
Monday 4 June 2012

Armchair BEA, Day 1: Please allow me to introduce myself, I'm a (wo)man of wealth and taste...

I'm sort of just realising that I've just called myself the devil... Hmm, not the best introduction ever, but oh well, it's too late to change it now! (It's clearly not. But I like it!) Ahem, anyway! Here's what I look like sometimes:
And sometimes I find stuff funny and it looks like this:
And sometimes it's Christmas, and I look like this:
Annnd, sometimes I post three pictures of myself on my blog all at once, which is more than the total of pictures of myself there've been on here in the entire history of Devouring Texts. Go figure! Also, all of those pictures were taken at least a year ago, and I'm sorely in need if a haircut right now, so... you can probably just ignore them.

ANYWAY! There are questions that need to be answered, and dammit, I'm going to answer them. So here goes:

1. Please tell us a little bit about yourself: Who are you? How long have you been blogging? Why did you get into blogging?
Who am I? Please see above, I think that'll tell you everything you need to know! Also there's my About Me page which was excruciating to write, but which I did write so I never have to write one of these again. So there's that!
I've been blogging for about a year and a half now (WOAH) and I basically started it because the job situation after university didn't look good and, to be honest, I was pretty depressed and I needed something to do. And, since I'd already discovered book blogs about a year before, I wanted in! 

2. What are you currently reading, or what is your favourite book you've read so far in 2012?
OR?! Really? But seriously, at the moment I'm reading 3 books: Four Past Midnight by Stephen King, Armadale by Wilkie Collins (which I am LOVING, by the way) and Why Be Happy When You Could Be Normal by Jeanette Winterson. Now tomorrow I'm totally going to post about my favourite books of 2012 (you know you don't want to miss that!) but I'm just going to say that by far my favourite reading discovery of this year is Haruki Murakami- his writing makes me so happy, whilst his stories make me so sad...

3. Where do you see your blog in 5 years?
Obviously I see it as a worldwide sensation, and the only place that people come to get advice about what to read. But really? I don't know... I want to still be doing it because I kind of see it as a lifelong reading journal that I share with other people, but also I still want everyone else (that I love!) to be blogging too, because it wouldn't be the same without them!

4. What is your favourite part of the book blogging community? Is there anything you'd like to see change in the coming years?
The thing I love most about the book blogging community is the fact that you can pretty much make your own community within it- give a lot of love to the blogs you like, and just ignore the ones you don't. There's nothing I'd like to see change per se (other than, I don't like to hear about people getting abusive comments, because how is that helpful, so they can go) but I'd like more bloggers to read books that haven't like just been released- I pretty much never read really new books, and it's a bit... trying when everyone's reading the same books all the time and there's not too much variety. But, obviously, this is a bit of a personal choice thing, and I can't exactly control what people choose to read and review!

5. Have your reading tastes changed since you started blogging? How?
So, I wouldn't necessarily say my reading tastes have changed since I started blogging (it's basically still just mainly classics and literary fiction, mixed with Stephen King) but I'd definitely say that other blogs have influenced some of my reading decisions- I may never have read Murakami, for example, if it hadn't been for Alice's readalong, and there are LOADS of books that I already owned but have been inspired to read by amazing reviews. The thing which has really changed though, is the way I read- I've always got two books on the go, more usually 3, and I choose them, at the moment, based on challenges I'm taking part in. Which, I realise, sounds restrictive, but is as good a way as any for choosing books to read, especially because I've got so much choice that I'm a bit overwhelmed by it at times. Also, it's totally stopping me reading like all 6 Murakami books I've got in one go, because I want some review variety, so that's definitely a good thing (delayed gratification and all that).

So! I hope that's given you a bit of an insight into my little bloggish world! If there's anything else you'd like to know, shoot me a question in the comments, and I'll be back to answer to them once I've gone and explored some other blogs.


  1. I hadn't heard of Murakami either until 1Q84 hit the book blogs this year.

  2. You had me at the Stones lyrics - LOL! This has been one of the more fun posts! I see you as a world-wide sensation and the ONLY place to get reading advice, as well! :D

    1. Hehe, as well you should! Thank you for calling me fun! I've been a bit like 'mleurgh, why are you all the saaame' at a lot of the posts today, so I'm enjoying being someone else's fun post :)

  3. So nice to get to know you a little better! Always fun to meet others also interested in the Classics! These posts help to know you better than just through your reviews :)

    1. Absolutely! It's nice to know fellow bloggers by something other than just what they think about books, definitely.

  4. Good Morning! Welcome to Armchair BEA. It is a pleasure to meet you! I love your sense of humor, very refreshing!


  5. "his writing makes me so happy, whilst his stories make me so sad.."

    What an apt description!
    Loved this post too as it made me laugh... with you not AT you I promise!

    We have similiar tastes! I look forward to visiting again :)

    See ya around ArmchairBEA!

    1. Hehe, well that was the plan! See you around Armchair BEA indeed. :)

  6. Great point on book blogging changes. I totally used to read an entire series once I was introduced. Not now. Now, I delay gratification & mix it up so the blog has variety

    1. Riiight?! I think it's a sort of polite thing to do, but ALSO I really want to save some Murakamis for when I really need them. It just makes sense!

  7. Lovely pictures! I haven't heard of Murakami before... sounds fun ill definitely search for his works. Love your perspective after 5 years :) I'd love the thought.

    My Introduction post here

    We Fancy Books

    1. Hehe, thank you! After I'd put them up I was like 'what am I doing?!' but glad you like them! And dooo read Murakami, he's really the best!

  8. Hehehe I love your Christmas picture :-)

    AGREED on too many blogs that only blog about new releases. I get that people get ARC's a lot and that's what they like to talk about, but it gets boring seeing the same (mostly YA) books all over the place.

    And I have NO DOUBT that your blog will be a worldwide sensation, how could it not be?? :-)

    1. Yay! All the cool kids wear antlers at Christmas! (There are many more pictures of me bemused in the antlers, I have to say!)

      It's SO irritating when everyone reviews the same book all the time, especially because I KNOW that I don't want to read it. I just know! I've been discovering that it seems like people have started reading more YA *because* they started blogging, and doesn't that seem like kind of a mental thing to do? Like... shouldn't they just keep on reading what they like?

      ...Sorry. Some posts have made me a bit stabby today haha. And this is why I WON'T be a worldwide sensation, cause I'm too mean!

  9. I loved that you included the pictures! :D They definitely made me smile. :)

    That's smart to have some review variety like that. :) I tend to just pick up something and start reading, but a little order definitely wouldn't hurt my system. I'm always conflicted on what to start next because I can't decide on just one. :P haha I really want to read some of Haruki Murakami's books, so I'm glad to hear that you've loved them so much! :D

    Thanks for sharing a bit about yourself, Laura! It's great to meet you! :D

    1. I mean, I definitely don't go overboard on like 'reading for challenges' but I kind of like it because it's like I have a reading 'purpose', you know, and I'm not just wasting time? I don't know. But yay for picking up Murakami!! He's the awesomest!

  10. I wish I looked that cool at Christmas!

    1. Hehe, technically this was *pre* Christmas- on actual Christmas I'm just like collapsed on the sofa from excess food! Although actually... I probably was like minutes after this picture was taken :)

  11. Hooray for pictures. and the antler hat. Extra hooray for that.

    1. Aw, yay! Way to make me non-regret the pictures! The antler hat is actually a cracker hat and an antler kiiind of headband thing, which I think makes it EVEN cooler. Funnest christmas ever!

    2. I was Blitzen, by the way. Just thought you should know that. (My friend stole the Rudolph ones, the bitch!)

  12. I have never posted pictures of me and this years interview question gave me a perfect opportunity. I think I might have to go back and edited it since it was so nice to see a face to put with a blogger.

    1. Yay, do that! It's fun when people say nice things about your pictures hehehe

  13. Well. I'm glad SOMEONE got something out of that readalong. (zing!) Although, y'know, I was out with a girl this weekend who said she loves Murakami but hate hate hates Norwegian Wood. So I might try him again. Y'know, in a while.


    (also I will totes eventually read Armadale, because I think we should all now try to read everything Wilkie wrote)

    1. I'm going to beat you up one day. MURAKAMIIIII! I would say that 1Q84 had waaaay less suicide than Norwegian Wood, and it was a lot mentaller... in a good way! So yeah, I think Norwegian Wood isn't necessarily indicative of much about Murakami, so I think you should definitely try again, you know, sometime.

      COMMUNITY! Ours is the best because we're in it *whispers* and nobody goes on about YA ALL. THE. TIME. So we're just basically awesome.

      Armadale is SO GOOD. There's no one like Marian, but it's still pretty great. There's kind of an evil Marian, if you just think of Marian as a strong woman, so yeah, it's all fun! Also I read a review of The Moonstone the other day, and *that* sounds good too! WILKIE! I LOVE YOU AND YOUR GIANT FOREHEAD!

    2. *whispers back* (and nobody uses glittery neon fonts)

      I will try The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle. Or Kafka on the Shore. One of those.

      EVIL MARIAN. Now I have to read it.

    3. Yay! She's not as great as Marian though, YET!

      I will fully vet Kafka on the Shore and The Wind Up Bird Chronicle for you, and let you know which one you should read. I'm just very very unselfish like that.

  14. Yeah! So glad you decided to join up for Armchair BEA. Love the photos - they show real personality! And that's probably about as many photos of me I've ever posted on my blog too :) Have fun this week!

    1. Hehe, real personality, I like that! You have fun this week toooo :)

  15. I've only read one Wilkie Collins book, The Moonstone, and I loved it. I keep meaning to read more, but other books keep getting in the way.

    1. Haha, I know what that's like. I must get a copy of The Moonstone cause I keep hearing that it's good, and I'm loving Wilkie right now :)

  16. IQ84 has been on my list forever, I need to get on that! Brilliant interview.

    Happy BEA from a new follower!

    Armchair BEA: Introducing Otherwhere.Co

    1. Why thank you! Also, yesss get on 1Q84, it's the greatest!

  17. I don't always read brand new books either - there are so many books out there that I want to read and not all of them are brand new.

    Here's my Armchair BEA Intro Post.

    1. I kind of want to read hardly any new books! Like, I want to work my way forwards or something... so new books right now I should get to in about 40 years or something!

  18. Love your sense of humor. Thanks for sharing a bit about yourself. Hope you enjoy Armchair BEA

  19. I would have to agree with you on the always new books that get reviewed although I'm guilty of doing a lot of it myself. I always wonder if I should be reviewing all books or only new releases or.....and sometimes I get so far behind that the new books I have to review become old books!
    Happy Armchair BEA week!

    1. Hehe, oh my that sounds stressful! See, this is why I basically just read books that I own and then go on about them! And I don't hate people reviewing new books, it's just that when everyone reviews the *same* books, it's just kind of like meh...

  20. Love your blog's name and I have to agree that one of the best things about blogging is the exposure you get to so many different types of books.

    Nice to meet you!

    1. Nice to meet you! And thanks for liking the name- I had such a hard time picking it because I was like "it has to be good or I'll get bored of it!" but so far I still like it :)

  21. Our blogs kind of started in the same way. I'm on summer break from university and can't get a job to save my life.

    I agree with you on the fact that people seem to only read new books. Sometimes it's nice to see someone review something that's been out for a bit!

    1. Oh maaan, I know what that's like... Keep the faith man!

      I love seeing reviews of classics and generally old(ish) books and basically things that aren't the same as what everyone is reading. If you only read what everyone else is reading, you can only think what everyone else is thinking...

  22. I just met Alice and she told me to check out your blog- I'm glad I did!

    I think if you find some of the older bloggers, you will find that they review more books that aren't just out. This is totally based solely on my limited experience of blogosphere, but I have this whole theory on blogger life cycles which is "New blogger - new books being reviewed, older blogger - older books being reviewed."

    I also admit that I did not like Armadale much at all, so it's possible you should not trust any of my other opinions ;-)

    1. Totally didn't understand this comment (as in I was like, you met her online? Huh?) but then I saw Alice's post and all is clear! So, heyyyy nice to have you here :)

      Interesting blogging theory, I like it! I definitely need to find some more blogs to follow that aren't all YA and TERRIBLE, so I'm working on that (I have been to yours and I approve of it very much- new fan! :) )

      Also, :( Armadale! I like it a lot so far, but now I'm a bit uneasy about it lol. Have you read The Woman in White though? Cause that shit's amaaaazing! :)

  23. I totally want to rock your xmas hat! I feel bad when I read books that are like, 3 years old and no one has that book high anymore. It's like I have very few people to share it with, so then I just spaz by myself. Great meeting ya!

    1. Aw, but surely people still remember the book and then go 'oooh, I loved that 3 years ago!' Or, no? I usually read books that have kind of been well regarded (well, that clearly sounds snobby- but it's not supposed to!) and so some people have usually read them and have things to say and stuff, so that's always nice :)

  24. Hi Laura! Nice to meet you! I love all your pictures :) Such fun! I really like your comment about how blogging changes the *way* you read often, not just *what* you read. SO true!

    Thanks for stopping by my blog. I hope you have a great week :)

    1. Thank you! And also, isn't it? SO MUCH READING, I LOVE IT! :)

  25. I love the pictures and your sense of humor!

  26. I have never read anything by Murakami, but I think I might just have to go pick up something from the library this summer. :) I love finding new authors from other peoples blogs who sing high praises for them.

