
Sunday 5 August 2012

Sunday Sundries

I know I say this all the time, but this time I really mean it- I'm going to try and keep this brief, because Sunday's kind of nearly over here! I realise that I don't have to do a Sunday Sundries post, but a little consistency isn't a bad thing, amiright? I am.

SO! This week was good, kind of middleish in the middle (a cancelled trip to see Batman genuinely made me feel miserable for two days, which is probably not a great indication of my emotional state) but on the whole actually really nice. And the main reason for this, and something I should definitely remember, is because I got out of the house! And did things not in my bedroom! (ooer!) But seriously- I went places and met people and it was all nice and good, and I need to remember that doing such things are nice and good so that I do them more often. Yes. *Nods definitively*

Getting out more also meant experiencing Olympic transport, which was DREADFUL (sample conversation: "Oooh, a field! It's like the opening ceremony!" Yes, OR you're a twat who needs to get out of London more) and then less dreadful but awfully sweaty smelling. So yeah, it's kind of put me off public transport for the next week, and made me grumpy about the Olympics for the combined time of about half an hour- other than that it's been all 'YESSSSS gymnastics!' and 'OMG that body!' and also, the birth of a new crush on this swimming GOD:
So yeah, a good Olympic week, you know? Very very good indeed...

Ahem. So, Olympics+going places=not all that much reading, which is bad because the things I have to read! They are numerous and exciting! (by 'have to' I don't mean that I have to do it, but that I have them! And I want to read them! But I'm failing to make proper time!) I finally, finally found an affordable copy of We Need To Talk About Kevin (i.e. a charity shop copy) on Friday, and I'm dying to read it, and then I need to read my first section of The Moonstone for discussies on Wednesday, but ALSO the wondrous Ellie sent me Let's Pretend This Never Happened (RAK, people, look into it!) and I really really really desperately want to read that! So really I'm in the most wonderful reading position cause I really really want to read all these things, it's just... How to prioritise?! I just don't know!

But, if that's as big as problems get at the moment, then I'm ok with that. 

And now:
Ok, my loved blog this week is totally new and so doesn't really have many posts to its name, BUT I can already tell it's going to be GREAT! You've probably all seen it already, but if not, it's the new Classics Club blog! I know it's going to be good because I love basically all of the moderators' blogs, and also because it seems like a really great way for everyone to interact and see each others posts, and also, a monthly classics meme? Don't mind if I do! Basically I'm really excited about it, and I want everyone else to be too! 

P.S. I forgot to add, clearly the BEST thing that happened to me this week, which was winning an Amazon voucher from Sarah! Apparently I'm super ungrateful to not have mentioned it in the main text, but I am really really grateful and excited about it! Expect a 'this is what I bought with it' post, when I figure out exactly what these things are... 


  1. Yay for winning something! And for getting a copy of Let's Pretend! And for getting out of the house, even if it did mean you had to experience Olympic traffic which seems like, just the worst thing ever. At least there are pretty Olympic bodies to look at.

    1. I know! Yay all those things! I didn't so much experience Olympic traffic as very very crowded Olympic trains, which I think is worse than traffic because close proximity to AWFUL people! (well, the people going back to London were awful. The ones going the other way were fine.) GRR Olympics, and also, OMG Olympics! :)

  2. 1) OOOOH, I just saw the new Classics Club blog too and I'm THAT CLOSE to sitting down and picking my books. Maybe at the end of the summer when the shop goes quiet and I've got plenty of time to sit and be obsessive about things again...

    2) Yay for Jenny Lawson AND Lionel Shriver! I keep sticking my nose over my copy of KEVIN and then wandering off again, I so want to read it but the moment needs to be RIGHT. I'm still thinking it might be a good airport/plane read. Something to keep me engrossed and keep everyone else from talking to me, just in case... *practises sociopathic glare* :D

    3) I also need to work on Going Out and Doing Fun Things Not In My Bedroom (ooer!). AND WHO IS THAT SWIMMING GOD?! Why have I not licked his photograph before?!

      1) Yaaay classics club! I love it because there's literally no pressure, it's just like 'I want to read these classics someday' and, you know, you get to make a list! Woohoo! Exciiited to see your list when you make it (and to have opinions on it, obviously)

      2) Duuude, absolutely need the RIGHT time to read Kevin- I'm really excited about having it, but I'm not sure if the time is now or not... I guess I'll know when I start reading it! Your airport plan is both devious and wondrous, and I absolutely think you should save it for that now!

      3) I feel like I *especially* need to work on it because of my non-job havingness, and so doing literally nothing, and the less you do, the less you feel able to do and so on until you can barely get dressed in the morning (happens. Seriously) but yeah, I think it's a pretty good thing for everyone to do! And ARGH, can't believe I didn't label the picture! THAT is Camille Lacourt and I very much like his entire self.

  3. Omg WHY do all the swimmers (except Lochte) have amazing bodies and dumb, dumb faces? This is not cool.

    Also, yeah, the Batman movies are too dark. I know that's mayyybe not what you're saying, but I definitely couldn't watch after Batman Begins because of that.

    Classics Club blog? *looks suspicious*

    1. But but but Lacourt's face!! I have decided once and for all that Lochte doesn't have a nice face, and further that he is a dick, see this:

      That's totally noooot what I'm saying because I didn't even see Batman! And I was miserable because I didn't! Batman Begins is WAY bleaker than The Dark Knight, cause in the Dark Knight they're (some of them) are trying to make things better! But yeah, they are preeeetty dark, but SO awesome too. And WAY better than Batman and Robin... (DAMMIT CLOONEY!)

      The Classics Club blog is just a sort of central location for classics posts and things and there's a meme thing... I don't think there's anything to be suspicious of!

  4. I totally spent part of my lunch break today perusing the Big List of Classics and dreaming up my own list. I'll probably make a post about it sometime soon! If I make the list this month, I can put The Moonstone on there and then feel really accomplished when I can cross one off soon... *scurries off to plot classics strategy*

    1. Yessssss, that's totally what you have to do! I'm actually really sad that The Moonstone isn't on my list, cause I can't cross it off. But it's ok, because WILKIE!

  5. Oh my God. This picture. And finally, finally I get the charm of the Olympics!

    1. That's all it's about Cassandra! Perrrrving on the delicious men! (Or women, if that's your jam)

  6. Oh man. We share a crush. He is heavenly isn't he?

    I love that you're reading Let's Pretend. It made me laugh out loud so much. If We Need To Talk About Kevin is the same as the film that I watched a few weeks ago, don't read it in a room alone. I'd also suggest broad daylight reading. The film was so messed up.
