZING... until a major plot twist happens and then it's too depressing to watch the rest. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.
      Attack on Titan is good but also TRAUMATIZING. Again, you have been warned. Seriously, how are these storylines even conceived?!
      (and no, you are never too old to watch anime)

    3. SAO IS SO GOOD. You'll love it. And if not then I DON'T KNOW WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOUUUU!
      Whyyyy did you tell me this about Death Note?! Now I'm basically watching it waiting for something bad to happen! Bad times.
      So basically, ALL ANIME IS TRAUMATIC. This is going to be fun!

  5. HAPPY PRE-BIRTHDAY INDEED and also those are excccccellent things to be doing. More water. Man. So easy and yet so hard. Mainly because I don't want to have to pee all the time. But! these are all awesome life changes, but yeah, that eye twitching thing's probs gonna keep happening WELCOME TO YOUR LATE 20s.

    1. THANK YOUUUUU. I mostly drink tons of water at work, and it's fine cause my job is really boring so I don't mind getting up to pee every hour. At home I'm just like 'water, what is that?' and then I get confused that I feel like shit. So basically my eye is going to twitch for THE REST OF MY LIFE?! Good god.

  6. Also it was shorter than my coat which is never good.

    I've had a theory for the last year or so and it has yet to be disproved. My coat comes to about mid-thigh, and if my dress is longer than the coat... it's going to be a rubbish day. It will rain and everything will go wrong and it will generally be horrendous. It's a FACT. To the point where I have coworkers who now groan in terror if I actually wear something appropriate.

    My Dad had been married for three years by the time he was 26. Admittedly my mum didn't get my married until she was 34 though, so I guess I won't worry too much :p

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY FOR TOMORROW (although I have sent a paper version of this!).

    1. Aw, your mum is a proper cougar! Hehehe, you'll be fiiine. I AM SO INTRIGUED BY YOUR DRESS/COAT THEORY. So basically you're forced to wear short dresses for the good of the world? Iiiiiinteresting... How can I swing this too..? (Seriously, my unicorn dress is probably definitely too short in a not-good way haha)

      THANK YOU FOR THE HAPPY BIRTHDAY I am so excited to open all my stufffffffffff! (I have saved all my birthday post. It's been traumatic to wait!)

  7. That's a lot of adulting. I'm 28 and still just barely managing those things! So kudos. Oh, and eye twitches might be a stress thing. Happens to me when I have a lot going on. It's better than my friend, she once lost like half an eyebrow when she was going through a stressful time.

    But yes, you are winning at things and so HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY LAURA!!!! :)

    1. Ha, winning at things. NOT REALLY. But yeah yeah ok. Thank you for the birthday love! I looked up eye twitches and it was like 'you might be looking at computers too much, and you might be stressed and you might be tired' and I'm like oh, congratulations for describing my LIFE haha.

  8. I've had the eye twitching thing happen to me since I was about 13, so I don't think it's really a sign of being old! Unless I was already old at 13?! I generally get it when I'm kind of stressed out and tired at the same time, so it makes complete sense to me that it would be happening now that you're super busy!

    I also remember feeling like I was definitely getting old when I reached my 26th birthday. You're not old yet, but you are coming to the end of the time when you can describe yourself as young without anybody objecting, hehe. I am going to be 29 in a week or so (honestly just looked at the calendar and was like HOW IS MY BIRTHDAY SO SOON?!?!?) and that feels pretty old to me! Only another year until I'm 30, I think I need to get my life a bit more sorted out before then!!! Hehe.

    1. Oh also happy birthday!!! :D

    2. Yeah, google says pretty much the same thing as you about the eye. It's SO ANNOYING though haha.

      I AM SO OLD. But ok, fine, I'll pretend I'm young *waits for anyone to object* Mate, 29 isn't that old though! Sort of... Well... It's not 30, anyway. Hahaha (you'll be fine :) )

  9. ...I wrote you a whole long comment and then blogger laughed at me and deleted it. NOT COOL, BLOGGER

    Anyway, HAPPY BIRTHDAAAAAAY even though this is late but I got it on time on FB so COUNTS.

    and look at you adulting all over the place. And the water thing. I need to get better about that but uuuggghh water is over there and I'm all the way over here.

    1. GO FUCK YOURSELF, BLOGGER. What a dick.

      You fully got it in on time on Facebook! You're doing ok at life, dude. And thank you :) I feel like half the things on this list aren't even true anymore e.g. you can't even see carpet on my bedroom floor anymore, and I have eaten many delicious and terrible foods. I feel like I don't have to compensate for my age now I am that age? Something. I stand by my water advice though- the water will make you more motivated to get up and get even more water! It's so much better than caffeine! Yay! (You should ignore me because I am 100% planning for my entire lunch to be mcdonalds chips so yeah)

  10. OH MY GOD my eye's started twitching all the time too. I've been to the opticians faiiiiirly recently, so it's not that. Maybe it's all the screen time. I DON'T KNOW.

    I think my mum had me when she was 26. She was married with a house and a car and a German Shepherd well before THAT. I, on the other hand, spend 95% of my time in my bedroom with a book, sometimes forget to brush my teeth until after lunch, basically live off cake and spaghetti, and was strongly considering buying a cushion with the Disney castle on it for my bedroom. On the plus side, I did buy my own bedroom furniture, I have THREE live plants in my room, I learned how to wield a roller and build Ikea things, I'm getting my cholesterol/weight in check (ish) and I'm capable of keeping the house standing and the cats alive when my parents go away. WHAT MORE DO PEOPLE WANT?!

    Happy birthday again by the way, even though we already did that via birthday card, gift note, text AND Twitter. :D
