
Saturday 9 September 2017

RIP RIP RIP RIP RIP (Which One Are We On Now... OK, yes XII)

As I think we should all be aware by now, RIP is my very most favourite reading event of the year. It's about the only one I participate in any more too, so that's a thing, but seriously, I can't even imagine an autumn now without reading books that make my heart race and make me want to hide under the covers. It's being hosted by Andi and Heather this year and I belieeeeeve you can sign up on either blog.

I will be going for Peril The First (as always) which is reading 4 books that are thriller/mystery/crime/horror-y. FULL DISCLOSURE: As it is the 9th day of RIP already (I am so late, I realise, but hey I only just got internet, leave me alone) I have already read two books that fulfil the requirements for this challenge, so who knows, I may have read 44 by the end of October (loljk I can't read that many books cause I have a job).

I am so into this challenge that I made a pile of books, carefully selected from the crates of books still sitting in my new flat (bookcases are arriving imminently) and took a photo even though I knew I wouldn't have internet for daysssss. This is the face of true dedication to feeling a bit scared. Look, books!

Good Omens by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman
Other than The Sandman and Coraline, I still haven't managed to finish a Gaiman book, and I haven't even picked up a Pratchett one (I know, I know, I must be stoned to death). Maybe a combination of the two will kickstart me into reading their entire back catalogues. Maybe.

The Bloody Chamber by Angela Carter
I started this a looooong time ago and never finished it. It might be time to restart it and actually finish the bloody thing this time. Honestly, me.

The Talented Mr Ripley by Patricia Highsmith
I have already read this (9 days!) and it is amaaaaazing. I loved it so much and the only reason I didn't read it in like a day was because I physically couldn't stay awake for that long (old age). I shall review most soonest. (ALSO: I have had this book on my pile almost every year since I started the RIP challenge 6 years ago [!] It feels goooood to have finally read it)

Amrita by Banana Yoshimoto
I always need more Yoshimoto in my life and whilst I know basically nothing about this book, it says something about mystery in the blurb so there you go.

Something Wicked This Way Comes by Ray Bradbury
Bradbury! Shakespeare! Many exclamations to cover for the fact I don't know much about this book but it's gotta be good!

Dark Tales by Shirley Jackson
Apart from Stephen King, Shirley is my GIRL for bringing the shocks and deep deep feelings of uneasiness. All over this.

The Night Watch by Sarah Waters
I also have no idea what this is about but there's bound to be lesbians. I thought it was the ghost one but Wikipedia tells me no, so... let us see!

Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell by Susanna Clarke
I have had this book for SO LONG that I really just have to read it to get it the hell away from me. Or... In less harsh words, let's see if it's any good and go from there! It's so big thoughhhh...

Jane Steele by Lyndsay Faye
Murder! Jane Eyre! Some other stuff probably! What could possibly go wrong?

Horrorstor by Grady Hendrix
It's that horror story set in Ikea and in the style of an Ikea catalogue that I think everyone's already read. My turn!

That's my pile! I also, in an attempt to treat digital books like real books, need to finish The Fireman by Joe Hill and American Gods (also Gaiman) which are trapped, sadly ignored, in my iPad, and I have the strongest urge to reread It but don't really want to do it while I'm living alone for many evenings (it's complex, I'll tell you about it some time). I also haven't really been through ALL my books, so there are probably many more candidates hidden away that I'll find when I unpack them properly. It's all really quite exciting, to be honest.

Onwards! To fear!


  1. Daaaaamn, that is one ambitious pile. :) Mine gets more and more ambitious, the more of these posts I read. I'm all like, OH I WANT TO READ THAT NOW TOO, AND THAT, AND, Oh damn I'm doomed already. :) I got on my intro post late too, but I'm on anovella binge and all four that I've read this much apply. So I have decided in honor of the 12 in RIPXII I'm going to aim to read 12 books. Hahahahahaha. Yeah, right. :)

    Wrote about it here if yer interested:

    1. Hey, 12 books is a noble goal and I BELIEVE IN YOU. You can do it!

  2. Good Omens Good Omens Good Omens! You've got to read that, it's a great introduction to both Pratchett and Gaiman! Also, I loved Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell, even if it is the size of a bag of bricks. I'm not doing RIP officially, on account of currently living out of suitcases and therefore not being able to bring a huge TBR with me, but I'd like to read some horror, it's the right time for it. Maybe I'll reread IT and The Little Stranger next time I pick up some books from home. (I don't think I could watch the film. I wanted to, but I'm not sure I'm strong enough. Maybe when it's on DVD. But not on the big screen. But the book is fab.)

    1. Oh, and also I really need to read The Fireman too. I bought it in hardback on the Bath Bookshop Crawl and it's been "next" to read ever since. It IS one of the books I've brought with me to London, despite its size, so I must tackle that before I succumb to my new staff discount (which is twice my previous one - YAY BOOKS!)

    2. Haha, so.... I should read all of the books? :p I literally can't deal with the It film, like not even a little bit- I can't even read the book if I'm going to be alone at night so as if I can deal with the film!

      I JUST FINISHED THE FIREMAN IT IS WONDERFUL READ IT READ IT READ IT! But oh hey, staff discount!!! Do you, ahem, have any friends who like to read and live in (nearly) London? ;) ;) ;) haha (ps how is it all goinggggg and please let me know your address cause of birthday reasons and whatnot)

    3. London is great, my job is great, my days are very long, but somehow that's okay because I'm happy! I work literally next door to a Hotel Chocolat! I was able to resist... until I noticed they sell ice cream. It is delicious, of course.


      I shall send a round-robin "updating address books" email in the next couple of days; am I right in thinking you have a new address too? But I'll be on the Isle of Wight for my actual birthday, so it's okay if you send things there. I'm at a temporary address for now, staying with my aunt and uncle, but looking for a flat-share or lodgings soon. We must meet up one of these days! I'm about a half-hour train ride from Waterloo.

    4. Yay for happy! And yay for ice cream! I nearly had some Hotel Chocolat ice cream the other week but I was too full of noodles haha.

      I WILL TRY! Planning on doing the 24 hour readathon so that should help haha.

      Oh, I do! I'll hop on your email updating address thing if you don't mind haha. I maaaay send things to the Island anyway though if that's alright, then they'll be waiting there for you for your actual birthday! Definitely yes to meeting up, let's do eeeeeet!
