
Sunday 3 June 2012

Sunday Sundries: 3 Cakes and A Revelation

No Sunday Sundries post last week, how lame was that! (Not very, since I realise NO ONE goes online on a Sunday. But shh, and let me do a little bit of an online diary). But really, it was my Grandad's birthday, and I hadn't got my act together on the Saturday to write a post (to be fair, there was a cake to make and decorate, plus Eurovision to watch, so...) and yeah, amazingly, blog posts don't write themselves! Who knew?!

But anyway. To make it up to you, allow me to show you some cakes I've made in the last few weeks, aka my busy season where, in the space of 10 or so days, my dad, grandad and mum were all born. Super inconsiderate of them, if you ask me, but there you go! My dad's came first, and this is the magnificence that was his cake:
Yeah, that's a funfetti cake! An unknown and unimaginably excellent concept that I only discovered maybe a month ago, and so of COURSE I had to make one. It was really delish, too. And then, for my grandad was his favourite:
Chocolate Orange cake, which I very much forgot to take a picture of before we put the candles in (whoops!) but which, to be fair, is the only one I could be bothered to instagram, so... yeah, not too shabby! And then finally, and most recently:
My mum's Peanut Butter Cake, which I fully failed to get a good picture of, but which, apparently, was rather tasty (I am a big non-fan of basically all nuts, so I had to make chocolate cupcakes for me and my cousin's kid who's too little for peanuts, but that was still sooo good) and for which I have to thank Joy the Baker  because I totally got the recipe out of her cookbook.

So anyway. Caaaaake. But also Friday (which was my mum's birthday) was her fourth session of chemo, which was a little bit of a bummer (chemo on your birthday? No thanks!) but couldn't really be helped, and, well, we overcame as best we could! The important thing is, only two more to go! Which felt like an impossible milestone when it started like 9 weeks ago, so YAY for that, at least.

But other than the hospital this week? Well, let's see. There was some much needed catching up with a couple of old friends, some also much needed tidying, a tiny bit of tennis watching (but don't even get me started on ITV4 turning off Nadal's match to show Andy Murray's, because ARGHOMFG SO ANNOYING) and also, the cake baking. Thursday was literally an entire day of baking, which was actually pretty fun but really really tired me out! Plus it made me sad because, well, no licking the bowl because peanuts=gross!

Surprisingly there's been very little reading this week (something to do with not having that much time to sit outside, which is, you know, disappointing) and this is what led me to my revelation (you're going to be so disappointed by this revelation that it's ridiculous. But it was really like 'oh!' in my head at the time!) So I haven't been reading much, which means I haven't been finishing books, which means I basically have nothing to post about. I mean, I literally have one Stephen King post to write and that's IT. Which isn't that big of an issue, but, well, I like to have things to post! So anyway, I was thinking, 'omg, I'm going to have to read loads and why can't I finish a book and mleurgh' when I suddenly realised that oh! Next week is Armchair BEA week, and I therefore don't even need to post any reviews or anything because they've already put up topics of things I can write about.

It was a big fucking relief, let me tell you!

But seriously, I am quite excited about Armchair BEA- last time I stumbled upon it by accident, on the day it started, and I didn't really know what the hell I was doing, so I feel slightly more prepared this year, and ready to visit other blogs and things like that, so yeah, exciting! Also a tiny claim to fame for Armchair BEA right here is that it led Alice to find Alley's blog because I said it was amazing (which it is) so I feel privileged to have 'introduced' them *cue romantic music because we're all in love with each other's blogs*. So there's totally that. I'm pretty sure you're still allowed to join in because, well, I did on the first day last year, so if it's something you're interested in then head over there now to sign up! 

So, that's kind of what I'll be doing this week. In real life... I don't know, perhaps things will happen. I'm hoping to go and see Dark Shadows at some point, but we'll see if that happens; and other than that I just want it to not rain (which it seems like it's going to) so I can read outside and have things to post about for the week after next, when there'll be no Armchair BEA to save me! Oh, the horror!


  1. No one goes online on Sundays? You've got to be kidding, Sundays are when I'm the onlinest. Wonderful cakes, btw, and kudos to your Mum for braving chemo on her birthday!

    1. Do you know what, I think I'm kind of thinking that no one posts on Sundays, which makes *me* less inclined to go online, and... yeah. Pretty self-involved there, I guess! Thank you for the cake compliments, and I'll pass on the kudos to my mum! She doesn't think she's amazing, but everyone else does, so she is! Hehe

  2. The first couple weeks of March are birthday-packed here: Mine, my stepmom's, my son's, and both of my inlaws are within the first three weeks. Oy. My son's and mother-in-law's are actually on the same day.

    I like nuts, but not on cake.

    1. Crazy, right? I love/hate packed birthday season hehe. The next family one isn't until August, so there's a little bit of breathing space right now :).

      Ugh, nuts. I basically only like nutella, and whatever those nuts are in toblerones, and I don't mind praline. But other than that I'm just like, ugh, no. I hear the nuts on cake were good though, so... yeah. As long as everyone else likes it, that's all I need!

  3. Sundays without internet? Never heard of that. Perhaps I could try it, but would I do with all the time between sleeping, eating and watching Sherlock?

    The cakes are lovely, by the way! This is one of those moments when I wish I would not set the house on fire every time I try to bake.

    1. Yeah, I think it's more of a me thing, plus the fact that basically no one puts anything new on the internet on a Sunday? But then again, I'm always like fully caught up on blogs because I'm all unemployed and stuff, so I guess if I had a job I'd definitely use my Sundays for blog catching-up.

      Thank you! Your oven sounds really dangerous you know! I mean, I really don't do anything special except follow recipes, so, you know, do that and you can't really go wrong!


    That's so awesome your mom's treatment is almost done. Maybe you can have some sort of secondary birthday celebration or something...and ARMCHAIR BEA. Let's try this and see if it doesn't suck. Yes. And we're TOTALLY in love with each other's blogs. But in healthy way. Kinda.

    I was supposed to see Dark Shadows for the fourth time today (it's not that good; I just have a weird thing going on), but my friends bailed, so now I have to find another time, because FOUR YES THAT SHOULD HAPPEN. Eva Green, dude. E-va Green.

    1. I'm totally already planning an end of chemo cake. Unfortunately it's ANOTHER cake I don't like, but... I'm not the one being all poisoned so I can just shut up *scolds self*.

      I'm having... issues with Armchair BEA already. You'll see when you visit other blogs... but OUR posts will be awesome. (Healthy) BLOG LOVE!

      I'm totally coming to Chicago to watch Dark Shadows with you. Absolutely not a problem. (I'm so sad this isn't true, but if we'd both gone to BEA we could have ACTUALLY seen Dark Shadows together! WEEP). I just enjoy the fact that you don't like it that much, but still, FOURTH SHOWING MAN! Strange person :) hehe

  5. Man that Peanut Butter cake looks amazzzzing.

    I was also kind of relieved that ABEA was this week, because I have nothing to review and since I figured I'd be busy most of this week, I'm not even close to finishing a book to review. ABEA has saved all of our asses.

    And I'm glad your momma only has 2 more chemo sessions! I hope she's still doing well!

    1. Indeed it has- let us all praise Armchair BEA!

      She is doing well, thanks! Long may it continue is what I say :)

  6. OMG caaaaake. And yes to an "end of chemo cake". Every good event needs cake.

    I forgot about ABEA. Can I still play? Do I need to sign up and be formal? Also I sorta feel silly participating cos the IRL thing is happening down the street from me. But alas I'm at work. But I want to play because of the (healthy) blog loooove!!!

    1. I know right? I might have to make myself cupcakes too, if I'm going to make her the cake I'm thinking of... Always thinking of others, that's me ;) hehe.

      AND YAY! You're doing ABEA! I realise this doesn't make any sense comment wise, but still. YAY!

  7. Those cakes look amazing! I will never get sick on fun fetti.

  8. Those cakes look amazing. I've never had a chocolate orange one, but it sounds so good. I kind of want one now.

    I know what you mean about Sundays. I try to comment on blogs (a little) but mostly I try to just read or watch movies on Sunday.
