
Tuesday 4 September 2012

Top Ten Tuesday

Oh hiii, Top Ten Tuesday, welcome back to my blog! Yeah, I haven't been great at doing this recently cause, you know, I'm lazy, but I do like to make seasonal reading lists. This one is going to be mightily RIP-heavy, cause that's all I want to read at the moment really. So yeah, enjoy.

Top Ten Books On My Autumn TBR List

1. The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck- Because because I'm hosting my first readalong of it! (I mean, my first readalong ever, not just the first time I've readalonged The Grapes of Wrath. That was probably obvious, huh?) So, anyway, that's happening in October, so stay tuned.

2. The Little Stranger by Sarah Waters- Another readalong that I'm really excited about because it'll make me actually read this book! More details about it if you click on the thingy in my sidebar thing. Specifics. I like them.

3. We Need To Talk About Kevin by Lionel Shriver- I've become obsessed with this book since reserving it at the library and NEVER GETTING IT (I still haven't. I bought it in the end) and so I really want to read it. Since it's pretty dark, I'm thinking it'll be great for RIP.

4. Beloved by Toni Morrison- I just want to read something by Toni Morrison. This autumn is the time, and this is the book.

5. Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky- I've already started this, so I'd quite like to finish it by the end of autumn, and if I can't I think I might have some issues.

6. Let The Right One In by John Ajvide Linqvist- It's time to read this one. I've had it for a long time, and it's the right time of year. Time. Also, I have good thoughts about the Sweden-vampire combination, so... Yeah.
Annnd... I don't know what else I want to read! Because I have the aforementioned stack of RIP books, and I want to read them ALL, and because of that I haven't properly prioritised them. So... ALL THE SCARY BOOKS! I WANT TO READ THEM ALL! 


  1. Oh I really want to read The Grapes Of Wrath!

  2. I have had Let the Right One In on my shelf for like three years. I'm hoping to tackle this one for RIP this year also!

    1. Yes Christina! We can do it! Go us! etc etc

  3. Loved We Need to Talk About Kevin. Very painful to read.

    Here's my Top Ten Books I'm Awaiting This Fall. I hope you will stop by!

    1. I'm reading it at the moment, and I kind of both LOATHE it, and also can't stop reading it. It's very odd!

  4. Beloved is on my list, too! Happy reading!

  5. The Grapes of Wrath is a great pick. I've been meaning to re-read it -- will your readalong be tracked on this blog?

    1. It will! I'll be posting details about it later in the month, but I'm planning on breaking it down into sections and then posting once a week about it, if that's something you're interested in!

  6. Hmmmmm. I LIKE Sarah Waters, but I haven't read any of her 'modern' (read: post-19th c) novels, so I've been wary of The Little Stranger and The Night Watch. Esp. since I think TLS is supposed to be the only one with no gayness in it (NO GAYNESS IN SARAH WATERS? *WHAT*?). That being said, I'll probs read it eventually.

    I bought We Need to Talk About Kevin while drunk in Toronto. Seemed like a good idea at the time. Haven't read it yet.

    1. Dude, I bought The Little Stranger ages ago, and I was like 'when am I ever even going to read this?' so then I was all like READALONG YES! But I'm 2 chapters in and NOTHING HAS HAPPENED AND THERE IS NO GAYNESS. I am distraught. There IS a Marian type chick though! (ugly face and strong personality, you know.)

      I both loathe and can't leave We Need to Talk About Kevin alone. It should make for an interesting review! (and by interesting, I obviously mean unreadable.)

  7. Great list! 3, 5 and 6 are amazing books. Let the Right One In is the perfect October book, so creepy!

    1. Yeah, I'm thinking I'm going to save the properly horror-ish books til October and read more thriller-y ones in September... I'm so excited!

  8. Ohhhh yeah, I should have added The Grapes of Wrath to my list! Duh, lol.

    And Beloved literally scared me so much I stopped reading it. That book is CREEPY. I should probably finish it someday, just to say that I did.

    1. "Scared," you say? "Creepy," you say? *puts book on hold at library*

    2. GUYS! Let's all read Beloved and comfort each other on twitter. It'll be awesome!

  9. Really want to read We Need To Talk About Kevin!

    1. Do iiiit! Expect to hate EVERYONE (not just in the book. EVERYONE!)

  10. Is Beloved your first Morrison book cos if so you are def jumping into the deep end with her. You have some heavy books set for this fall. Kudos to you.

    1. God, thanks for scaring me ALLEY. (scaring me in the wrong way, that is). It is my first Morrison. I also have The Bluest Eye, you think I should read that first?

    2. SORRY!! You could prob do Beloved first but The Bluest Eye might be a good way to wade into the Morrison pool. Cos it's similar and Morrison-y but much easier to follow.

    3. Hmmmm... I think I'll see how I go with Beloved, and maybe just retreat from it if it scares me too much!

  11. I just finished (and reviewed sans spoilers) We Need to Talk About Kevin, recently. SO GOOD. Can't wait for you to read and review so we can discuss!

    1. DISCUSSING! Yay! I am about halfway through and that's happened in about 3 days, so... yeah, it shouldn't be long until I'm done.

  12. I won a free copy of Little Star by Linqvist from Goodreads and I'm really excited to read it. If i ever finish my shelf of 10....2.5 books to go!

    1. I haven't read anything by him yet, so I'm excited to read Let The Right One In.

  13. Yes, library Kevin's are hard to come by! Everyone wants to read it, which I assume is an excellent sign. Good list. Scary and sophisticated - well played, Miss Laura. Well played.

    1. I'm not so sure about the excellent sign thing. Maybe more the morbid curiosity thing. OR the 'everyone's read this so I must too!' thing. It can't be that anyone's recommending it, SURELY!

      *bows over my awesome list* :)

  14. I'm going to be really tempted by your Grapes of Wrath readalong. I've been wanting to reread it, but I suck at readalongs and there are SO MANY BOOKS!

    1. Yes join! The fun we'll have! And The Grapes of Wrath is always always worth re-reading :)

  15. Grapes of Wrath and We Need to Talk About Kevin are both sooooo good. Harrowing, but in very different ways!

    1. Having (just now!) read both of them, I'm inclined to agree. Although I'm not sure just now how I feel about We Need To Talk About Kevin. But definitely harrowed!

  16. What a fantastic list. You can't go wrong with Steinbeck :)

  17. We Need to Talk About Kevin still gives me goosebumps when I think about it - and I read it like 5 years ago! I haven't read anything else on your list, but I'm seriously considering joining your readalong as I had a lot of fun reading Alley's posts about the last one. Also, I don't think I'd ever get around to reading The Grapes of Wrath otherwise. And also, also, I want to be PART of the fun this time! :)
