
Tuesday 23 December 2014

RIP IX BOOK 4: Sharp Objects by Gillian Flynn

I'm not sure how ridiculous it is to post an RIP review two months after the event ended, nor am I sure how wise it is to try and remember what actually happened in the book three months after I read it, but nonetheless, let's have a go. Almost immediately after reading Gone Girl, I ordered a three book bundle thing of Gillian Flynn's for basically a fiver, which included Gone Girl but £2.50 is still a pretty good price for a book so I got it anyway. I say immediately after because, the more I think about Gone Girl, the less I think I actually liked it so much as I thought it was immensely readable (which isn't a bad thing, at all) but still, I was left with these Gillian Flynn books.

So, I read Sharp Objects. And it is better than Gone Girl. See: finishing it 3 months ago and still thinking it was pretty great. The story is based around Camille Preaker, a journalist who is asked to return to her hometown to cover the murders of a couple of girls, and really it's about her fucked up family, and her fucked up self. I think Flynn is really good at writing characters who aren't really likeable- there are points where you do feel for Camille, but there's just enough cutthroat ambition and general nastiness about her that it's impossible to really like her.

But she's just the start of it. There's also her weirdly smothering and then pushing away mother, her half-sister who is out of control but also extremely childlike in front of their mother, and a motley assortment of townspeople who don't really like or trust Camille. Everyone is kind of exceptionally nasty, and it's difficult to know who the murderer is because everyone seems like they could probably be capable of it.

So, yeah. This is a crime thriller as well as a fucked up family saga, and whilst I am of course not going to tell you who the murderer is (duh), I am going to moan about Flynn's writing style. So, I feel like there is a point at which the plot is pushed a certain way, and there isn't really any wiggle room within that interpretation for believing anyone else is the killer. This is fine, and it generally makes you feel really smart that you've figured it out, but then Flynn will put in a twist that means everything you've been told before is invalidated, and it's just like 'SURPRISE! This happened!' without any real basis for it. To me, this just feels like sloppy writing practice. Of course it's going to be surprising, because there is nothing else anywhere to have really made it likely, so instead of being shocking, it just kind of makes me roll my eyes and sigh a little bit because what was the point of all that, then?

This is kind of how I felt about Gone Girl too, in the end, but the reason it doesn't make me hate Sharp Objects beyond all else is because I think there is enough else here to make it an actually decent book. The creepy family ties, the fucked up protagonist, and I haven't even mentioned the attractive cop and the drugs and the reason the book is even called Sharp Objects... There's quite a lot going on here, is what I'm saying. It hasn't made me jump up and down and want to marry Flynn or anything, but there is some very good stuff here, plus it has made me want to read Dark Places, so good work, Gillian. Good work.


  1. I did more or less the same as you - bought the other two books immediately after finishing Gone Girl and then totally didn't read them for ages. Still haven't actually.

    This one sounds reasonably good though? I think... Charlotte? read either this one or the other one (most helpful comment ever) and she liked it, so maybe I'll get round to it in the New Year.

    1. Hahaha, your comment was so detailed and useful, Hanna! This was genuinely good though, I just could have done without the ending because it annoyed me. But I enjoyed it while I was reading it, which is still how I feel about Gone Girl, and that is not a bad thing.

  2. Uuugh I dislike forced twists (M. Night Shamalalanana) Perhaps I will try this but I dunno. I like the idea of crime thriller & fucked up family but badly executed twist. Hrrrm.

    (I haven't even gotten to reviewing all of the horror books I read in October. I need to plan this stuff better...)

    1. I meaaaan... the forced twist is like 20 pages at the end or something (I KNOW. So crap) and it is totally annoying but I should have been expecting it because Flynn. But I STILL say that I enjoyed it regardless of that, because I really did. There was ATMOSPHERE and TENSION and it was very good. And better than Gone Girl.

      (I love you for saying this, it makes me feel much better for being such a blog slacker. Goddamn slacker.)

  3. I definitely prefer this to Gone Girl! I've read all of her novels now, and Gone Girl is my least favourite.

    I personally wasn't bothered by the twist at the end (it actually led the story back to where I initially thought it was going), but I can completely understand how it could be irritating.

    1. Yeah, I can definitely see Gone Girl as being my least favourite. The more I think about it, the more I go 'eh'

      I just felt like the twist was really rushed and annoying, but kudos to you for figuring that out! It wasn't that it was THAT ridiculous (like 'it was the guy in the bagel shop!' or whatever) but I also just didn't really need it.

  4. hahaha, I refreshed my bloglovin feed twice because I was wondering why there was an RIP review in December!

    Sharp Objects is definitely better than Gone Girl, but maybe it's because I had already loved Flynn's writing.
    This is another one where you are pulled into the craziness that ensues and no favorite characters stand out because they're ALL messed up. Not your typical "protagonist" either.
    Another Flynn-twist (was it a double-twist this time?) at the end: "surprise, sucker! Not so smart, are you?" taunted Ms. Flynn. When I reviewed this one, I think I tagged the entry under "WTF did I just read".

    1. I know right? How much do I suck at everything? Soooooo much.

      I think it was just a single twist? (I read it a very long time ago...) Basically I didn't really need it and it annoyed me, but ok yeah, do whatever you want Gillian, I GUESS. Damn her.
