
Monday 6 June 2011

Challenges Update

I feel like I take on all these challenges and then never tell you about them so you can't really keep up with them, and to be honest, that's just not fair to you, since you are clearly obsessed with my every action and every reading choice and everything about me. If no one tells me any different, then I'm just going to assume that this is true.

Ahem. So anyway, I'm currently in the throes of 3 challenges, one of which is of my own making, and you definitely want to hear about them and maybe even participate in them? You can even participate in mine if you really want to, even though I'm not really equipped for participants, but I'll totally be there for you mentally if you decide to read all of Stephen King's works like an insane person (i.e. like me). But you're probably too smart for that kind of thing!

Anyway, my first challenge for the year was the GLBT Challenge 2011, in which I pledged to read 15 books by a GLBT author or on a GLBT issue. As of right now, I've read two, and one of those was by accident. But fear ye not! I have a shitload of Jeanette Winterson to get through, and combined with some Tennessee Williams and a dash of Oscar Wilde, I think I'm going to be fine! Maybe. I'll let you know at (probably literally) the end of the year!

My next challenge arose in, I think, February, as my thought process became, 'I don't have a job right now so I know, I'll read everything Stephen King has ever written!' It wasn't my greatest idea, and now, employed with way less time for reading, I'm not sure what I can have been thinking undertaking such a mad task. Nonetheless, I'm on my 8th (of 62!) book, and, despite a near meltdown whilst reading The Stand, it's still going ok. I anticipate I'll be finished in about 2050 or so, when the internet will be wired directly into people's brains and no one will even attempt to read things anymore, and King will have published about 40 more books... it's going to be so fun!

My final (for now) challenge is Two Bibliomaniacs Books to Movies challenge, one which seems to have been made for my blog alone, since, as you may have noticed, I rather like reviewing both books and movies! I am a tiny bit gutted that I missed out on including East of Eden in this, since I reviewed both book and movie earlier in the year, and there are quite a few books and movies that I've already read/watched that I could have included (One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest and Little Women anyone?) but I'm going to get over that and read and watch brand new things! I'm still struggling over the last book/film combination to include, so if anyone has any ideas, please let me know in the comments.

So that's what I'm up to, as well as just generally reading and trying to have some kind of life as well. If you want to know where I'm at at any point in the next year, then please go to my challenges tab (look up and to your right) and read some obviously fabulous reviews that will utterly fulfill your life! Probably...

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with your challenges! If you need any recommendations for the GLBT challenge I'd love to assist!
