
Sunday 3 July 2011

IMM/Mailbox Monday

I did it again... Book buying, not on the scale of last week's escapades, but still pretty naughty. But fear not! I am going to do something about this whole book buying catastrophe that I've got going on, and that is this- I'm not going to buy any books for the whole month of July (!) unless I see some good value Stephen King books because of my whole Stephen King book collecting thing I've got going on. But I'll try not to buy those either. I came to this decision after realising just how many books I've got and haven't read yet when I was organising my room ready for the new bed I got yesterday, so I'll hopefully just concentrate on getting some of those read before I even think about buying any new ones (but not all of them, obviously, because I have about a zillion!)

Anyway, so this is my last IMM/Mailbox Monday before my hiatus from book buying, so I'm trying to make it good! I got 4 new books this week:

Firestarter- Stephen King- So this was the next book on my Stephen King challenge list, and I didn't own it, and my local library didn't have it, so I had to pay full price for it, which I'm not sure has ever happened before, at least in my Stephen King collection! I'm not best impressed by this, but needs must I suppose. I've started it already and it's pretty good, so there's that at least!

Christine- Stephen King- On the plus side, I did get Christine for about £1.30, which I guess makes up at least some kind of portion of what Firestarter cost me (am I ever going to let this go?! Probably not...) I have read Christine before, and I remember it being relatively creepy, so I'm looking forward to revisiting it whenever I get to it! Exciting stuff, this Stephen King business...

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carrol- I've seen two film versions of Alice in Wonderland, and have been to this Alice in Wonderland themed shop in Oxford, and yet I've never actually read the book. This is an injustice that needs to be rectified, and so I bought this which I should read pretty quickly considering it's teeny tiny cuteness!

The Help by Kathryn Stockett- I read a review of this quite a while ago and thought it sounded really interesting, then promptly forgot about it afterwards. Then last weekend I entered a giveaway to try and win it, and became rabidly obsessed with reading it. I may not have won that giveaway, but I got the book anyway, so all is good with the world!

So, these are the books I got this week, how about you? As well as buying these books, I also found some time to do some blogging, and here are some things you might have missed this week:

Tuesday: Top Ten Tuesday, where I talk about my favourite followees on twitter and implore you to go and seek them out too.
Wednesday: I reviewed A Tree Grows in Brooklyn by Betty Smith.
Thursday: I reviewed The Dead Zone by Stephen King
Friday: I hopped around a bit and told everyone my favourite book couples!
Saturday: I wrote a eulogy for United States of Tara... Oh how I'm going to miss that show!

AND, potentially most excitingly, I WON A BOOK! That's right, I won Portrait of the Mother as a Young Woman by F C Delius, from Tony at Tony's Reading List!!!!! I can't even tell you how excited I am by this, or how many times I'm going to be checking for the post (i.e. about 10 times a day!) before this arrives! But yes, eeeeeeee! And thank you so very very much Tony!

So, that was the week that was. I hope that you all had equally good weeks, and that you enjoy the upcoming one!


  1. "The Help" by Kathryn Stockett is phenomenally good. I've listened to it on audiobook twice in the last 6 months! Hope you love it!

  2. I've never read Alice in Wonderland either. Clearly I know the story, and it definitely seems like such a classic that by some point I do want to read it.

    As for The Help, I read it recently and was a big fan. I wasn't sure how I would feel based on the topic, but honestly feel in love like everyone else.

  3. Enjoy The Help. It is definitely as good as the hype suggests!

  4. You have a nice list of book that you received in your mailbox this week.
    Happy Reading,
    Book Sniffers Anonymous

  5. I just read The Help and it is fantastic! Writing a review of it wasn't so easy, though. Enjoy your new books and good luck with your ban.

  6. The Help is on my tbr list. I've heard wonderful things about it. Happy reading!

  7. Christine creeped me out too. Can't remember if I've ever read Firestarter. Enjoy your books!

  8. The Help seems to be a popular read.
