
Thursday 30 August 2012

Devouring Books: Let's Pretend This Never Happened by Jenny Lawson

Before I even start talking about this book (which it has taken me SO LONG to do, which suggests to me some kind of correlation between LOVING THE CRAP out of a book and being incapable of writing anything coherant about it) can we talk about the similarity between its UK cover and that of How To Be A Woman?
Like... They're both grey and have similar fancy typeface in the titles, and I'm just wondering if the UK publishers went 'Ok, so maybe not that many people might know of this Jenny Lawson, we'd better remind them of how awesome Caitlin is' and whether that was a factor in their decision? I mean, they're both completely awesome, and I have no objections to this, it's just a general wonderment.

Anyway, so that was pointless. Let's talk about Let's Pretend This Never Happened! (And let's pretend that never happened). Except I don't know how to. Because it's a book I was a tiny bit worried about reading, because WHAT IF I DIDN'T FIND IT AS FUNNY AS EVERYONE ELSE?! Would that make me non-funny too? I have to be funny! It's how I understand that people like me! Ahem, so groundless worries, because OMG it's so hilarious. Like, not just a bit hilarious, but kind of just consistently funny throughout- obviously there were bits that I found funnier than others, because, you know, everyone has different funny spots, but even the slightly less funny things for me? Still bloody HILARIOUS.

I feel like a rite of passage thing with this book is the laughing out loud, in public whilst reading it. I honestly didn't think this would happen to me because I am SO not a laugher out loud with books. It's a weird little tic, but I basically just laugh in my brain and that's it, because... I don't really know. BUT I totally laughed out loud with this! Twice! And that's just in public. Because, well, there's this one part where she's having a conversation with a co-worker about the potential of having a giant vagina, and her co-worker is just like 'I can't BELIEVE you're even saying this to me' and I just felt so UNDERSTOOD because I am constantly inappropriate in conversation. It's like a disease. And then ALSO I laughed with the whole laxative episode, because it was just set up SO well, and then ascended to the heights of hilarity. And who doesn't laugh at a good poo story? No one, that's who!

Most of the funnyness comes from Lawson's writing style, which I ADORE. According to Alley, Lawson started her blog to find her writing voice so that she could write this book, and may I just say thank the LORD (I don't know who this Lord is. Whatever.) that she did because it's pretty awesome. It's like... the way I wish I could write and the way I kind of try to (what with the losing the train of thought parentheses and all) but in a completely superior (superior to me, that is. Not in an arrogant way or anything) and amazing way. I just... I loved the writing so much that I didn't even want to stop at any point to write anything down because I just wanted to keep reading it more. Hence, you know, the lack of quotes in this review and all (also because I'm too lazy to go back through it. And if I did I'd probably just start reading it ALL again!)

It seems to me that, in a parallel universe, there could be a parallel Let's Pretend This Never Happened, only its author refused to see the funny side in these consistently ridiculous situations. And that book? Would be terrible. The most heartening thing, the best thing, about this book, is the way Lawson consistently sees the hilarity in all these situations. There are moments that are obviously difficult, sure (and the occasional seriousness that creeps in doesn't hurt the book at all, just makes everything richer, and more life-y) but in the end, having a sense of humour trumps everything, and really is just the way to get through it all. I think that, in general, this is just a good thing for everyone to know- that no matter how tough things get, being able to laugh about it, either at the time, or eventually, is extremely extremely therapeutic. Believe me, I know this.

Didja just see me get all serious?! Ignore that, because this book is the big funny! But also, as well, it has DEPTHS too, and that basically just makes it perfect. It now sits proudly on my shelves, next to How To Be A Woman (they're the same height, as well as looking similar) and I can't see either of them staying on there, and out of my hands, for too long. Seriously, it's brilliant. Go read it.

I have to thank Ellie for sending me this book for RAK, because without her, who knows when I would have read it! Thanks Ellie!


  1. I need to read this book! I keep seeing it EVERYWHERE and it sounds awesome. Maybe I'll put a hold on it at the library...

    Great review! Now I have to go off and read about How to Be a Woman, though.

  2. It's SO FUNNY. You will dig it :). And also READ HOW TO BE A WOMAN! Caitlin Moran is my homegirl :)

  3. Maybe the cover thing is on purpose...did you see this interview? DID YOU SEE IT?

    1. Of COURSE I saw it! It was the highlight of my LIFE! Apart from when Caitlin interviewed Lena Dunham and they talked to each other on twitter and I was like THIS IS THE GREATEST!

      I completely don't have a problem with the cover thing, I just wanted to point it out in case nobody had said it like, ever! I mean, I HOPE people read one and then pick up the other because it looks the same! Cause they're both THE BEST!

    2. I want the two of them to just transcribe convos they have all the time. Cos this is wonderful. I heart them both.

    3. That would be AMAZING. All awesome people's convos should be transcribed, basically! (OMG ALL OUR CONVERSATIONS ARE ALREADY TRANSCRIBED! AMAZING!)

  4. I was thinking that about the covers cos I just finished How To Be A Woman (SO GOOD). The US cover of Lawson's book is similar but they used a dif font that makes the similarities less obvious. Cos then it's just "both books are grey"

    I want to reread this. Especially the laxative story. That's the one she read aloud when I saw her and it's just so good. And ridiculous.

    1. I'm SO HAPPY you liked How To Be A Woman!!! I was slightly worried about its Englishness, but it translates well, huh?! :D :D :D


    2. It was a little English-y and I wish I had marked down things to ask you about cos there were def a few times I was like "wait, what's that?" But the version I had explained some of the things. Like Wombles.

    3. Aw, you should have! Such fun I would have had explaining things! I love that you had some kind of Moranspeak glossary though! Amazing! (ALL THE EXCLAMATION POINTS! No one else in the WORLD is allowed to use any today, cause I have used them ALL)

  5. This has been on my wishlist for a while. I love her blog - I'm hoping to purchase and read it soon.

    1. YAY! I hope you enjoy it when you do! I haven't even read that much of her blog, and I still loved it, so you're gonna be like 'YESSSSSSSS' hehe

  6. Let's be real, I would read this book just because I think the mouse on the cover is adorable.

    1. ... The mouse is like a stuffed dead mouse. Or, in fact, is a stuffed dead mouse. But it is still alarmingly cute for all that! Hehehe

  7. I read this months ago and also have not reviewed it. ILOVEDIT though. I like the taxidermied animals, so many...

    1. It's too good to review, almost! Hence why this is mostly just like 'I love the writing! And the stories! And LOL!' Glad you loved it too :)

  8. I have this on hold at the library, and there are 121 people who are in line before me. I may have to buy it because AAAAAA I love her so much! I'm glad it was good and that blogging excellence translates to memoir excellence. And now I have to read that Moran book too! Ooo, I should see if that's in the library ...

    1. GAH, I think you definitely need to buy it! I've had We Need To Talk About Kevin reserved since about early May, and I've had to buy it now cause TIRED OF WAITING! But I'm guessing that's less fun than this. Just a thought.


  9. Soulmate! I loved this book so much! I laughed out loud so much. I loved everything about this book. I love her blog. I read it all the time. It cheers me up when I'm having a bad day.

    I'm so glad that you loved this book more than you thought you wouldn't. Does that even make sense?

    1. I... Think that makes sense? Maybe? I know what you mean anyway- it exceeded my expectations, basically! YAY WE LIKE ANOTHER THING THE SAME :D

  10. Adding to the quality. I loved how to be a woman (basically developed a girl crush on Caitlin Moran), sounds like I'll like this one too

  11. It's so exciting to find an author who has more things you can read and enjoy - either more books or a blog!

    Zaira Lynn (TRUSTprice - Software Download)
