
Friday 31 August 2012

Top 5 TV

Haven't you all missed this feature so much? Who forgot that I even did two of them once upon a time? *slowly raises own hand* Actually, I more periodically forget, as in I sometimes get an idea for one, and then can only think of three things and so another month passes without doing one. Why am I even explaining this? Who can say.

Anyway. I do have an idea this time, and it's, ok, you know when you're watching TV and there's nothing really on, and you come across something that you know you shouldn't really be watching because it won't improve your life much and yet you can't quite turn over because, hello compelling TV? That's what these are. I think it goes without saying that basically all of these are in the category of reality TV. So let's think of a title...

Top 5 Shows You Know You Shouldn't Watch, But Can't Quite Turn Off

1. The Hills- I am physically incapable of not watching The Hills if I know it's on, and there's no one there to stop me. It's my dirtiest little secret, because it's so bad, but OMG compelling! And the drama! And the WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU PEOPLE?! All you need to know about me and The Hills is that I cried when Lauren showed up at Heidi's wedding, so... Yeah. I have a problem.
Note: This is not applicable to the seasons without Lauren Conrad. Which really really suck.

2. Supersize vs Superskinny- This is a UK TV show where a morbidly obese person and a really underweight person swap diets, and it's actually not too trashy (at least, I don't think so) but it's not the kind of thing that a normal person would need to watch more than once. Since I like food, and have a penchant for documentaries about the morbidly obese (half ton dad, that kind of thing- it keeps me in line, weight wise!) I will literally watch this whenever I know it's on. Which is pretty often.

3. Wife Swap USA- I can take or leave the UK Wife Swap, but I can't get enough of the US version because, well, Americans are much crazier! Also it's more invented drama-y, which may be bad documentary wise but sure is good for entertainment! I could literally watch this all day, and I do believe I watched about 3 in a row once... That was a good day.

4. Hoarders- This one kind of goes without saying, I guess, but once I've started watching Hoarders, I of course can't stop. I guess I'm lucky that I can hardly ever find it on TV, because otherwise I'd just watch it all the time, like I did that time when I found it on the internet. That was an awesome week...

5. LA Ink- I don't think this is that bad either, but once it's on, there's no taking me away from LA Ink. It may have a slightly repetitive format, but tattoos! And Kat Von D! What's not to like?!

There are quite a lot more programmes that I basically can't turn off once they're on (and I have to watch any Back to the Future film any time it's on TV. Because come on, those are the greatest films ever!) but these are probably the worst of them. And Wife Swap is about as baaad as it gets. Now make me feel better: what programmes do you have to watch once they're on? Plastic surgery makeover ones (actually, I love/hate those too)? Soap operas? Tell me, tell me, tell me!


  1. I came home early from work today and there was this hoarders show (not sure if it's THE hoarders show)about Animal Hoarders and holy freaking shit. One woman had like 300 cats, and they were all super sick and sad and their house was full of poo and dishes and newspaper that HAS to be covered in poo. It was devastating and gross and upsetting and TOTALLY COMPELLING.

    1. *covered in (years of) poo.

    2. It's a different show, but equally as good/bad, I'm sure. There was this one episode of Hoarders where this woman had like zillions of cats though, and there was shit everywhere, and they found like 70 cat and kitten skeletons and the lady was SO SAD. Man... I just made myself sad!

  2. Hehehe, Hoarders & Wife Swap. I used to watch Trading Spouses (same idea) all the time when it was on.

    Oh how I love this! Well let's see, basically any time any of those new Charlie's Angels movies are on, I watch them. They're just so silly.

    And I LOOOOVVVEEE Repo Games. In case you don't have it in the UK (which you totally should), these repo men show up at someone's house to take back their car for not paying for it, BUT if they answer three trivia questions right then they get to keep their car and the show pays it off for them! And the people getting their cars taken away are sooooo dumb. The questions are super easy, but usually the people lose and get their car taken away. It's awesome. Also, Parking Wars is great AND infuriating, cause these people get SO MAD when they get a ticket or their car gets towed, even though they were obviously parked where they shouldn't have been.

    Oh and Cheaters!!! Where people think their significant other is cheating and use Cheaters to catch him/her and the person is almost always cheating. I can't stand cheating in books, so no clue why this show fascinates me. I yell at the tv "He's OBVIOUSLY cheating just leave his ass! You can do better! Maybe."

    Dude I love trash tv :)

    1. YES Parking Wars! Why do people get so angry when they're CLEARLY in the wrong. Not even a question. On The Fly is also amazing in that way since it always has a person way too drunk to fly getting angry that they're not allowed on the plane.

    2. I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT YOU GUYS ARE TALKING ABOUT! But all these things sound amazing. I'm just happy that no one's made fun of me yet for watching The Hills. Constantly.

  3. Supersize vs. Superskinny, why aren't you on over heeeere? Because I would totally watch that one.

    And Hoarders. Of course Hoarders. Which TV tells me the new season should be starting soon and I know I shouldn't be that excited for it but I can't help it. Hoarders goes beyond just watching when it happens to be on cos I do DVR it. Whoops.

    TLC has some amazing/terrible shows like about nerds at Comic Con speed dating.

    1. Supersize vs Superskinny is sooooooooo good! Nothing like looking at the diets of a really big and really small person to make you feel normal!

      NEW SEASON OF HOARDERS OMG! I don't know where I was like in my internet watching of them (which also counts as SEEKING IT OUT, so, you know, bad us) but... I need to watch some more!!!

      I think I need to come to America again JUST to watch TV. That sounds so so good :)

  4. LOL!!!! I've only watch wife swap a few times and it's like a bad car accident. You know you shouldn't stare but you just can't help it. My guilty pleasure lately is Rescue Me but we are on season 3 or 4 and it just keeps getting darker and darker. Not sure how much longer I can endure.

  5. Night Cops. I'm actually hooked. I love that they try to convince people that Exmouth and Torquay are full of criminals :-p also I totally get Wife Swap USA, and I'm also hooked on Supernanny USA and One Tree Hill....

    1. I've never heard of Night Cops! But it sounds terrible. In a good way! I also love Supernanny USA, but am actually capable of turning it off, unlike these other horrors!

  6. I'm not really one for reality tv. But I am obsessed with British shows like Doctor Who, Sherlock, Downton Abbey, Inspector Lewis...the list goes on.

    I'm also obsessed with Anderson Cooper's daytime talk show. I just love it so much. I've always kind of adored him as a journalist but his talk show is just slightly odd. I'm obsessed. If I get home early enough in the day I can catch most of it. I'm absolutely riveted.

    1. Your shows you love are waaaaay more highbrow than mine haha! I have never even heard of Anderson Cooper though- it's maybe something we don't get over here. SAD TIMES!

  7. Oh my gawd. . . Supersize vs. Superskinny looks TERRIBLE. I must see it!!

    1. Dude, it is SO AWESOME. In an awesome way. And also a bad way. But I love it SO MUCH!

  8. Gah, I love the Hills and Hoarders. I forgot how good The Hills was until there was a marathon on MTV a month ago or so. Ridiculously good. And Hoarders always compels me to actually clean up my act a little bit!

    I can't help how much I love Toddlers and Tiaras. It's always ridiculous, kind of disgusting, and I can't stop. Need to see five year olds getting spray tanned...

    Oh! And the Kardashians! Sometimes they bug me enough to turn off the show, and yet, somehow, I always come back. I really have no idea why. They're so inane!
