
Tuesday 7 August 2012

Top Ten Tuesday

Well, haven't done this in a while... And actually, I've never really done anything that's like 'hey, read these posts of mine because they're awesome!' because, well, shyness and stuff... But anyway, hey, read these posts of mine because they're awesome!

Top Ten Posts That Give The Best Picture of ME!

1. Eating Animals by Jonathan Safran Foer- Cause, well, it was sort of a landmark book in my whole not-eating-meat thing, and maybe sort of one of the most actually important books I've ever read in relation to my LIFE. The comments are also pretty worth reading because, hey, everyone has an opinion about eating animals- who knew?!

2. 1Q84 by Haruki Murakami- I like this review just because it's such a visceral reaction to a book that I've had, and is probably the way I'd like to write all my reviews, only I don't because going 'omg, it just made me feel SO GOOD!' is not really that helpful to anyone, ever. But still, it only felt right to write about the love rather than offer any kind of critique of this book.

3. An Education by Lynn Barber- Because I like a good rant, and this is the angriest one I can remember. What this says about me? Barber, I can't take any of your bullshit.

4. A Short History of Nearly Everything by Bill Bryson- This post really just says 'I am secretly (hidden even to myself!) a massive science nerd'. Or, quite possibly, just a Bill Bryson nerd, but you know. Whatever.

5. Rant about criticisms of New Girl- Because I put my feminist hat on (let's face it, that's a hat I always wear...) and defended New Girl and its adorableness, against the cries of 'it's not feminist enough!' I also enjoy this post because I prophetically decided that there would be some major criticisms of Girls when it came out, and lo and behold there were! I don't know whether to be impressed or depressed by this...

6. The Astronaut's Wife- The thing this says about me? I will literally watch anything that has Johnny Depp in. It's sick but true. Seriously, don't watch this...

7. The Sisters Brothers by Patrick DeWitt- Totally a recent review, but I think it's very very indicative of how I feel about really really really great characters in books. A little preview: eeeeeeeeeee!

8. The Taming of the Shrew by William Shakespeare- This one says, I will not put up with sexist bullshit, even if you are William freaking Shakespeare. I'm very happy with that message.

9. Angels in America by Tony Kushner- I don't really know what this says about me, other than DAMN, I really love this play. Like, obsessively. So here, this says 'I am obsessed with Angels in America.'

10. Breaking Bad- And let's just finish off with another obsession... Totally current, and so all encompassing that I had a Breaking Bad dream the other night that was pretty freaky. So there's that.

There are some posts that aren't reviews that I do like and which probably say more about me-the-person, but can I be bothered to look through and find them? No I cannot. I do like this post about why the internet makes me sad (that, apparently, I could be bothered to find) which says a lot about my willingness to bite the hand that feeds... Oh well!


  1. It's nice to feature some of your favorite posts, I think. Sometimes I'd like to go back and clean out my blog like I clean out my cabinets and discard, discard, discard. I like to see other people's reviews to learn from them. So, thanks!

    Here's a ten post look at me. I hope you will stop by!

    1. Aw, I definitely can't read a lot of my early posts, because I'm like 'BLARGH', but I feel like I've gotten better and it's nice to see that growth!

  2. "'I am secretly (hidden even to myself!) a massive science nerd'. Or, quite possibly, just a Bill Bryson nerd" - don't worry, I'm sure you're both kinds of nerd. And many more as well. I like your list!

    1. Hahaha, I am most kinds of nerrrrrd! I'm glad you like my list though! Surely you remember ALL the posts from the first time round, cause I expect nothing more than you committing them all to memory

  3. An Education suuuucks. And I'm gonna watch Angels in America. I am. Also -- The Astronaut's Wife. Sooooo terrible.

    1. All these things are true. An Education, the film is quite good though, but sadly it's only a chapter in the memoir of The Worst Person in the World...

      WATCH ANGELS IN AMERICA! DO IIIIIIT! If I lived nearer, I'd just wait on your doorstep with it tonight and just force you to watch all 6-something hours of it cause OMG!!! It's the best.

  4. I'm probably not ever going to read An Education after your post. I did really like the movie, but I kind of hate whiny memoirs.

    1. Oh my GOD, seriously don't read it! Unless you want to really really hate someone, in which case go for it. Honestly, the biggest bitch ever, and she doesn't even realise it!

  5. Reminiscing is always fun :-) and I'm glad I actually remember most of these posts! Hooray! I STILL have to read that Bryson book... *hangs head in shame*

    1. Awwwww, yay!! I'm memorable! Seriously, A Short History of Nearly Everything BLEW MY MIND, but if you're too busy to read it then whatever *huffs* Lol, but no really, it's awesome!!

  6. I think this is a great meme and it helps your readers, too, who may not know those posts exist but would be interested in them if they did. A good roundup is a good thing now and then. Great list.

    1. Thanks! I thought this was a pretty good idea for a list too, hence my participation! :)

  7. This just confirms why I like and follow your blog! I adored The Sisters Brothers, I like Angels in America too (well, I saw the mini-series, haven't read the play) and I'm addicted to Breaking Bad! :)

    1. :D Well then you clearly win the prize for being the MOST AWESOME PERSON EVER! (The prize is my admiration... that's a good prize, right?) But yeah, allll these things are the best things :)

  8. I share your love of The Sisters Brothers, I just reviewed it yesterday. I actually laughed out loud in a few places! I am new follower :)

    1. Me too! It's amaaaaazing, glad you liked it too!
