
Friday 29 March 2013

"He saw that the presence of hundreds of books had finally convinced Hermione that what they were doing was right."

So my sister's been ill all week, which isn't something you need to know, but the illness she's had is a cough, and the cough is REALLY LOUD and happens AT ALL TIMES, so basically I haven't slept properly since Sunday (our house is really small. Plus, I have to share a bedroom with her. ALL THE BAD) and I don't even know what, if anything, I have to say about Part deux of Order of the Phoenix. Basically what I'm saying is, bear with me, people!
Right. I don't even know if there's anything I want to say in paragraphs! OK, do we want to talk about how terrible Umbridge is? I mean, she's really dreadful, right? The problem for me is, I don't think she's dreadful in a way that is AT ALL amusing (except when McGonagall basically ignores her in her class. That's pretty freaking sweet), she's more terrible in a way that makes me want to rip her limbs off her body and beat her with them until she's dead.
Sorry. I'm REALLY tired. But anyway, the point is that even though I think that this makes her a kind of masterfully drawn character, it's just another element that makes OotP EXHAUSTING for me as opposed to mostly fun but with some, you know, perilous bits. A couple more things about her though- surely she's really really not allowed to use that terrible SKIN CUTTING quill on the children? I know it's Hogwarts, but even they must have rules about this kind of thing, no? And also, IT IS NOT OK TO ATTACK HEDWIG! I mean, HONESTLY!

Sirius bashing time? I think so. Whilst I've become a lot warmer towards Harry in this section (with one notable exception that I'll point out in the bullet points that are obviously coming) I'm actually really really really annoyed at Sirius. Because, um, you don't say to a teenager who is TRYING TO PROTECT YOU and who keeps nearly getting himself killed that he should get into more trouble! That's just stupid! "your father wouldn't have done that". Well then maybe, just maybe, he's as big an idiot as YOU are, Sirius. GODDAMMIT!
Having said that, I am kiiiind of on Sirius's side when it comes to Dumbledore's Army, because even though I can see why Molly wants her kids to, you know, stay in school, possibly just because they'll be safe there because Dumbledore can protect them (because he's always been SO GOOD at that), I still think it totally makes sense for them to learn how to defend themselves. Also the lessons sound fun and this book needs some of that FOR REALS. I did love that Hermione was suddenly like 'Guys... I think this might be a bad idea...' when Sirius thought it was a good one though. Hermione's smart.

Random thoughts and shit:

  • You know when Harry gets Hedwig to deliver the letter and is like 'I know this says Snuffles, but it's actually for Sirius"? Like... Hedwig knows this already, amiright? Since she's been doing it FOR A YEAR. Honestly, Harry...
  • Percy's letter makes ME want to vom, personally, but I'm sad that it makes Harry sad. It's a bit of a 'well, he kind of KNOWS me and he thinks I'm crazy, what must everyone else think?' moment, but... Percy's a douchebag. As I'm sure we're all aware by now.
  • I feel like Harry has had his most constructive outburst, or at least the one that helps me best understand his mental state, and so I can empathise with him better. This is a really good thing. "You two sit here acting like I'm a clever little boy to be standing here, alive, like Diggory was stupid, like he messed up." Poor Harry, you have so much to deal with!
  • Guys... Is Hogwarts in Yorkshire?!?!?! For some reason, I always thought it was in Scotland, but in the Hogs Head, there are all those people with thick Yorkshire accents. Are they just supposed to be kind of dodgy (all dodgy characters have Yorkshire accents) or ARE WE ACTUALLY IN YORKSHIRE? I hope we are, because I bloody love it there.
  • "He touched the spot on his face where Hermione had kissed him, looking puzzled, as though he was not quite sure what had just happened."- Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
  • I still totally don't care about Quidditch. It's official. But this I loved: "'Yes, yes, we know about the Quidditch,' said Hermione in a tense voice."
  • And THIS was really annoying: Ron: "This is the worst I've ever felt in my life." Harry: "Join the club." REALLY GUYS?! I mean, really? Not being allowed to play Quidditch is the worst you've ever felt in your lives? Seeing someone MURDERED wasn't that bad then Harry? Fucking hell.
  • This might just be me, but I didn't really care about the giants. Whatevs.
I did a lot of shouting this week, huh?! Partly sleep deprivation, and partly everyone acting like a massive idiot, I guess! It's all ok though- I've read ahead and there seems to be PLENTY of Snape for next week. So at least I'll be happy.


  1. Yes! Breaking Bad gifs! I used one too! (so good for expressing anger!)

    I'm 99% sure that JKR said that Hogwarts is in Scotland - but I could absolutely be wrong about that.

    With the letter to Sirius/Snuffles, does that mean owls can read? Because he's all "I know it says..." I always assumed that they told the owls (which is no less barmy) but...reading owls? Does that mean only special owls can be wizarding owls?

    1. Absolutely only special owls can be wizarding owls. Hedwig was able to find Sirius when Harry had no idea where he was. She's definitely got some magic in her.

    2. I've always thought it was in Scotland, but WHY THE YORKSHIRE ACCENTS then?! Is this JK being a fooool again?

      I've always assumed that the owls just know where to go because they're magic! Because they've never, like, whispered locations in any ears or anything. Owls are bloody amazing.

    3. Ok well in that case I want to be a magic owl breeder. It absolutely sounds like the best wizarding job ever!

      Now I just need an owl pun for my store name...

      Owl be seeing you

      Ok that's terrible but it's all I've got for now.

    4. How about OWL BE BACK, a-la Terminator? No?

      And I will always and forever wonder why the Ministry couldn't just address a letter to Sirius and then hop on a broom and follow it to his hiding place? Or can owls only find their letter recipient if the person wants to receive said letter?

      My brain hurts.

    5. Yes, Owl Be Back is absolutely the name I will use. And if it isn't already part of the owl magic, I'm going to make it impossible to follow an owl to a hidden recipient.

  2. What? No. You can't be mad at Ron for saying it's the worst he's ever felt in his life. I say shit like that ALL THE TIME. It is hyperbole. People are allowed to do hyperbole.

    Giants -- not just you. The giants are terrible. I hate the giants. They make me exhausted.

    1. Yeeeees, people are allowed to hyperbole- I'm just annoyed that he's saying it about Quidditch. Because, you know, Quidditch. Meh.

      That whooole chapter, I was just like 'yep. Yep, they're really scary. Oooh, death, how horrid. *checks how many pages are left*'. Frankly, I could do without the whole thing!

  3. Umbridge is the worst worst worst. Although I don't think she cares too much for Hogwarts' rules, even if they did have something on the book that says "flaying skin from students is not an acceptable form of punishment".

    Also I feel like Hermione suddenly going back on DA because Sirius likes the idea is silly? I mean, she doesn't really give a reason other than "Sirius likes it? Oh well then this is stupid." And everyone is concerned when Umbridge puts up the decree that you have to get permission from her to set up a club but it's not like anyone was going to tell her about the club before that decree. I don't know why people thought this new rule was going to make a difference...

    You're so right about Harry's outburst about Cedric and now I want to cry and hug him. Of course then the worst Harry says he's ever felt is when he can't play Quidditch anymore and then I'm like "Right, teenagers are dumb"

    1. At least when Impostor Moody used a form of punishment that Hogwarts disapproved of it was hilarious.

      I think they were concerned about Umbridge's decree because she's set out in writing that she's allowed to expel any students in a club she didn't approve of. I mean, she probably would have expelled them without the decree, too, but, this way there's more suspense? Or something?

    2. I think they knew they would probably get expelled even before the decree. I think this was to add more suspense but it didn't really work. Or kids are just dumb and didn't think this through until put in writing.

    3. I dunno, I feel like the decree adds more, like, danger to the club (because of the put in writing thing) but it's more the worry that she's done it because she knows about DA and that she'll be seeking them out to expel them.


      No, I totally get the Hermione thing, because her thinking is 'Sirius has been ridiculous and wants us to be reckless and CRAZY recently so... Should we even be doing this?' and frankly I think it's smart to question anything Sirius thinks is right. HAVING SAID THAT, I still think DA is a good idea. Which means I agree with Sirius. WTF?!

      It does go a bit from 'you poor boy! The things you've gone through!' to 'SERIOUSLY?!' in this section really. Bloody Quidditch!

    4. There was probably a way before to explain why they were all meeting together if they got caught(I think they had a study group excuse all prepared?), but with the decree thing, they can't use ANY excuse. No matter what their reason for meeting, if the group wasn't approved by Umbridge, they'll be expelled no matter what. So the danger stakes are definitely higher.

  4. I wish I could comment on the Yorkshire thing but all I'm coming up with is "Yorkshire pudding." Lousy American. As for the whole "worst I've ever felt thing," I think what he means is that he's feeling bad about himself, which is totally different than grief and terror. Both Ron and Harry are ashamed of what they've done, which is something we see pretty rarely in this series (you know, until the end of this book when Harry has a full-on shame and guilt fest.)

    1. Hehehe, fair enough. Yorkshire puddings are probably the most important Yorkshire invention anyway. And ooooh, I like this 'feeling bad about myself' thing. Because, yeah, that makes sense. Very good, thank you!

  5. I don't really care about the giants either. No, wait, I do actually find the info about giant wars and such interesting, I just can't seem to be interested in Hagrid.

    I feel like a terrible HP fan for not loving Hagrid, but this read-through has really made me find him annoying. I mean, I hate Umbridge/Rita Skeeter for attacking him because of his parentage, BUT he could maybe help himself by being a competent teacher and avoid at least the valid criticisms. I mean, needing a fifteen year old to plan your lessons in order to save your job doesn't say much about your skills as an educator.

    OMG how did I get so ranty about Hagrid all of a sudden?? I think it was ALL THE CAPSLOCK in this week's posts.

    1. Dude, Hagrid hate? I think not! But... I kind of don't care about Hagrid that much either? I mean, I like him because he's a good friend to Harry and whatnot, but he's pretty stupid pretty often, and I feel really bad for Grubbly Plank because she is SUCH a better teacher. Although I guess she doesn't want to be a full time teacher so, whatever. Anyway- I'm definitely not into Hagrid in this book because he is ALL about the giants. And, you know, SNORE.

  6. I think Sirius is like the only thing we agree on, dude. ;) Or maybe just HP in general, Snape-love aside.

    Boys and their sports, man. Boys and their sports.

    I HOPE Hogwarts is in Yorkshire. Also, yeah, totally pro-DA. Because how can you not be, really. It's the coolest.

    1. Seriously, we agree on SO much in HP! It's kind of insane, considering our history. But I like it! :)

      *eye roll at the boys. And also Angelica and whatnot*

      I'm just going to place Hogwarts right in the middle of some lovely lovely moors in my mind forevermore. It looks pretty great there, I have to say. DA IS awesome. But saying that means I have to agree with Sirius, which is annoying for me.

  7. 'mostly fun but with some, you know, perilous bits' - how I like my books, if we're being honest.

    I am borrowing that Ryan Gosling gif, because that is how I feel about Harry every two pages.

    1. Go for it! It's kind of how I feel about THIS WHOLE BOOK. Although I've started reading the next section and I like it better already cause there's DRAMAZ. So that's good.

  8. AH this was not my favorite book. Or even my favorite part of this book [I may be...silently stalking the readalong and sort-of participating]. And at this point, I think Hermione & I are on the same page about "the quidditch." Seriously. Can we have another tournament or something?

    Love the attitude. And if you want to rip Umbridge's leg off and beat her with it, I am right there behind you.
