
Monday 31 August 2015

Just Taking A Tiny Break From Obscurity...

... To talk about some THINGS that are happening in the world of Le Blogging that I'm pretty excited about, or at least I will be in a week.

Oh yeah, by the way, HI it's me, I just have a week before I have to hand my dissertation in and this doesn't scare me at all, it's all fine!

Firstly, Bex is hosting her second re-readathon, starting next Monday. I missed out on the first one because Shakespeare, and I don't want to suggest that she's literally hosting it for me, but... It's literally all for meeeeeeeeeee (Ok, it's not. But it does start on Dissertation hand-in day so I can enjoy it in all its glory!). The point of this is, if you want to re-read some books and generally get involved then go and sign up.

Secondly, since September has crept up disgustingly fast, it is OF COURSE time for, let's face it, my most favourite online reading event, RIP! RIP!!!! RIP!!!!!!! This year is its 10th anniversary, the Estella Society are hosting and, like, who doesn't want to spend two months reading creepy books? (No one. The answer is no one). Last year my RIP enjoyment was cut slightly short because (of course) Shakespeare, and yet I still managed to read 4 scary books in a month because, I mean, did I mention about this being my favourite event?!

Anyway. That is what I will be doing after next week (if my dissertation hasn't finished me off) and I'm pretty excited about it. Now I'm off to make some book piles- I mean finish my dissertation... Obviously...


  1. I'm hoping I might be able to squeeze the rereadathon in before my reading starts in earnest, and maybe once I've settled into things be able to unofficially take part in RIP again too? I DON'T KNOW. I'm so out of practice with studying, and such a slow reader now, that I'm not sure how long the work will take in the early weeks! I definitely want to discipline myself to be able to fit in my own reading too though, at least when there are no actual assignments or essays due. BRING ON ALL THE READING EVENTS! :)
    P.S. Good luck with the last few days of your dissertation, you're almost there!

    1. I AM SO EXCITED FOR YOUR UNIVERSITY-ING ELLIE! You don't even KNOW :). My humble recommendation is to definitely try and fit some of your own reading in, but to be honest I have been the absolute worst at doing that as both an undergrad and a postgrad so yeah. BUT STILL! READING! UNI! YESSSS!

  2. GOOD LUCK finishing up that pesky dissertation and then getting back to the important stuff, i.e., expressing opinions about books via gifs

    1. THANK YOU ALLEY! I mean, I know I'm done now. But still I thank you for your support.

  3. I would do a thumbs up emoji if that was an option on this keyboard. Sadly, it is not, so just imagine I have. :)

    1. Hahaha, gotcha. Thumbs up right back atcha

  4. Good luck with the dissertation! We're all cheering for you! *cue obnoxious shouting: whoop whoop whoop!!!"*

    I cannot wait for the re-readathon - I plan on pairing my nostalgic reads with nostalgic candy/snacks!

    1. THANK YOU! Past Laura thanks you, she was just a bit, um, too preoccupied to reply last week.

      THAT IS AN EXCELLENT PLAN! To be fair, I bought a massive thing of Pick and Mix on Sunday which is my ultimate childhood food, so this is perfect! :)

      (*whispers* did you get my letter by the way? I did send you one and then totally forgot to check it got to you... Did it, Did it?)

    2. *whispers* goshdarnit, I am a terrible penpal. *whips out paper and pen* I'll send one out today I'm soooooo sorry!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Shakespeare is my favorite writer, but I don't want to read his writings again because of their sad plots.

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