
Sunday 28 December 2014

Christmas Loot!

It's just occurred to me that it's Sunday (even though, as I think we all know, the days between Christmas and New Year don't even count really) so this is kiiiind of a Sunday Sundries post except not because I'm basically going to show you the books I got for Christmas and not even show you what people from the internet got me because that stuff is back at my actual residence and I am at my parents' still and also I suuuuuck.
I know, Skarsgard. I know.
But that's ok! It's all good! I can show you all my other books! Now, the deal with this Christmas was this. I am a very poor person, so I had to do things like make my parents buy me a TV as my Christmas present way back in September so I could watch TV with my housemates, you know, ever, which was actually a dumb thing to do because I now never watch it because Shakespeare has enveloped my whole life. Nonetheless, that was my Christmas present from them (mainly...) and then things happened like I wore a hole in the bottom of my favourite converse (dark blue low tops) and saw a unicorn jumper online that was very expensive but which I neeeeeded (and which I am now wearing. Because life is good.) 

There is totally a point to all this aside from my desperate need for STUFF, SO MUCH STUFF; and that is this: I didn't really ask for that many books for Christmas. To be even more specific, I actually did ask for quite a few books for Christmas, but ten of them were fully Shakespeare plays that I actually need for the new term and so weren't massively fun presents at all. What do 10 Shakespeare plays look like all stacked on top of each other (asked no one ever)? Sort of like this:
Try to contain your excitement, people.

Anyway. So like I say, I didn't ask for all that many other books, but fortunately for me, my mum got a mini-ipad this year and discovered Amazon wishlists, so she got me a couple of books that I didn't even ask for, and my sister got me about three that she chose herself, so it ended up being pretty decent for books. Take a peek: 
So here's what was on my list and I very luckily got: The Clothbound Madame Bovary (sooooo pretty), Yes Please by Amy Poehler (aka one of the greatest people in the world), Life, Art, Words, which is a biography of Tove Jansson (aka the lady who drew the Moomins aka those guys I go on about all the time), and Homemade Decadence, Joy the Baker's second recipe book. ALL VERY EXCITING!

Here are the books I wasn't expecting: I got a Nutella recipe book SHAPED LIKE A JAR OF NUTELLA from my sister who I don't think knows how many times I looked at that book and wanted to buy it but didn't because I'm poor... But she did a good job anyway!
Side Nutella story- I told my mum that Selfridges were selling personalised Nutella jars (you queue up and tell them what to put on the jar and they print you a label and whatnot) and that I wanted one so she got me a jar of Nutella for my Christmas stocking and stuck my name on it with little letter stickers. Not in a straight line. Not exactly what I wanted, but cheers, mum!
Back to the books.... My sister also got me two Breaking Bad book because the girl knows what I want from life- one is called Breaking Down Breaking Bad, which looks like a kind of exploration of different themey things from the show, and the other (SO EXCITED) is Breaking Bad and Philosophy, which is SO my thing, was in fact on my Amazon wishlist but she didn't know it, and OH MY GOD. How would I not want to morally philosophise about basically the greatest TV show ever? Exactly. 

My Auntie got me a sewing book which is totally Relevant To My Interests, even if I don't have a whole load of time to sew at the moment *looks longingly at the end of March* and will totally be useful for things like making a baby bib from a bandanna (Yessssssss!) My mum's wishlist wanderings hit total paydirt- She got me a Murakami (A Wild Sheep Chase) AND a Tove Jansson book for grown up people, A Winter Book, which feels seasonally appropriate. Aaaaand basically yes, I am pretty spoilt. Is that a problem? (Not yet).



  1. Now THAT is what I'd call a pretty nice book haul. Well done, you, and all on top of a TV. And oh, I just laughed and laughed at your mum's rendition of the personalized Nutella jar. Good one, Laura's mum. I know exactly that Nutella cookbook you mean because we sell it in my bookshop. It sells rather well, as you might imagine.

    I had an excellent Christmas, but there was a definite dearth of books under the tree for me. The only books I got were the ones from my Secret Santa at The Broke & the Bookish blog -- in fact, I think that's the only reason I still participate in that particular Secret Santa one, because otherwise I wouldn't get any books at all. Woe is I, and all that.

    Cheers to a wonderful New Year, Laura!

    1. I can't even tell if my mum was being annoying or trying to be cute! I was amused, anyway haha. I can't think of a better idea for a cookbook than one shaped like a nutella jar, to be honest!

      Aw, poor Emily and your lack of book presents :( At least you can basically get all the books you want whenever and all... Won't feel too sorry for you then ;)

  2. Niiiice stacks of books lady! Even the Shakespeare one, that is a metric crap ton of Shakespeare. And kudos to the peeps in your life for utilizing your Amazon wishlist ��

    Hope you have a very lovely New Year!!

    1. SO MUCH SHAKESPEARE. I have to read that in the next 12 weeks, man. I'm screwed. (Or... I'm going to be tired all the time again. Yay!)

      Happy new year to you! She says a million days later. Whatever.

  3. I've got ten Shakespeare plays stacked on top of each other as a focal point on my bookshelves - but mine are all the Penguin Shakespeare ones with the medieval-art-style covers and they look looooovely. :P

    1. Ah yes, the Penguin Shakespeares- we're not allowed to buy them because their introductions aren't detailed enough or something... Even though my lecturer freaking WROTE the one for King Lear! TBH I wanted to stick with my giant RSC complete works but NOPE. Not allowed. Fucking universities stealing all my money *mutters bitterly*

  4. Soooo much Shakespeare. But that Nutella book sounds boss. AND I like pictures of bookstacks, so this post is A+, madam.

    1. Why thank you. I do try. I like how you basically just said 'regardless of Shakespeare WHO I HATE, this is a good post' haha


    1. *bows* hey, I just opened the presents! Other people did the hard work and stuff.

  6. I mean you cannot get any more white dude than Shakespeare. Really. And yes those essays. I think I was reading a thousand pages during grad school each week and none of it for fun. But think about what a smarty pants you'll be when you're all done!

    Happy new year sweet lady.

  7. Frankly, I wouldn't be tooo worried about what the bionic, bloated, whorizontal world thot about me, dear; I'd be much more concerned about what Jesus shall say at our General Judgment. You may not like me now, yet, I’m not out to please you, girl. Lemme wanna gonna tella youse Who (grrr - New Joisey accent):

    Not sure if we're on the same page if you saw what I saw. Greetings, earthling. Because I was an actual NDE on the outskirts of the Great Beyond at 15 yet wasn’t allowed in, lemme share with you what I actually know Seventh-Heaven’s Big-Bang’s gonna be like for us if ya believe: meet this ultra-bombastic, ex-mortal-Upstairs for the most extra-blatant, guhroovaliciousness (-Austin POW!ers), pleasure-beyond-measure, Ultra-Yummy, Reality-Firepower-Addiction in the Great Beyond for a BIG-ol, kick-ass, party-hardy, robust-N-risqué, eternal-real-McCoy-warp-drive you DO NOT wanna miss the sink-your-teeth-in-the-rrrock’nNsmmmokin’-hot-deal: PLEASE KEEP HANDS/FEET INSIDE THE WIDE UNTIL WE MADE A CIRCUMFERENCE OF NEVER-ENDING-POSSIBILITIES. Yes, we’ll have a high-flying, immense-impression to be an outstanding-red-marker! For God, anything and everything and more! is possible!! Puh-leeeze meet me Upstairs. Do that for us. Cya soon, girl…

    1. OMG is that a real comment? Because if not, best spam ever.
