
Sunday 15 May 2011

In My Mailbox/Mailbox Monday

I haven't done one of these for a few weeks, mainly because I haven't had any new books to write about, and doing this would basically have been an exercise in futility. But, this week, shops have been entered, books have been bought, and so I can brag extensively about them and make you all jealous! Or, you know, just gently nudge you into buying some of them yourselves...

First up I got Water For Elephants by Sara Gruen from Amazon, ostensibly because my literary soulmate Jenn said it was one of her favourite books (I don't know if anyone can resist reading other people's favourite books, I definitely can't!), and then, when I just went to peek at it on Amazon, it had a recommendation from Stephen King. Does one need any other encouragement? Unfortunately, it does involve a movie cover, which does make me want to vomit just a tad and was one of my bookish pet peeves, but I'm going to get over that and just look at the words on the inside! That works, right?

I then bought Julie and Julia by Julie Powell, on the basis that the film is completely lovely and wonderful (I watched it again yesterday just to make sure this was still true) and so I assumed that one of the books it was based on would be equally as lovely. Hopefully I won't be disappointed, and have my love of the film destroyed as a result (I have to admit, this is unlikely).

Finally, I bought The Blind Assassin by Margaret Atwood, a little bit of a copy from a previous IMM/Mailbox Monday, but there is a good reason for this! At least, it's a good reason in my brain... I previously got it out of the library, and have honestly had it for about 2 months now, so when I saw it in a charity shop, I just thought screw it, I'll let the library have their copy back and I'll have my own! My final justification for this was that, it's a Margaret Atwood book, it's going to be good. Anyone disagree with me? Didn't think so!

What did you all get in your mailboxes this week? Let me know below, as always!

IMM is hosted by The Story Sirenevery Sunday.
Mailbox Monday was created by Marcia at The Printed PageIt is the gathering place for readers to share the books that came into their house last week. You can view the touring blog list at the Mailbox Monday blog for the upcoming months.


  1. Oooh, I love The Blind Assassin. It's my favorite Atwood. Enjoy.

  2. Those should all be good! I loved Water for Elephants and thought Julie & Julia was terrific, although Julie Powell has quite the potty mouth. Enjoy!

  3. I really like Water for Elephants, it's a great book. Happy reading!

  4. I have never read a Margaret Atwood book! I am not sure why that is. I may have to do something about that. I'm glad to hear someone else keeps library books for a long time. I have a few here I should just give back and give up on. I got around the cover of Water for Elephants by buying it for my Nook. I don't have to see the cover so much that way.

  5. I enjoyed reading Water For Elephants (much more than the movie).

  6. Loved Water For Elephants, and just saw the movie.

  7. Oh literary soulmate, how I love you. I loved Julie and Julia too. Although I saw the movie first, mostly because at the time, I didn't know that there was a book.

    I love Margaret Atwood so much too! I haven't read Blind Assassin (yet) but I've loved everything else by her that I've read. :)

  8. Ohhh - so jealous! I've got Water For Elephants (thanks to my sister-in-law), and I LOVED the movie of Julie and Julia, so it looks like you've got some great books ahead for you!

    Here's my Mailbox! ~ Wendi
