
Saturday 15 April 2017

28 Before 29

Oh hey, so I guess I had a birthday recently* which obviously means it's time for a list that nobody asked to see and that I actually kind of struggled to make this year, cause 28 is many many things. Before I show you this years list though, shall we quickly review last year's and see what I actually got done?

Don't care, we're doing it anyway. I shall cross out the ones I've done, italicise the ones I've at least partially done, and laugh at the ones I haven't even nearly done...

27 before 28

1. Give blood regularly
2. Go to the dentist
3. Keep saving monies
4. Learn the Japanese
5. Do the Race for Life
6. Redo couch to 5k- I started but my womb wouldn't really let meeee
7. Surpass 500km in Nike Running
8. Don't buy ANY new books (kind of)
9. Continue being less sentimental about books

10. Read War and Peace
11. Read all the Stephen King- I made a REALLY big dent in it.
12. Blog at least twice a week
13. Do NaNoWriMo again

14. Make at least 10 beautiful things
15. Try one new Lush bath bomb a month
16. Have a Hummingbird Bakery Afternoon Tea
17. Go to Bristol Zoo- But I did go to London Zoo!
18. Go to the beach this summer 
19. Have many picnics this summer
20. Go somewhere new
21. Explore the Natural History Museum
22. Go to a Butterfly House
23. Go to the Shakespeare Exhibition at the British Library
24. See Titus Andronicus somewhere
25. Make Frances see Les Mis with me- tickets are booked for October, so kinda!
26. Go Vegan for a Month
27. Harbour Positivity and Expel Negativity- I mean, it's a work in progress but my main point was to not complain anymore that I don't have a boyfriend and I literally can't even do that anymore, so yeah.

So I completed 11/27, and half completed 3 more... I guess that puts me at about 50%? And I'm ok with that.

As I mentioned, I kind of struggled making a list this year, and it wasn't just because 28 things is a lot of things, but also because, not to sound smug or annoying or anything like that, but I feel like my life is in a place that I'm actually really happy with, so I'm slightly loathe to change it. 28 things IS a lot of things though, and I think next year's list (29 before 30!!!) is probably going to be my last one, both because 30 things will really be many many things, but also because I'm not sure how useful these lists are to my life now. They once used to be a sort of lifeline for me, making sure that I at least achieved some things, and even just had things to do, but I can really do that for myself in my everyday life now, and so yeah.

That being said, I kind of just enjoy these lists, and also I have made one and I will bloody share it with you YES I WILL. This year is all about me trying to form good habits, even though I am already  6 days into being 28 and I haven't reaaaally done any of the good habits... But there's still time! There's still hope! *dramatic arms*

28 Before 29

1. Read 75 books (that I already own)
2. Finish all the Stephen King (preferably by 21/9, aka his birthdayyyy)
3. Read (at least) 5 classics
4. Give blood
5. Get another tattoo
6. Leave the country
7. Blog (at least) once a week
8. Study Japanese at least one (extra) evening a week
9. Stop drinking Diet Coke for a month
10. Do some kind of exercise (at least) twice a week
11. Aim for 10,000 steps (at least) five times a week
12. Do the Race for Life again
13. Start saving monies again
14. Have a proper skincare routine
15. Read outside A LOT this summer
16. Don't buy ANY books (except on super special occasions, e.g. bookshop crawls)
17. Go to Marwell Zoo
18. Do a 24 Hour Readalong
19. Wear my unicorn shoes more (at all)
20. Go to Southampton IKEA
21. Go to the London Aquarium
22. Do a monthly blog post about movies
23. Go to Kew Gardens this summer
24. Dye my hair a ridiculous colour
25. Try to write letters to people in a more timely manner!
26. Actually read some Kindle books/start thinking of them as real books
27. Cook more and eat out less
28. Always be looking for ways to minimise my possessions

And there you have it! I am pleasantly surprised by this list (yes, I know I wrote it...) in that when I wrote it I thought that a lot of the things on there were kind of lame, but actually now that I have typed it I realise that these are all things I genuinely want to try and do, and so I shall! Self improvement, wut wuttttttt!

*It was the warmest day of the year so far, I had a beautiful picnic with my family and boyfriend, and I alternately wore a flower crown and a unicorn horn on my head. It was a good, good birthday.


  1. I have to go to Southampton IKEA before you're 29 too. Really, we need to go before summer because we need an outdoor table but we have probably missed summer as it came in April. I'm glad you had the lovely weather for your birthday though!

    I have been pondering a 40 before 40, but keep not doing it and giving me even less time. I could put on easies though, like actually picking a colour for our feature wall.

  2. 28 is a lot of things so GOOD LUCK!!! And really, 50% is damn impressive so if you can make that, that is swell.

    (Also is there something specific about the Southampton IKEA?)
