
Monday 1 April 2013

50 Shades of Grey is actually not bad...

As some savvy readers have noted in the comments, this is in fact an April Fool's Day joke and not, you know, evidence that I should be sectioned. Having said that, I still haven't read these books, so there's always time for me to ACTUALLY secretly like them...

I've been harbouring a dirty little secret for a while now and I feel like today's the day to let it out to the world- I read 50 Shades of Grey (and the rest...) and I actually kind of... Liked it?

I know. I KNOW. This was the last thing I was expecting too, and yet... The books, certain gross sex scenes aside, actually make up a love story for the ages- the sexually advanced, yet emotionally disturbed billionaire and the young innocent (poor) woman who finally, eventually, saves him, because in the end he wants to be saved. It's lovely, really, and I'm really glad I overcame my prejudices and finally read it.

As for the sex... I can't pretend that some of it isn't gross (we've all heard about the tampon bit, right? I'm never going to find that hot, I'm sorry) but it's not as extreme as it's reported to be either, which, for a certain kind of temperament, makes it kind of hot. You know, in places. Sometimes. Ahem. BUT anyway, the point is hey, it's not so bad, and if bored housewives want to use it to spice up their sex lives then they definitely should. Yep.

I think we're all aware of my feministic feminismness, and I think 50 Shades has gotten a lot of press (I mean, I say press, I really mean internet criticism- the mainstream media is just like 'ZOMG PEOPLE ARE READING!') about how very sexist it is. And... I don't know, you guys! I mean, Christian has power because he has money, but Ana has power over his EMOTIONS, which means she has the power over him (and his money and everything) and she really seems to be in control a lot of the time. So, you know, that's pretty cool, and definitely not what I was expecting. I guess because we're in her head, we know that she knows what she's doing, even if it might not seem that way on the outside. What a smart cookie.

So, my inner goddess is alarmed and thrilled about 50 Shades of Grey. They're worth a read because, even if you think you're not going to like them, I think it's easy to find something in them that rings true for everyone. Um... Is is too soon to read them again?


  1. Laura NOOOOOOOO!

    I only read a few lines of this in a bookstore (the language was atrocious, worse than Twilight) but from what I hear the relationship is super not good, basically it's a middle aged woman's idea of bdsm which is really off base and potentially harmful.

    I'm just going to leave this Laci Green link about 50 Shades and the relationship riiiiight here...

    1. (but I don't really care if people read this and like it, each to their own I guess, it's more the relationship/people embarking on unhealthy or dangerous bdsm couplings that irks me)

    2. Ohhhh Kayleigh, I could just feel you losing allll respect for me as your comments came through! But it's all ok. I'm back to normal now. There there *soothes you*

      For the record, I was using the tumblr 50 Shades of Suck to look at quotes and I almost couldn't write this because it was just THAT bad. I read like 5 pages of the first book and had to stop? Bad times.

    3. *blushes* Stupid April 1st, I'm the MOST gullible.

      But seriously, the relationship in that book seems SO BAD, which I guess it to be expected from Twilight fan-fiction, but yeachhhh.

  2. Haha, nice April Fool post!! You nearly had me going there, but there's just no way you'd ever read Fifty Shades - much less the whole trilogy! :-)

    1. Oh my god I can't believe I forgot about April Fools *blushes*

    2. Lol, I was halfway through a shocked and ranty comment when I suddenly thought "Hang on a minute..."!

    3. Hehehehe, awww, you guys! Here was my hidden secret 'this isn't real' message: "I feel like today's the day to let it out to the world." Ohhhh yes. :)

  3. Oh, you're good. JOKE'S ON US. Unless you're serious and then I'm just going to say... that's cool, Laura. :)

    1. I was definitely not serious. I think I basically said the opposite to my actual feelings about the books. Apart from that the sex is gross, because ewww tampon.

  4. Haaaa, you so TRICKY! I read it and I thought, "You know what? Go Laura. Like what you like and don't be ashamed of it." But I love Kayleigh M's first comment, hahaha.

    1. Oh man, I would totally be ashamed if I actually liked 50 Shades though. Maybe THAT'S why I haven't read them! But awww, thanks for supporting my apparent bad taste instead of getting Kayleigh M cross hahaha

  5. So Imma go ahead and assume this is April Fools. Tricky tricky

    1. When you assume, you make an ass out of... Ok, no, yeah, it's totally an April Fools. It was a friend of mine's idea and I liked it :) But obvs I'll never do it again cause it won't really be surprising ever again. But it was fun for a bit.

  6. OH THANK GOD IT'S APRIL FOOLS DAY. I totally fell for it. I was about to jump onto my OMGWTF horrid writing, blatant domestic abuse if not violence! rampage when I decided to read the other comments.

    That's a good one. You really had me going.

  7. Happy April the first :p

  8. OMG I'm so happy this is a joke. I was gonna be nice, but I was like "Ohh, Laura...."

    And I have no idea what the tampon scene is, and I don't think I want to know... eww.

  9. Ha!! I totally feel for this until I read everyone else's comments...and I gotta say, this is the best April Fool's joke I have seen all day, and that's saying a lot since the internet has exploded with them (if I see another "Surprise! I'm pregnant" status update I might hurl).

    Also, my initial reaction was "huh. Well, Go Laura - you are brave to admit this!" Haha! :)

  10. I just read this now and thought: This is why we can't have nice things... rant rant rant... Get off my lawn!

    It's a good thing I read the comments above prior to posting because anyone saying that Ana is in control and a smart cookie needs to be unfollowed without a trace.

  11. LOL!!!!!!!!!!
    Nice one ;)
