
Wednesday 5 September 2012

Devouring Books: Attachments by Rainbow Rowell

You know when all your blogging bffs have read a book and all really loved it, and you put it off because 1) it sounds kind of great but also like something you don't really read much and therefore you might not like it, and 2) what if you don't like it and you get disowned from the group? I mean... you probably don't know that because you're a well-adjusted sensible individual. And, ok, I was only worried about the first point because I loves my girls, and I know they'd never disown me! Probably...

So, anyway, Attachments was that book for me (obviously) and so it took me ages to find it and read it (and I still only got it from the library... I really don't trust anyone, clearly!) and now I'm just like... WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN MY WHOLE LIFE?! Seriously, I could literally not put this book down. It's just so funny and real and the conversations had are honestly conversations I could imagine myself happening, the references are things I care about (Winona Ryder, for example- oh yeah, it's set in 1999-2000, hence why Winona is still being talked about. But I will talk about her FOREVER) and it's just packed with laughs and sadnesses and basically all the stuff of life. Plus stalking via email.

Which really isn't as bad as it sounds. I guess, only because Lincoln (Sort of kind of the main character only he feels less important than Beth and Jennifer, the emailers) is so lovely and we know so much about him and why he isn't a creep that it seems ok for him to be reading the email exchanges of these women (which is technically his job, but... he doesn't warn them and just reads their emails. So... Yeah.) So, I love Lincoln. And I especially love that *sort of SPOILER* because of his hobbies and things, you assume that he looks kind of like a dweeb, but then you find out that actually he's a GOD. Or at least pretty hot, you know? *end sort of SPOILER*

But, of course, Beth and Jennifer are the real stars, not only of the book but in Lincoln's LIFE (if you look at the book as entirely his narration, for instance, they're clearly the highlight of his days for a good chunk of it) and I can't even tell you how much I love their email exchanges. Like... it's almost impossible to quote them because the awesomeness isn't so much in a little section but just IS the entirety of their emails. They're just. So. Good. And I believe it's been said before, but it is SUCH an accurate and good representation of female friendship that you just don't see everywhere, or hardly anywhere, and not just in books. I don't just want them to be my friends, I feel like they already are my friends.

I can see where Lincoln had difficulties.

Now. I have a horrible feeling that this book could be easily dismissed as Chick Lit (a term which, by the way, makes me want to vomit). I feel like I could easily have dismissed it as that if I hadn't had the guidance of excellent people (my Jennifers and Beths, if you will) thanks to things like quotes from magazines that I sort of disdain on the front and back covers of the book (this is making me sounds like a snob... *thinks about it* I'm comfortable with that, when it comes to Chick Lit.) Here's what I have to say about Attachments and Chick Lit- IF it is Chick Lit (and I'm willing to fight against that label FOREVER) then it's like the Nora Ephron of Chick Lit. Which basically means, nothing else I've read even comes close, writing-wise, or story-wise, or reality-wise, or character-wise. And it's funny because I was thinking this early on, and as I kept reading? SO many references to Nora Ephron films. Which just makes it an even better book!

So. I just love this book, and I will always love it and also I nearly kissed the copy I got out of the library (ICK! Who knows where it's been?!) so I kind of need to buy my own pronto. And give it all the kisses and hugs that a great book deserves. If you're looking for a better review than this poor effort (squealing and kisses? Yeah.) then I suggest looking at Alley's, or Rayna's, or Alice's, for they speak the truth. And also because they have ALL THE QUOTES that I couldn't write down because did you get the part where I couldn't stop reading? And then GO AND READ THIS.


  1. I was very happy to discover an ARC of this in a stack of books behind a stack of books on the floor between my bed and the window. Now I will have a fun fun airplane book for my trip next month and I can join in with the rest of the book bloggers who have totally peer pressured me into reading this.

    1. PEER PRESSURE! It works! But I've gotta tell you, it's PERFECT for plane reading, in that you'll be so sucked in that you won't even realise you've landed! I mean, hopefully...

  2. Yayyyy very happy that you read and loved it! Those emails are the BEST. And I just wanna hug Lincoln, he's so adorable.

    And I don't think it qualifies as chick lit... I'm not sure what that exact definition is, but when I think of authors I know are classified as chick lit (Emily Giffin, Sophie Kinsella, etc.) they are just not as cool and awesome as Rainbow Rowell and this book. This is just AWESOME FICTION. I think even my honeyman would enjoy it, if I could talk him into reading it...

    1. Aw, I love Lincoln. And I love that I assumed that he looked totally nerdy (and yet I still loved him, I should add!) but actually he's a total hottie. *siiiigh* This book, man!

      It's almost like chick lit for chicks who are awesome? IF we want to call it that, which we do not. Seriously, I reckon dudes would like this, because the main character is a freaking dude! Get the honeyman to read it (tell him I said so!) and we'll test that theory :)

  3. "I don't just want them to be my friends, I feel like they already *are* my friends."

    Oooooh snap. Also good point. And dude, I got it from the library and then yeah, had to buy it. Because who knows when you're gonna feel crappy and need to read something amazing? QUIEN SABES?

    I'm really really glad you loved it, but we still would've accepted you if you hadn't. Y'know. Kind of.

    1. DUDE, I totally need this book for when I feel crappy. Or also when I feel good. Or for any other eventuality (seriously, I love it so much!)

      I feel that there would have been side glances and private judging for disliking this book. As in... because that's what I'd do to anyone who didn't like it! But we've disagreed on books before and we've worked through it (Norwegian Wood, The Catcher in the Rye AS IF YOU DIDN'T KNOW!) so I'm sure we would have been fine.

  4. Attachments 4EVA. The dialogue, either by email or, you know, talking, is definitely the highlight of this gem. Worth buying, certainly!

    And yes, "Chick Lit," eauch. This is PEOPLE Lit. Relationship Lit. Wit Lit.

    1. Definitely worth buying! I might do a little Attachments/Sisters Brothers joint purchase as a treat one day. When I have money. Which will be never. Hmmm... But anyway, yeah!

      All of those things are better descriptions of this book than chick lit! AUGH I want to read it again RIGHT NOW! But I can't cause I took it back to the library yesterday- GAH!

  5. I almost forgot about this one. I remember reading Alley and Alice's glowing reviews (I think I saw Alice's first) and I vowed to find this book. I'm glad you liked it so much and re-reminded me I have to track it down!

    1. Aw yay, I'm so glad I reminded you! (I love when that happens). It's so so so good, I hope you love it too!

    2. There's been a delightful chain reaction, all starting with Raych. She posted about it, I forgot about it, it came up again later, I got it from the library, and bam! Chain continued. Thank God.

  6. I have no idea why I haven't read this yet. I have it on the shelf, and I think it sounds funny and not too tiresome, and like something that I could pick up and get sucked into, which is what I like in the fall time.

    1. It is all those things! Like, it's really well-written, but not over-written or like really difficult, and also it's very sucky in-ish. I recommend reading it RIGHT NOW! (Obviously...) :)

    2. Dude, I dare you to read just the first five pages. Do eeeeeet.

  7. AHH I am so late in commenting on this post!

    But YAY you loved it! I knew you would. I also struggled with categorizing it, since it has some of the classic "chick lit" characteristics but is SO MUCH BETTER than any other "chick lit" book I've tried. Ugh, chick lit. Whoever coined that term deserves a future filled with only awful, brain-melting books a la Twilight and novels written by celebrities.

    I feel like we are slowly converting the entire internet into Attachment-loving fangirls. SUCCESS.

  8. Haha, I got this one for my birthday last month but haven't got to it yet and now ANOTHER of my bloggy friends have loved it! *waves*

    I really am going to have to get to this soon but my Mum (with the best intentions in the world) has packed up the tail end of my TBR pile so we can decorate, and now I'm left with the dregs that have been there for ages. Ahh well, maybe it will be good for me!

    Sorry, I'm babbling and off-topic. Point is, I need to read this :)

  9. Well! I've had this book on a shelf for ages, but hadn't read any glowing reviews. So happy to have discovered yours! Will definitely be grabbing this one soon.
