
Saturday 16 January 2016

24 in 48

Saturday morning greetings, kids! I didn't really have much planned for this weekend other than remaining close to my bed and reading a lot because it's supposed to be reallyreally cold, so it felt fated when the lovely Ellie mentioned that the 24 in 48 readathon was this weekend. The idea of this readathon is like a slightly less intense Dewey's, where you read for 24 hours over 48 hours (which means sleeping! Without feeling guilty!) and... I'm definitely not going to read that much. But, I have of late spent weekends staring at things I'm not sure I want to watch, or knitting things so my hands are not free, or doing many chores, and... you get the idea, reading hasn't been my main thing-to-do, so for these couple of days, it's going to be my number one hobby again (and not just because I feel bad for having binge-watched Making A Murderer this week instead of, you know, anything else that needed doing in my life).

SO. I don't even have any snacks sorted because I was so unprepared for this, but I'm planning to get a pizza later so everything will be awesome, and tomorrow my mother will feed me. Here is a pile of books I have made, because I still remember how to do that, at least:
BAM! I am in the middle of about half of these so should probably start with those (but probably won't) or, alternatively, I might just pick any old books from my shelves and read those because why the heck not?

Because it helps my life to be super casual with myself, I'm not counting pages or stats or anything like that, but I will probably update a few times over the readathon just because I know how everyone wouldn't be able to continue living if I didn't. For the record, the readathon is nearly 12 hours down and I have read a bit (and that is a BIT) of Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant. So obviously I'm doing better than anyone has ever done at readathons, and now I'm going to buy food for the week, so yes. Winning.

Update 1: (12:45am, Sunday Morning)
GUYS! I did so much reading and now I am SO tired. Reading takes a certain amount (small) of effort, huh? Madness! So I finished two books (that I had already started...) Dinner at the Homesick Restaurant which is great, and The Handmaid's Tale- which was a reread, but also one of the books that made me want a blog in the first place so I could have people to talk to about THIS DAMN BOOK when I didn't really know any of those people in real life. The point being, gosh I hope I can think of smart and important things to say when I review it. So. Obviously I'm going to sleep now, tomorrow I'll be at my parents' so may not get much reading done, or perhaps I will surprise us all. We. Shall. See.


  1. Is this Making a Murderer thing good? I keep hearing about it but I've only JUST connected it with Steven Avery and Innocence Project, which I studied as part of an online Forensic Psychology course I was doing on FutureLearn. Worth adding to my list of stuff to watch when I actually get time with the Telly With Netflix downstairs?

    I haven't planned books or snacks or done proper update statistic posts or any of that jazz either, I've been a bit BLAH about the whole thing, and I kiiiind of got distracted playing Puzzle Bobble, which is basically the best thing ever and NO BUILDING UP LEVELS SO YOU JUST PLAY A GAME AND MOVE ON. Also my head hurts. And my jaw. *sulks in corner with book*

    1. SO GOOD. If not good then at least addictive. But it's also REALLY GOOD (and totally upsetting). You should definitely watch it but you're going to need 10 straight hours, be aware!

      I have very much failed at updates or twitter or anything really, but reading I *have* done and I think that's the point! Maybe. I don't even knowwwww anymore.

    2. I... haven't read much at all. My stupid tooth is hurting so badly, the gum's suddenly just receded in, like, two days flat, and Mum won't take me to the dentist because "YOU CAN JUST DEAL WITH IT YOURSELF", and now I'm all panicky and it's making my face feel all hamstery and... *spontaneoulsy combusts*

      ANYWAY. I'm going to try and read more today. As a distraction from the entire left side of my face, if nothing else. Read read read, and hope the toothache-induced headache stays away for a bit, and then READ SOME MORE.

    3. *spontaneously. Ironically given that I'm sitting here proofreading my comment, not at ALL spontaneously.

    4. Oh God. The Innocence Project. I demanded that they set up a pro bono scheme during Law School and promptly regretted it.

      Anyway Laura... yay The Handmaid's Tale! I've been toying with the idea of rereading it lately as I read a YA that was sort of (but not really) along the same lines. Ellie bought me a surprise copy for my first blog birthday FOUR YEARS AGO. My, how time flies.

  2. Love Handmaid's Tale and Station Eleven! I'll be interested in your thoughts on Carry ON, I have the ebook but I wasn't super enamoured with the whole Simon and Baz bits in Fangirl.

    1. Oh man, I love The Handmaid's Tale SO much. Just finished (re)reading it UGH THE TRAUMA. I am a bit ambivalent about starting Carry On because I feel pretty much the same way, BUT I trust in Rainbow Rowell so much that I know it won't be actively bad? So there's that.

  3. Aww, The Handmaid's Tale. SUCH A GOOD BOOK. And I imagine going well with pizza, for some reason.

    My sister said she started Carry On and she wasn't really getting through it because it was "trying to be Harry Potter" and I tried to explain that that's kind of true but also not and yeah, I just haven't grabbed my own copy yet. I need to though.
