
Friday 13 May 2011

Hop and Bop and then Bop and Hop

Or something like that. I am actually going to blame my relative blog silence on Blogger's spazzy fit this week, and since I have 2 reviews to write, and fully intended to write at least one of them yesterday, this is at least half true. Plus, it means I get to bitch. But anyway, deep breath and let's move on! Lots of exciting hoppy questions this week, so let's get to it!

First up is #fridayreads, hosted by Jenn of the Picky Girl, where I tell you my escapist read for the weekend. While I am still, predictably, plugging through The Stand (I've managed 3 chapters in the last two days, which is actually quite an achievement for me and this book!) I also bought Julie and Julia by Julie Powell, and I quite want to get stuck into that since I love Love LOVED the movie! So, potentially, I'll be reading all weekend (in between watching Eurovision, of course!) and I can't really see a problem with that!

Book Blogger HopCrazy-for-Books this week asks: Are you going to Book Expo America (BEA) and/or the Book Blogger Convention (BBC) this year? Since I understand that these are taking place in New York City, it pains me horribly that I'm not going, because they literally seem like the best and ultimate way to spend my time ever, and I actually belong in New York. Unfortunately, I'm a sad little English girl, so unless someone buys me a plane ticket/accommodation/feeds me for a weekend, or however long, I seriously can't afford to go. But I'd like to thank crazy-for-books for the 5 millionth reminder of my life that I don't live in New York/am not an American. Cheers!

And, Parajunkee asks: What is the most emotional scene you've read in a book recently? I have to say, the entirety of Room, which I read last weekend was totally emotional, although I was kind of too horrified to cry at it! Probably the last book I cried at, though, was The Dark Tower by Stephen King, which had some seriously upsetting scenes in it... just, don't emotionally invest in it too much if you decide to read it, I warn you!

So, these are the answers to the most important life questions! For today, anyway... I hope you're all having a fun hop, and if you like what you see around here, please feel free to follow, and I'll try my very utmost to entertain and enthrall you! Have a fab weekend!


  1. Hop on over to the U.S. sometime!

  2. I want to! Have been to New York twice, but leaving is so so depressing... *sigh*

  3. We're opposites! I'm American but am pretty sure I belong in England and have been lamenting the fact I cannot afford to go there for several years now. Want to trade places? :)

    Not going to BEA or BBC either. No money or vacation time to go unfortunately....

  4. I'm with you: NYC is the best city on earth, especially for book lovers! (Well, quite a few cities might be competing for that title, I suppose.) Wish I could go to BBC/BEA, but, sadly, I live on the opposite coast...
    Looks like you've been on a Stephen King kick lately: Why so?

  5. nope im not attending ;( found you thru the hop and im your newest follower!

    happy friday!!

  6. Hi & Happy Friday!

    I am a new follower :)

    My FF for this week is here :)

    Have a nice weekend.

  7. I loved Julie & Julia (the movie) too. Haven't read the book, though.

    As for BEA, I am going and have been to New York 3 other times because luckily enough, my brother lives there. So it's a bit less expensive for me.

    I would love love to spend some time in the English countryside, though. I've been to London but didn't get to spend much time.

    Have a great weekend!

  8. Hopping by:) I'm not going, because I live in Europe but I sometimes attend similar events here.
    I read a lot of emotional scened books lately (by Kate Mosse, Kate Morton,...), so I don't think I can pick one scene.

    Have a great weekend!

  9. Hopping by! I live outside the States too and the plane tickets are a little pricey these days.

    Have a great weekend!

  10. I live in the US, but still can't make it to NY this time around. Maybe someday. We are planning a vacation to your side of the Atlantic in the spring, but my kids want to practice their French, so we can't get to England though I'm dying to go. So much travel I want to do!
