
Friday 3 June 2011

I Hop, Therefore I Am.

Or something slightly more sense making than that title. But, you know, it's Friday, I've got a cold and therefore might be dying, so be kind! This is my first Friday blog hop for a few weeks, after a couple of family birthdays (they're annoying enough to all have been born at similar points in the year) so bear with me if I do it a little bit wrong...

First up is #fridayreads, hosted by Jenn of The Picky Girl, and this week I'm a little undecided on what I am actually going to read this weekend. After much deliberation (read, about 5 seconds thinking about it) I'm thinking I'm probably going to have a good whack at A Tree Grows in Brooklyn this weekend, whilst completely ignoring The Idiot, Vanity Fair, and The Bloody Chamber, which I have actually committed myself to reading. Because that's how I roll. I also might have a bit of a read of The Dead Zone as my next Stephen King, and the first of the books authored by him that I haven't actually read before. So that's definitely going to be exciting!
”BookCrazy-For-Books this week asks: Share your favourite post from the last month and explain why it's close to your heart. Obviously I love all my posts equally, just in different ways... but since I'm not a mother, I don't really have to say that, do I? I'm actually going to pick two favourites, since it's my blog and I make the rules here, and so my favourite non-review post is this one, which was part of Armchair BEA last week, and which I like because it makes me feel all good saying nice things about other people and shit. My favourite review was probably this one, of Julie and Julia by Julie Powell, which I just really, unashamedly enjoyed and loved every second of, and also because I fell in love with the author a little bit (you'll see... just read the review!)

So, these are the things I think on this fine Friday, I hope the weather's as nice wherever you are, and you don't feel so much like death warmed up as I do right now... Happy hopping!


  1. I started The Bloody Chamber last fall (whoops) and the first story really disturbed me, so I put it down. I need to pick it back up again. I will if you will. :)

  2. @picky girl- I'm actually going to be reading this as a joint read with another blogger! If you want to join us, just let me know!
